Daniel W. VanArsdale

Version 1/2015

The chain letters in the Paper Chain Letter Archive are html files containing transcribed text and documentation. These files reside in the directory.
This annotated index lists the clickable names of all files in the archive. A one line description follows each filename. These are highly variable.
The Paper Chain Letter Archive is cited extensively
by Chain Letter Evolution (a history and analysis of paper chain letters), and the companion article The Origin of Money Chain Letters. You may copy or link to any chain letter in the archive without

These public files and directories pertaining to paper chain letters are present in the /archive/ directory.  
   CONTENT                     THIS FILE, which lists, links to, and annotates the chain letters in the Paper Chain Letter Archive.
   chain letter files     LINKS LISTED BELOW. Text and documentation of each of the chain letters in the archive.
   !information           Technical information on documenting, naming and formatting archive entries. Additional acknowledgments. 
  /french/                  A directory containing some French language chain letters.  Contents listed in !content-fr.
  /german/                A directory containing some German language chain letters. Contents listed in !content-ge.
  /russian/                 A directory containing some Russian language chain letters. Contents listed in !content-ru.

These are two small archives in the /chain-letter/ directory.
  /e-archive/             Contains chain emails mentioned in Chain Letter Evolution. Contents listed at !contents-e.
  /photo-archive/      Contains photographs related to chain letters. Contents listed at !contents-ph.

                                                               CHAIN LETTER FILES

Every chain letter in the archive is transcribed exactly as written. Each appears as a separate html file (extension htm).
The names of these files are selected so they order usefully by name, and provide information about the letter.
Ordering is by (1) motivational category, (2) language, (3) circulation date (if published in a newspaper, the date of the newspaper).

Motivational categories: a = advocacy, c = charity,  j = parody, l = luck, m = money, r = religion, w = world record, x = exchange
Other categories:  h = Himmelsbrief, i = related items.
Definitions of these ten categories are given at the beginning of each block of corresponding items below.

Languages:  d = Dutch, e = English, f = French,  g = German,  ic = Icelandic,  pl = Polish, pr = Portuguese.
Dates:  xxxx = year only,  xxxx-xx = year and month only, xxxx-xx-xx = year-month-day
Uncertainty in date = "u" immediately after year or month. Example: 1935-05u means the month "05" is uncertain.

Source designators used directly at the end of the date: p = published, p1 = found using,
     p2 = found using,
xxx = various horde designations.
Chain letter specifications:  s = send,  q = copy quota,  w = wait,  d = deadline,  n5 = a list with 5 names.
Incomplete text is designated by an underline at the end of the filename. Example: le1960-03-026p_bym_n28_.htm is fragmentary.
Example: le1906-06-30p1_ap_recite_q9.htm is the filename for a luck chain letter (l) in English (e) in a newspaper dated June 30, 1906, found using the online database (p1).
It is a type called Ancient Prayer (ap), has the word "recite" in its text, and asks for nine copies (q9).

The first item in the notes following the filenames describes the physical form of the original source for the text of the chain letter.
Here are abbreviations used to describe this physical form.
Lt.     A handwritten or typed letter.
 A machine printed letter or form.
PC     A picture postcard, or government issued postal card.

A circulating photocopy.
Publ.  A publication, or commercially produced postcard.

Additional abbreviations appear in red type in many of the categories below.

Clicking the category name below will transfer within this index to the list of archive items of that category. The categories are arranged alphabetically by their one letter abbreviation given
above (a, c, h, i, j, l, m, r, w, x).

Advocacy   Charity   Himmelsbrief    Items    Parody    Luck    Money   Religion   World Record   Exchange

Advocacy chain letters promote some cause other than religion, and do not ask that money be sent. Often they involve a petition.
Also included in this category are announcements and invitations.
a = Advocacy,  e = English,  p = from a publication,
q = copy quota, d = deadline

ae1890p1_Boxers_q6-q10 China_.htm  Publ. - partial. Handbill citing the crimes of the "foreign devils."  Boxer rebellion. Six or ten copies.
ae1899-04-15p1_suffrage_Okla_q4.htm  Publ. "You are cordially invited to join the ranks of suffrage advocates in Oklahoma."
ae1900-08-29p1_anti-mckinley_q2.htm  Publ. Endless chain of prayer for defeat of McKinley. W.C.T.U. Two copies - one to out of state.
ae1901-08-03p1_PromotesLabels_q5.htm  Publ.  "New Scheme to Promote Purchase of Fair Goods."  Five copies.
ae1902-03-24_anti-smoking_q3.htm  Lt.  "a mammoth petition  ... for a National law to prohibit the sale of cigarettes to minors."
ae1902up_sabbath_q7d7_.htm  Publ. Prayer chain for sabbath closing. Alleged by Donald Wickets (George Sylvester Viereck pseudonym).
ae1903-09-04_anti-smoking_q4.htm  PC "A National league is being founded to start a crusade against the cigarette habit."
ae1904-03-29p1_anti-smoking_fake_q4.htm  Publ.  U. S. Moral Society, Philadelphia.  Claim it is fake - denounced by W.C.T.U.
ae1904-10-21_anti-smoking_q4.htm  PC "A National League has been formed ..."  "A Mammoth Petition is to be sent to Congress..."
ae1907-03-27p1_ProtestOklaConst_negro.htm  Publ. Chain letter by Negroes denounces proposed Oklahoma state constitution.
ae1908_temperance_remailer.htm  Text (front & back) of temperance postcard - spaces for four addresses. Link to image.
ae1917-06-05p1_Conscientious-Objectors.htm  Publ.  Detailed instructions for conscientious objectors to conscription for WWI.
ae1917-11-05p_antiwar_nyt.htm  Publ. NYT.  Refers to La Follete's speech of 4/8/17.  "...and send ... to friends of immediate peace."
ae1918-06-13p1_anti-propaganda_q3+htm  Publ.  Chain letter urging suppression of malicious stories against US war effort.
ae1920-02-21p1_SinnFein_q4.htm  Publ.  Opposing cooperation with Royal Irish Police - by Sinn Fein.
ae1922-09-02p1_anti-prohibition_q5.htm  Publ. Opposes prohibition. "Send this letter to five wet friends."
ae1923-05-08p2_SugarBoycott.htm  Publ.  "Owing to the unfair jump in the price of sugar and for no apparent cause ..."

ae1926-01-08p1_safety_ccc_q9.htm  Publ.  Automobile safety campaign. ccc = "Cross crossings cautiously"  See luck letters.
ae1927-11-23p_coolidge_q10.htm  Publ.  NYT, 11/23/27. Chain petition started to draft Coolidge for President in 1928.
ae1931-01-15p1_CECP_q=one-a-day.htm   Publ. Urges spending, enterprise and a positive attitude to revive the US economy.
ae1932-02-13p1_China-Japan_qu_.htm  Publ.  Advocates boycott of all things Japanese.
ae1932-06-01_anti-prohibition_q10.htm  Typed letter. Asks Pres. Hoover to modify prohibition. Ten copies.
ae1935-03-01p2_ProsperityClub_pledge_q5.htm  Publ.  " ... on May 1, 1935, we will all start together, buying and working."
ae1937-04-25p1_odd-invitation_q2.htm  Publ. A chain letter invitation to an "unusual" party. From Helen Mont - concurrent suicide.
ae1939-01-16p1_XThirdTerm_q5.htm  Publ. PC. anti-Roosevelt. "Ten million postcards will kill this third term talk." Quota 5. 
ae1939-04-17p_anti-war_q4s1.htm  Publ.  Chain petition - anti-war. "Is your life worth 5 cents to you?"
ae1940-06-19p1_anti-war_Neutrality.htm  Publ. American Neutrality League (partial). Opposes US entry in war in Europe.
ae1940-08-15_willkie_q10.htm  Lt. Advocates Republican Wendell Willkie for President. No money. Provided by Wendell Peterson.
ae1940-10-08_HooversMistakes.htm  Publ & chain letter. Used in 1940 Presidential campaign. Anti-Roosevelt.
ae1947-09-26p1_Price-Boycott_q5+.htm  Publ.  Advocating 15 day buying boycott protesting high price of butter, meat, eggs.
ae1949-04-28p_czech_nyt.htm  Publ. NYT. "I do not agree with the dictatorship of the Communist party in the Czechoslovak Republic ..."
ae1955-10-30_postcards-for-nixon_q10.htm  PC. A B&W portrait & promotion for Nixon for Pres. Ordering instructions.
ae1965-02-06p1_KKK_DrewPearson_q10.htm  Publ. "Have you ever had the urge to tell Drew Pearson to 'go to hell?'" KKK
ae1985-11-14_nonukes_q10.htm  Lt. "... support of a world wide movement for nuclear disarmament."
ae1985-12-11_nonukes_ten_q10.htm  Lt.  "Write ten scholars you know and send a copy to Professor Ito ..."
ae1986-01-07_nonukes_q10_2pp.htm  Lt. "
I am continuing this chain as a expression of a world-wide movement for nuclear disarmament."
ae1986-02_greenham.htm Lt. Recruiting for Greenham peace camps. "They do not need gifts of food but more women to go and stay there."
ae1986-05-09_nonukes_q10.htm  Lt. "
I have received a letter which is a part of a chain that started in Nagoya University, Japan."
ae1986-09-10_proctor.htm  PhC - transcription. Libelous Proctor & Gamble boycott for Satanism. List of products. Link to image.
ae1988-02-02_apartheid.htm  PhC.  
"Dr. Mzobanzi Mboya ... has initiated a chain ... to abolish apartheid in South Africa."
ae1988-02-17_apartheid.htm  PhC  "Please join the chain by writing ten further teachers, and send a copy of your letter to Dr. M. Mboya ..."
ae1988-07-12_romania.htm  PhC  "If you agree ..., please copy it and send it on to other addresses like a round-robin letter."
ae1988-07-28_apartheid_q10.htm  PhC  "A chain letter linking world academics in solidarity for the abolition of apartheid in South Africa ..."
ae1989_o'hare-fcc_q10.htm  PhC "Madelyn Murray O'Hare ... could stop the reading of the gospel on airways of America."
ae1991u_o'hare-fcc_q10.htm  PhC  "
Madelyn O'Hare is also campaigning to remove all Christmas songs and carols from public schools."

A charity chain letter requests money or some item be sent to a fixed address, ostensibly for charitable, religious, political or memorial purposes.
c = Charity, e = English,  s=send, c=cent, d =dime, D=dollar, sd = send dime

ce1888-10-08p1_HarrisonCampaign_q2s1dollar.htm  Publ.  "... returning this, with one dollar enclosed, to James P. Foster ..."
ce1888-11-06p1_HofMercy_q2s6c.htm   Publ.  Editor was asked to confirm legitimacy. "Mrs. J. H. Hinsdale is authorized to collect ..."
ce1888-12-07_cumberlands_sdq4.htm  Lt. For education (whites only) in the Cumberlands. NOT self-terminating.  sd = send dime
ce1888-12-22_nh-church_sdq2.htm  Lt. To erect a New Hampshire church. Sent Dec. 22, 1888.  No. 5/13.  
ce1892-06-18p_martin_sdq10.htm   Publ. From George W. Martin to help him become a Christian missionary.
ce1893-05-30_orphan-home_sdq3.htm  Lt. For orphan home in Iowa. Self-terminating at 791 generations. This no. 112 (112/791).
ce1895-04-13_SuttonNebChurch_9of40_sdq2  Lt. For new church building in Sutton, Neb. Send dime, two copies. No. 9 of 40.
ce1895-05-11_mo-widow_sdq2.htm  Lt. For a widow in Marshall, Mo. With adjoining letter. No. 5/30.
ce1896-03-08_boysfarm_sdq3.htm  Lt. For Good Will Farm for boys, Freeman, Maine. No. 45/50.
ce1896-04-28_orphans-ky_sdq3.htm  Lt. For Christian Widows and Orphans Home, Louisville, Ky. No. 28/58.
ce1896u_orphans-ky_sdq3.htm  Lt. For the Christian Orphans Home of Louisville, Ky., as above. No. 21/58. No reliable date.
ce1899-03-15_WarDeadMemorial_sDq5.htm Copied Lt. For a memorial to war Dead. No. 30.
ce1899-03-26_SomervilleNJ-hosp_sDq4.htm  Lt.  From auction photos. Ten cents for the Somerville, N.J. hospital. No. 19/100.  
ce1900-09-12_stamps_q3_oed.htm  Lt. Seeks one million stamps for children's ward - New South Wales. No. 173/180.
ce1901-12-15_mckinley_sdq3.htm  Lt. - typed on RR stationery. For a monument to the late President McKinley. No. 14.
ce1902-02-26p_missing_q3.htm  Publ. Seeks to locate missing woman and her nephew. From Evanston, Illinois. See 1910.
ce1902-05-30p1_McKinley_enemies_q3.htm  Publ. Dime for Canton, Ohio monument. Mentions imposing on "enemies".
ce1903-05-08_barnardo_q3_e.htm  Lt. For the Barnardo homes for children. No. 130/180.
ce1905-02-05p1_million-stamps_q3.htm  Publ.  Seeking a million used stamps (ten at a time) to furnish children's ward.
ce1905-10-26_mckinley_sdq3.htm  Lt. Another for McKinley monument in Canton, Ohio.  No. 209.
ce1906_democrats_q3_.htm  Lt. Copied from unsold eBay lot. For Democratic House campaigns & resulting investigations.
ce1910-10-31_stamps_q3_oed.htm  Lt. For the children's ward (see 1900). Mentioned by Oxford English Dictionary.  No. 375/480.
ce1911-08-17p1_McKinley_sdq3.htm  Publ. "... in receipt of a letter ..."  "... one to a near friend, others far away ..."
ce1913-04-27p1_Hamilton-flood_q3.htm  Publ. Flood relief ($1) for Hamilton, Ohio.  Copy quota three.
ce1915-01-06p1_RedCrossScam_q5.htm  Publ. Claims $.10 to be turned over to Red Cross. Self-terminated at 12. No. 8.
ce1915-04up_redcross_s24q4.htm  Publ. For  anesthetics for allied war wounded. Exceeded original 100 termination.
ce1915-12-20_billy_sdq5.htm  Lt. For W.D. Westberry ("Billy"), an old railroad man.  No. 30/50. See 1916.
ce1916-01-12_tobacco_s25cq5.htm  Lt. Tobacco for "the boys at the front." Send 25c "in silver."
ce1916-05-08p_billy_sdq5.htm  Publ. For Billy. Complete text. No. 34/50. See 1915.
ce1917-03-12p1_anaesthetics_s24c_q4.htm  Publ.  Anaesthetics for allied hospitals in England. Send 24 cents. Four copies. Abundant.
ce1918-03-29_warthrift_q5.htm  Lt. - transcribed from auction photo. Sends one war Thrift Stamp on card with more spaces.
ce1918-04-30_warthrift_q5.htm  Lt. Another Thrift Stamp chain, typed. With envelope and card with one 25c Thrift Stamp.
ce1918-05-15_warthrift_q10.htm  Lt. Thrift Stamp - Van Norsdall Automatic Oiler Co. No stamp, but with Christmas club card.
ce1920u_german-relief_sdq4.htm  Lt. For relief of suffering in Germany incident to the war. Send via Red Cross. No. 95/100.
ce1935-07-17p_flood_sdq3_.htm  Publ. Fragment: Send dime for flood victims (Red Cross).
ce1950-02-06rr_taft_s1Dq10.htm  Lt. Wants $1 to re-elect Ohio Senator Howard Taft. From discarded railroad police files.
ce1950-02-07p1_taft_s1Dq1-0.htm  Publ.  As above, slight changes in text. Cuts off at end.
ce1964-02-19p_evers_s$1q9.htm  Publ.  Asks $1 be sent to Miss. Gov. Ross Barnett for family of slain civil rights leader Medgar Evans.
ce1989-10-10p_craig_getwell.htm  Publ. Asks that get-well cards be sent to 7 year old cancer patient Craig Shergold for Guinness record.
ce1991-01-28_craig_buscard.htm  Lt. Asks that business cards be sent to 7 year old cancer patient Craig Shergold for Guinness record.
ce1996-06-11_farkas_s10Dq10.htm  Lt. Seeks $10 for Home Care Program, Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. By Carol Farkas.


The Letters from Heaven (German: Himmelsbrief) claim to have been written by God or some divine agent. They often command Sabbath observance and promise the bearer magical protection.
All but a few of the Himmelsbrief texts in the archive are from published sources.

h = Himmelsbrief,  e = English,  sab = Jesus' sabbath letter

he1795u_jesus_sab+4.htm  Prtd. Jesus' Sabbath letter & Miracles, King Agbarus to Christ, Christ's answer, and Lentulus's Epistle.
he1863_jesus_sab.htm  Publ. Jesus' Sabbath letter. Found at Iconium. Also called The Lady Cubas Letter.
he1875u_india_.htm  Publ. by Anand Yang. Injunctions from Hindu Letters from Heaven, 19th century.
he1890_oration_rc.htm  Prtd.  Catholic. Partial Jesus' Sabbath letter. Oration. Account of the Passion. List of miracles.
he1895u_charles.htm  Publ. The King Charles Himmelsbrief. From the Pennsylvania Dutch country. Berks County Historical Society.
he1895u_holstein.htm  Publ. The Holstein Himmelsbrief. Much protection against weapons. The translation has been criticized.
he1895u_philip.htm  Publ. The Count Philip Himmelsbrief. Used in the Revolutionary War.
he1896-09-20p1_jesus_sab_+2.htm  Publ.  Jesus' Sabbath letter. Article has King Agbarrus' letter and Jesus' reply (neither transcribed)
he1910-01-22p1_holstein_1724.htm   Publ.  " Christ stopped at the Mount Olive all guns shall stop."
he1913_jesus_agbar.htm  Publ. (1) Letter from Jesus to King Agbar of Edessa. (2) Letter from King Agbar to Jesus.
he1915_jesus_sab.htm  Publ. Jesus' Sabbath letter. Circulated in the Virgin Islands.
he1926-05-09p1_Jesus-sab_1.htm  Publ. Himmelsbrief - circulating in south through mails. Little text given for this version.
he1926-05-09p1_Jesus-sab_2.htm  Publ. Himmelsbrief - circulating in south through mails. Much text for this version.
he1943u_jesus_sab.htm  Copy of Prtd. Jesus' Sabbath letter. Circulated during the 1940's. From Newfoundland.
he1950u_jesus_sab.htm  Publ.  Jesus' Sabbath letter. Purchased by Goodspeed from a street peddler.
he1951_madgeburg.htm  Prtd. The Madgeburg Himmelsbrief. Printed in the US in 1951.
he1968-11-20p1_holstein_toViet.htm  Publ.  Used in WWII and Vietnam. Accounts of bearers returning from war unharmed.
he1969-09-21p1_jesus sab_Latter-Day.htm  Publ. "Whosoever worketh on the Sabbath ..."  Added: paragraph on "later-day".
he1999-10-24_islamic-l_q20.htm  Email. Posted to an Islamic Coins list. Islamic Himmelsbrief with Lottery24  adjoined. From paper.
hg1850uu_Holstein_HJKJF.htm  Lt. Holstein type letter from heaven. Protections. No sabbath observance. Dog test. No original German.
hg1887u_germain_htm  Prtd. English translation by Kate Gladstone of hg1887u_germain_image1 and ...image2 .
Publ. Jesus' Sabbath letter. Icelandic language (ic).              

ITEMS  (30)
This category contains paper items related to chain letters.
i = item ,  pc = post card

ie1900-04p_pyrsales_skirt.htm  Publ.  The "Parisian Skirt" chain selling plan is described in a personal letter from a woman to her cousin.
ie1904-11-13_pclist_n3.htm  PC  Proto-PC exchange? Three names & addresses on picture side. Asks 1 PC be sent.
ie1906-07-07_Remailer-stack_image.jpg  Image of front & back (stitched) of remailer postcard - stamps stacked.     Link to image..
ie1908-10-19_Remailer-row_image.jpg   Image of front & back (stitched) of remailer postcard - stamps in a row.                      "
ie1909-11-28_pcshower_response.htm PC  Responds to a request for a "Post card shower."  Ask for one in return.
ie1911-09_churchbazaar_notice_e.html  PC Solicits a shilling (Postal Order) for more cards like this - to benefit a church school (?).
ie1912-04-02_pcshower_request.htm  PC - real photo of sender's farm tank. Requests a "card shower" for his mother for her birthday.
ie1916-11-28_pc_askExchange.htm  PC - scan from eBay. Asks recipient to return a postcard.
ie1935-05-10z-pyramid_guaranteed.htm  Lt. Revealing letter on The Guaranteed Prosperity Club. With me1935-05-10_guaranteed_s$1n6.
Typed Office humor - "That leaves you to do the work."  "Eligible for Townsend pension - 50,000,000."
ie1937_xcl-pc-sent_note.htm  PC >email.  Sends PC to XCL 2nd from top.   "I would be pleased to exchange view cars with you."
ie1937-03-10_quiltp-compliance.htm  Lt. with patch. "Pardon my delay in sending the star patch."  
ie1937-08-21_penpal_response.htm  PC "I received your name through a Chain letter ..."  "I am just a farmer's wife and I enjoy farming ..."
ie1940-08-22_xcl-broken.htm  PC  "Don't think it was very sporting of you to break a chain."
ie1940uu_CrazyCL_Matchbook  Match Book cover. Undated, est. 1940. Ads from "Crazy House" in Baltimore. "Crazy Chain Letters"
ie1940uu_CrazyCL_MatchBook_image.jpg  Image of matchbook cover (front & back) with ads for novelties including Crazy Chain Letters.
ie1941uu_xe_hankies_coll-41_ebay.htm  eBay lot description - collection of 41 hankies using XCL. Style comment.
ie1945-08-14_warst_response.htm  Lt. " ...  was sent to me and your name was at the top of the list. So I am enclosing a 25c War stamp."
ie1945u_pc_penpal-request  PC. Donna Reno, apparently responding to a postcard exchange, asks for a pen pal.  Date very uncertain.
ie1948-11-17p1_FoodForThought!_NoGolf.htm  Publ.  Ill fate of 8 tycoons who met in Chicago in 1923. Before Gene Saracen mention.
ie1951-02-16_hanky_response_e.htm  Lt. - England. A response to a hankie exchange chain letter. Hankie enclosed in envelope.
ie1951_xcl-pc-sent_note.htm  PC  "Barbara Buster sent me a chain letter, so here's your post card.  Barbara Gentry"
ie1960-09-06_xcl-pc-sent_note.htm  PC "You don't know who I am but I'm on the chain that Hope started and I glad to send you this card."
ie1963-02-16p1_Tycoons-Fate_Bowler.htm  Publ. Said to come from bowling equipment manufacturer. Predates Gene Sarazen postscript.
ie1966-07-28p1_Tycoons_Sarazen!_Mockridge Publ.  "Food for Thought: with earliest Gene Sarazen postscript. Also see next.
ie1966_playgolf_dolan.htm  From a web page. "Conclusion: Stop worrying about your money and get out and play golf."
ie1967-10-21p1_Food4Thought_golferSarazen.htm  Publ.  Untitled "Food for Thought" (ill fated tycoons). With Gene Sarazen addition.
ie1976_playgolf_menu.htm  Publ. (local). On menu of Cafe Pizzeria, Bloomington, IN.  "Play Golf" office humor item.
ie1977-08p_playgolf.htm  Publ. Esquire, Aug. 1977. Reduced "Play Golf" office humor item.
ie1985u_useful-phrases.htm  PhC.  Office humor item. Mock tourist Arabic for dealing with terrorism.

Parody letters mock the style and methods of circulating chain letters. The request for copies may not be serious, but parody letters often circulate in the mails.
j = parody (joke),  e = English,  wifex = wife exchange type, husbx = husband exchange type,  fertclub = fertilizer club type

je1888-11-04p1_intro-Mass_q2  Publ.  Asks recipient to introduce marriageable man to named woman.
je1935_lucy-bowels.htm  Lt. Parody of Send-a-Dime (SD). Send soiled toilet paper. Signed "Lucy Bowels" (web research) & others.
 Lt. Parody of SD. The "Pull Chain Letter". Send a roll of toilet paper.
je1935_pullchain_no-names.htm  Lt. Pull Chain Letter. No joke names Send roll of toilet paper. Wipe out national debt.
je1935-05-06p2_LiquidAssets_sd-parody.htm  Publ. "In Bacchus We Bust" "Within three drinks make five copies ..."
je1935-05-03-_hay_.htm  Publ. Parody - partial text. Send bale of hay, used socks, used razor blades.
je1935rr_chastise.htm  Lt. Parody. "Chastisement Club". Kick five SD senders twice in the ass. Five copies to robust friends.
je1935rr_kick.htm  Lt. "Kick in the Ass Chain". Two kicks to five senders. From railroad detective files.
je1935-05-16p2_GoodRiddanceClub.htm  Publ. "When you receive this letter, buy yourself a gun and shoot the guy at the top ..."
je1935-06-21p_wifex!_q5.htm   Publ.  Reno Prosperity Chain.  "... you should receive 15,125 women."
je1939-06-14p1_wifex_Reno_15175.htm  Publ. Wife exchange parody. "...bundle up your wife and send her ..."
je1939-09-01p1_wifex_3125_q5.htm  Publ.  Ends: "... you will receive 3125 women." No "Reno"  US, 1939.
je1939-11-03p1_wifex_wife-back!_q5.htm  Publ.  "One man broke the chain and got his own wife back."
je1944-07-12p1_wifex_back_15625.htm  Publ. "...send a copy ... to five soldiers ..."  Wife back.  "15,625 gorgeous girls"
je1946-07-28p1_wifex_15176_w-back.htm  Publ.  "...started in Reno ..."  "...15,176 Gorgeous Girls."  Wife back joke.
je1947-10-27_wifex_16179_w-back.htm  Lt. "Reno" "...16,179 women." With list of 7 names: "Tommy Manville ..."
je1948-03-19p1_wifex_MansParadise.htm  Publ. "Man's Paradise Chain Letter."  "...receive 6,718 women."  Wife back joke.
je1949-03-23p1_husbx!_15188.htm  Publ.  "Wife" substituted for "husband". Otherwise standard for time. Receive 15,188 men.
je1953-05-29_wifex_smile!_183.htm  Lt. Wife exchange parody. Friend received 183 women - died. Had smile (earliest).
je1953-06-27p1_husbx_smile_16178.htm  Publ  Smile on face joke. 16,178 men.
je1954-07-20p_wifex_pc_188.htm  Prtd. PC.  Wife exchange commercial postcard. You will get 188 women.
je1954-08-01_wifex_n9_undertaker!.htm  Lt. "...started in Peoria"  Nine celebrity names.  Undertaker joke as a PS.
je1954up_wifex_3246.htm  Publ. Wife exchange letter. Get 3246 women. One man broke chain - got own wife back.
je1954u_wifex_pc_1276.htm  PC - unmailed. Commercial postcard from England. Wife exchange.
je1954u_wifex_pc_1276_e.htm  PC - unmailed. Exactly as above, except US "dillies" is "smashers" in England.
je1954u_wifex_pc_188.htm  PC - unmailed. Commercial postcard, no illustration - prtd. text only. Get 188 women.
je1955p_wifex_625.htm  Publ. Get 625 women. Both: "got old lady back" and got 256 women, died with a smile.
je1955-03-02p_wifex_smile_16487.htm  Publ. from mimeograph. Get 16,4487 women. Like je1955_wifex - both concluding jokes.
je1956-04-17p_wifex_pc_5814.htm  PC - mailed 4/17/1956 from Oklahoma. Get 5,814 women. Commercial PC.
je1957-06-20p_wifex_undertakers_16740.htm  Publ.  Get 16,740 women.
Like je1955_wifex - both concluding jokes.
je1959-05-23p_wifex_16478.htm  Publ.  Get 16,487 women. Only concluding joke: got old lady back.
je1962-04-14p_wifex_pc_5814.htm  PC - mailed 4/11/1962 from Utah.  Same card as je1956-04.
je1964p_RepublicanCL_pc_q10.htm  PC - commercial, unmailed. "the Republican Chain Letter". Opposes Lyndon Johnson.
je1968-08-01p1_husbx_undertakers!.htm  Publ.  Husband exchange - from Walter Winchell. Undertakers erase grin.
je1971-12p_fertclub!_3267.htm  Publ. Crap on lawn of first address. Get 3267 same. Lucy Bowels on list. Earliest fertclub.
je1974u_wifex_BirthdayCard_smile_16477.htm Commercial Card  Smile (but no undertakers). Joli
je1977-11-18p1_minister-exchange.htm  Publ. Substitution in wife exchange parody. Get 16,436 pastors.
je1979-05-27p1_husbx_16748_q5.htm  Publ.  Husband Exchange - earliest collected. " get smile off face."  
je1980-05_husbx_16874.htm  Lt. > PhC. Early Husband Exchange. Get 16,874 men. Both concluding jokes.
je1980-06-17_wifex_2000.htm  Lt. Get over 2,000 women. Slots for 8 names. One man ... got his own bitch back."
je1985-03-02_wifex_16487.htm  Lt. Get 16,487 women. Undertaker joke is a PS. Collected by William Hansen.
je1985-06-08_husbx_16877.htm  PhC - typed original. "One woman ... got her own S.O.B. back."
je1985-06-10_husbx_16740.htm  PhC - word processor original. Started as a commercial promotion of a print shop.
je1985-09-23_fertclub_9218.htm  PhC - late generation. "... there will be 9,2218 people shitting on your lawn."
je1985-10-29_fertclub_9216.htm  PhC  Landscape format. "If you are constipated, pass this on ..."
je1986up_husbx_legs!_16877_au.htm  Publ. Circulated in Australia. "It took ... two days to get her legs together."
je1993-08-06_husbx_16877_au.htm PhC  "A Chain Letter for Women Only"  Collected by Michael Preston.

Luck chain letters appeal primarily to superstition, promising good luck if the letter is copied and distributed and bad luck if it is not. They are often called "prayer" chains because many prior types
contained a prayer or Bible verse.

l = luck, e = English, q = copy quota, d = deadline in hours or days, ap = ancient prayer type, gl = good luck type, Fl = Flanders type,
pr = Prosperity type, Fl-pr = Flanders-prosperity type, bym = luck by mail type, d20 = death20 type, ld = lottery-death type,
dl = death-lottery type

ld1989u_dl-dutch_wlcj_q20.htm  PhC. File name: l = luck, d = Dutch language, 1989 = date, u = uncertain date, dl = letter type.
le1906-01-06_ap!_lawrence_q9.htm  Lt. Earliest known Ancient Prayer type. Blamed on Bishop Lawrence. q = copy quota = 9 days.
le1906-01-30p1_ap_recite_q9.htm  Publ.  "He who recites this prayer ..." "At Jerusalem, during holy mass ..."
le1906-02-12p_ap_Purify_mass_q9.htm  Publ. "Purify us from all sins by your precious blood ..."  "At Jerusalem, ..."
le1906-02-14p1_ap-ap_4Prayers.htm  Publ. Doubled Ancient Prayer & 4 prayers. Catholic circulation. "Bishop of Rome"
le1906-02-21p1_ap+_immunity_htm  Publ. Partial text. Early Catholic form. Promises immunity from drowning, arrest.  Italian?
le1906-03-08p1_ap_lawrence_accident.htm  Publ.  Lawrence. Recite.  "dreadful accident" "At  Jerusalem it was heard said:"
le1906-03-08p1_ap_Rome_assassination.htm  Publ.  Two prayers. From Pope. Warns son assassinated. Must recite.
le1906-04-21_ap_BishopOfLorain.htm  Lt. Recommended by the "Bishop of Lorain". Voice heard in Jerusalem Mass.
le1906-05-09p1_ap'_Lenonce_voice.htm  Publ.  "Bishop Lenonce"  Twin prayers. "... a voice was heard ..."  Signed Winston oJurnal.
le1906p_ap_lawrnc.htm  Publ. Bishop Lawrence denies involvement. Chain letter text is probably partial. Full prayer.
le1906-06-28p1_ap_hedge_q9.htm  Publ.  "... terrible accident, so the friend wrote who sent this to me."
le1906-07-04_ap_lawrence_q9w9.htm  PC. Recite it and be "delivered from all calamity." Earliest for many memes. Mary E. Erb.
le1906-07-13p1_ap_preface_q9_.htm  Publ.  Partial text only.  "I want you to be a link in an endless prayer chain ..."
le1906-07-14p1_ap_Lawrence_q9.htm   Publ. "He who will not say this prayer, will be afflicted with some misfortune."
le1906-07-16p1_ap_Tervice_q9.htm  Publ.  Preface: "I send this prayer to you as it was sent to me ..."   "Bishop Tervice's"
le1906-09-21p1_ap_lawrence_q9w9.htm  Publ.  Title: "Endless Prayer Chain" "Bishop Lawrence" "...during the Holy Feast"
le1906-10-06p1_ap_accident_q9.htm  Publ. Standard text. "... one person who paid no attention to it ..."
le1906-10-25p1_ap_lwrnc_try-it.htm  Publ.  "...sent out by Bishop Lawrence of Mass. ..." "Try it and see. It will do no harm."
le1906-11-26p1+_ap-_lwrnc_heard.htm  Publ. No title. Bishop Lawrence. "He who rewrites the prayer ..."  Approving context!
le1906-11-28p1_ap_blood_q9.htm  Publ.  "... we implore thee, the one eternal God..."
le1906-12-03p1_ap_accident_q9.htm  Publ.  "...met with a terrible accident..."  "precious blood"  "holy feast"
le1906-12-04p1_ap-_heard.htm  Publ.  "Bishop Lawrence of Massachusetts"  "I am quite sure this will interest  you."  heard
le1906-12-21p1_ap_Safford_q9.htm  Publ.  "Oh Lord jesus we implore thee Oh Eternal God ..."
le1906-12-24_ap_lawrence_notes_e.htm  Lt. "This prayer was sent by Bishop Lawrence ..." Fulfillment of prayer note. England.
le1907-01-10p1_ap_lawrence_q9.htm  Publ. "Keep my from all sins by Thy precious word ..." "met with a terrible accident."
le1907-01-12p1_lwrnc_doorsteps.htm  Publ.  Bishop Lawrence.  "And persons who paid no attention ..." LEFT ON DOORSTEPS.
le1907-01-19p1_ap-_BishopLeonard.htm  Publ. Bishop Leonard (actual person, denied signing). "... receive luck in business and ..."
le1907-01-30p1_ap-_accident_Redeemer.htm  Publ.  Bishop Lawrence. Linkage.  "At Jerusalem at the Holy Feast ..."
le1907-03-07p1_ap'_lwrnc_accident.htm  Publ.  Bishop Lawrence. "Endless prayer chain"  "... great accident."  "... will be afflicted."
le1907-03-26p1_ap+_linkage.htm  Publ. "Below is a prayer chain just as it was sent to me..."  ... "Now, please send it to others."
le1907-04-11p_ap_accident_.htm  Publ. Most of text just described. Negative testimonial - an accident. "Bishop Lawrence" gone.
le1907-04-23p1_ap_Warren_q9d9.htm  Publ.  "This prayer was sent by Bishop Warren"  "a terrible "
le1907u_ap_wish_q9.htm  PC. Greatly corrupted and simplified text. "... and make a wish while writing"  No dated postmark.
le1907-06-03_ap_noblood.htm  PC. Bears earlier features. No blood or calamity. The year is uncertain - requires detective work.
le1907-06-05p1_ap-_lwrnc_q9.htm  Publ. Bishop Lawrence. "Dear Friend - I am sending you a prayer, received by a request to ..."
le1907-07-29p1_ap-_lwrnc_LetNot.htm  Publ. Bishop Lawrence. "Let not this chain be broken. - A Friend."
le1908-03-16p1_ap'_Trusting.htm  Publ.  Bishop Lawrence. Title: "The endless chain of prayer"  "Trusting that the blessings of God ..."
le1908-03-19_ap_lawrence_malta.htm    PC. From Malta. "Endless Chain Prayer"  "I will write as soon as possible love   Frank."
le1908-04-22_ap_lawrence_e.htm  PC. From England. "Keep us from all evil and take us to thy Home above eternally."
le1908-05-08p1_ap-_trusting.htm  Publ.  "Bishop Laurence"  "...  copy as soon as received." "Trusting that the blessing of God ..."
le1908-05-14p1_ap-_threat-.htm  Publ. Title: "The Prayer." Bishop Lawrence. "Trusting that the blessing of God may rest upon you ..."
le1908up_ap_lawrnc.htm  Publ. Fogel sees this is as derived from a Himmelsbrief. Here "commencing" was likely "starting" in others.
le1908-09-24p1_ap-_misfortune.htm  Publ.  Bishop Lawrence. "terrible misfortune"  "Trusting that the blessing of God may rest ..."
le1909-02-04p1_ap_lawrence_q9.htm  Publ.  "Endless chain prayer"  "...please copy as received..." No threat.
le1909-02-09p1_ap_NoLawrence.htm  Publ. No author given. No title. "...but you must make a wish when writing."
le1909-02-21_ap_NoBlood_hap!.htm  PC. Leads with: "Please copy and . . . see what will happen" (early).  "... in Jesus' time" (early).
le1909-03-01p1_ap_wish_yours.htm  Publ.  Title: An Ancient Prayer.  "Oh, Love us Jesus ..."  Signed "X".  
le1909-03-11p1_ap_wish_q9d9w9.htm  Publ. No Lawrence. "...make a wish while writing it..."  "Do not sign your name."
le1909-04-26_ap_blood_hap!.htm  Lt.  "Make a wish while writing ..."  Signed "Your friend in Christ"
le1909-05-04_ap_blood_hap.htm PC. "Keep us from evil by his precious blood."  Signed "A. friend"
le1909-05-04p1_ap_wish.htm  Publ.  "An Ancient Prayer"  "The above is an exact copy ..."  "Make a wish while writing."
le1909-05-05p1_ap_rewritten.htm  Publ.  "Dear friend:"  Much Linkage.  "...thy precious blood." Rewrites.  
le1909-05-11p1_ap_wish_xforget.htm  Publ.  "An Ancient Prayer."  "The above is an exact copy of a strange mission ..."
le1909-12-05p1_ap_wish.htm  Publ.  "An Ancient Prayer" "Make a wish while writing."  Signed "A FRIEND"   New York Times.
le1910-03-09p1_ap_wish.htm  Publ. "An Ancient Prayer"  "...some great pay on the ninth day." "Male a wish when writing ..."
le1910-04-11p1_ap_exact-copy.htm  Publ.  "An Ancient Prayer"  " thy precious hand..."  "This prayer was sent to me."
le1910-06-14p1_ap_heaven_wish.htm  Publ. "An Ancient Prayer" "... take us to heaven ..." "The ninth day ... get your wish."
le1910-06.29_ap_blood_e.htm  PC. From England. "... it is an exact copy of an ancient prayer."  "This must not be signed.  A.C."
le1910-07-22_ap_happen_e.htm  PC. From England. "... sent to me to copy it & see what will happen.."  
le1910-08-17p1_ap_wish_q9.htm  Publ.  "Read carefully and well the underwritten.  Make your wish while writing it."
le1910-09-16p1_ap_she_Palestine_ca.htm  Publ. Canadian Ancient Prayer type. For women. "An Answer to Prayer."
le1910-10-12_ap_stating.htm  PC. "Those who write it ... stating the day received  ..."  Previously "stating" was "starting". "Jesus time".
le1910-12-17_ap_stating.htm  PC > transcription.
Has "stating" and "Jesus' time" - likely copying errors for "starting" and "Jerusalem"
le1911-01-04p1_ap_wish_xsign.htm  Publ.  Linkage.  "Make a wish while writing."  "It cannot be signed."
le1911-03-06p1_ap_ailments.htm  Publ.  "An Ancient Prayer"  Many miscopies. "... will be delivered from all ailments."  
le1911-03-06_ap_hap.htm  PC. Uses "starting the day received" - the sense on le1908u. But le1910-10 uses miscopy "stating"!
le1911-04-08p1_ap_wish_q9.htm  Publ.  "Make a wish while writing the prayer ..." "It must not be signed."
le1911-05-30p1_ap_wish_q9.htm  Publ. "An Ancient Prayer"  "...make a wish and do not fail to write to nine friends ..."
le1911-06-05p1_ap_ill_ailments.htm  Publ.  From the Brooklyn Daily Eagle. Promises delivery "from all ailments."
le1911-06-14p1_ap_she_anxiety.htm  Publ.  Not clear if titled "An Ancient Prayer".  For women:  " ... she who will copy this ..."
le1911-08-19_ap_hap.htm  PC.  "Received Aug. 11, 1911" at top. "O lord Jesus we  implore thee ..."
le1911-11-20p1_ap_OnlyDate.htm  Publ.  "An Ancient Prayer"  "Sign no name, only date."
le1912-02-28_ap_hap_date-recd.htm  Publ.  "One Ancient Prayer"  "...only date Rec'd"  "...see what happens."  Picture postcard.
le1912-02-28p1_ap_q9d2w9.htm  Publ. "An Ancient Prayer"  "Copy it and see what happens." 
le1912-03-04p1_ap_world_Jamaica.htm  Publ.  Ancient Prayer.  "This prayer was sent to me and all over he world." "Jesus' time"
le1912-03-05p1_ap_Your-joy.htm  Publ.   Title: "Our ancient prayer."  "Your joy will come on the ninth day."
le1912-03-11_ap_hap_remailed.htm  PC in letter. Why did someone send R the same postcard she had received 3 years previously?
le1912-04-02hw_ap_xsign.htm PC. "...we implore thee To keep all mankind to keep us from evil to keep us dwell with Him in eternity."
le1912-04-03_ap_hap.htm  PC. "Sign no name only date of receiving.  May 26, 1912"  But PC is postmarked 4/3/1912.
le1912-04-04_ap_hap_xsign.htm PC. Initial date received. Expectation. "Do not sign". Pennsylvania.  
le1912-04-07_ap_hap.htm  PC. "No name sign date only don't forget to copy nine times." Provided by Robert Bezilla.
le1912-04-19_ap_xsign_hap_q9d9w9.htm    PC - flowers.  "Sign nothing but day received."  At top: "Received April 19th"
le1912-04-19p1_ap_world_Jesus'.htm  Publ.  "This prayer is being sent all over the world." "Jesus' time"  "...state the day received."
le1912-04-20p1_ap_xsign-early.htm   Publ.  "An Ancient Prayer"  "Sign no name and see what it will bring to you."
le1912-04-22_ap_xsign_hap.htm  PC. "This prayer was sent to me and must be sent all over the world."
le1912-04-25p1_ap_sin_q9w9.htm  Publ. "An Ancient Prayer"  "Send to nine (9) friends within nine (9) days, ..."
le1912-05-02_ap_hap.htm  PC  Short & near canonical. "O Lord I implore thee to bless all mankind take us to dwell with thee."
le1912-05-05_ap_LeakTheChain_Xhap_q9w9.htm  PC. "Do not leak the chain." No "see what happens". "Sign only date received"
le1912-05-06_ap_letter.htm  Lt. "Sign no name and see what it will bring you."  Probably had a postcard ancestor.
le1912-05-13p1_ap_would_q9w9.htm  Publ.  "An Ancient Prayer"  Postcards.  "Sign no name, just date when received."  Good .
le1912-05-26p1_ap_ToOneAndAll.htm  Publ.  "This prayer was sent to one and all, over the world."  "... sign no name."
le1912-06-11p1_ap_indicate.htm  Publ.  "Our Ancient Prayer"  "... meet through some misfortune."
le1912-06-12_ap_translated_ca  PC  "Recieved this June 15th - " " ... all who translated it ..."  Ontario, Canada.
le1912-06-30_ap_happiness.htm  PC  "Copy it and see what happiness comes to you."
le1912-07-02p1_ap_failed_severe.htm  Publ.  "An Ancient Prayer"  "Start today."  "Copy all I have written."
le1912-07-17p1_ap_happen_xname.htm  Publ. "An Ancient Prayer"  "This was sent to me to be sent all over the world."
le1912-07-26 ap_OurPrayer_walk.htm  PC Title: "Our Prayer"  "...bring us to walk with Thee."  "Sign no name only the date."
le1912-08-31_ap_d10q9w9_e.htm  PC (copied). Title: "An Ancint Prayer"  Deadline 10 days. Quota 9, Wait 9 days. England.
le1912-09-12p1_ap_pc_q9.htm  Publ.  "An Ancient Prayer"  "This prayer was sent to me and is to go around the world."
le1912u_ap_who-it-passed-by.htm  PC  Postmark mostly illegible. "who it passed by would meet with ...".  Michigan
le1913-01-19_ap_hap_wish.htm  PC  "This prayer was sent to me Jan. 21, 1913 and is to be sent all over the world."
le1913-02-10p1_ap_wish_anon.htm  Publ.  "...pass it on and see what happens." "... make a wish each day when writing ..."
le1913-04-04_ap_hap_e.htm  PC  From England. "Lord Jesus I implore thee to have mercy on all men."
le1914-01-23_ap_hap.htm  Lt. "Received by me Jan. 20.  Sent by me Jan. 23."
le1914-02-11_ap_hap_texas.htm  PC  "It was at the time of Jesus that all who wrote it would be delivered."
le1914-02-14_ap_hap.htm  PC  "Your joy will come in nine days."
le1914-02-20_ap_hap.htm  PC  "Copy it and send it to nine friends within nine days and on the tenth day you will meet some great joy."
le1914-03-10p1_ap_Him_date.htm  Publ.  "This prayer was sent to me and is to be copied and sent all over the World ..."
le1914-03-14_ap_hap.htm  PC  "O Jesus our prayer implores thee to bless all mankind."
le1914-03-26_ap_spelling_hap_ca.htm PC Canada.  Lead: "An Ancient Prayer  March 26"  Last: "Don't alter spelling   March 17"
le1914-04-04p1_ap_trial_9only.htm  Publ. "An Ancient Prayer"  "It was said in Jesus' trial ..."  "Write nine only."
le1914-04-05_ap_DateOnly_q9w9.htm  PC  "An Ancient Prayer" "Date only." Chicago.
le1914-04-27_ap_APrayer_hap.htm  PC  "A Prayer, -Oh Lord we pray thee Bless us and keep us from all evil ..."
le1914-04-30p1_ap_bless-me_read.htm  Publ.  "I pray Thee to bless and deliver me ..."  " ... send it on the day you receive it."
le1914-05-10_ap_hap.htm  PC - Flooded Mohawk 1913. "This prayer is to be sent all over the world."
le1914-05-28_ap_hap.htm  PC. "Send no name, do not alter any word in Spelling."
le1914-06-09_ap_jerusalem.htm  PC > transcribed from auction photo. "It was said in Jerusalem ..." - throw back.
le1914-06-09hw_ap_hap.htm  PC  Postmarked in Montezuma, Iowa. "Ever Ancient Prayer"  Hard to read pencil.
le1914-06-20p1_ap_image_w10.htm  Published image of text. "... send to nine friends in nine days, and the tenth day you will ..."
le1914-06-23p1_ap_happens_d9w10.htm  Publ. "An Ancient Prayer"  "This prayer was sent to me and is sent all over the world."
le1914-12-08 ap_to-rest-with-thee_e.htm  PC  "...bring them to rest with thee." Internal "Please do not break the chain."
le1914-12-15_ap_hap_e.htm  PC from England. "Send no name only date when received don't alter words or spelling."
le1915-01-31p1_ap_cleansed.htm  Publ.  "An Ancient Prayer" " ... cleansed from all evil."  "Received by me Jan. 27, 1915."
le1915-02-04p1_ap_Thyself_ca.htm  Publ.  "An Ancient Prayer"  "This prayer was passed on to me on its way round the world."
le1915-03-15p1_ap_tenth-day.htm  Publ.  18 word prayer.  "...being sent all around."  "Send no name: do not break the chain."
le1915-04-12p1_ap_and-on-that-day.htm  Publ. "An Ancient Prayer"  " ... and is to be sent to all the world."
le1915-04-24p1_ap_keep-it.htm  Publ. "This prayer was sent to me and is being sent all around."  "Copy it and keep it ..."
le1915-04-26_ap_American_q9w9.htm  PC  Postmarked in Reading, PA. Title: "An American Prayer"

le1915-05-12_ap_hap.htm  PC > transcription. "Do not break the chain. Do not alter words."
le1915-05-20_ap_system.htm  Lt. "... was sent to me by some friend and it is to be sent by the chain letter system to all the world"
le1915-12-11p1_ap_Jerusalem_w10.htm  Publ.  "An Ancient Prayer" "It is said in Jerusalem ..."  "This is not to be signed."
le1915-12-14p1_ap_DearMrsJ-letter.htm  Publ.  "I have just received the following ..."  "Keep us to dwell with Thee."
le1915-12-20p1_ap_joking_n20!_ca.htm  Publ.  "An Ancient Prayer"  List of 20 names! - almost all men.
le1915-12-23p1_ap_rewrites.htm  Publ.  Literate rewrites. " ... all of those who assist in its dissemination will be free from calamity ..."
le1916-01-09p_ap_nyt.htm   Publ.  Catholic Archbishop denounces AP as "rank superstition" & a sin "against the first commandment ..."
le1916-02-23p1_ap_DearFriend.htm  Publ.  "An Ancient Prayer"  "Dear Friend" intro letter: linkage & repeats instructions.
le1916-03-23p1_ap_xsign_q9.htm  Publ. Postcard. Title: "Ancient Prayer"  "This prayer was sent to be sent around the world."
le1916-04-17_ap_hap.htm  PC  "An Ancient Prayer"  "Sign no name only address card:"

le1916-06-16p1_ap_explains_q9w10.htm  Publ.  Has explanatory first paragraph: "Dear Friend: --I have received the following letter ..."
le1916-06-22_ap_Linkage_promise_q9w10.htm  PC   Extensive linkage before "Ancient Prayer" title. "... realize its promise."
le1916-07-15_ap_hap_q7_e.htm  PC > PhC. From England.  "... bless our Soldiers and Sailors ..."   "... peace in our time."  Quota 7!
le1917-05-30p1_ap_victory_RCC.htm  Publ.  "An Ancient Prayer"  " ... bring victory to the allies."  "... sent from Russia ..."  q9.
le1917-08-31_ap_WWI_q7.htm  Lt. "America Chain Prayer"  "Lord I implore you, Bless our soldiers and sailors, ..." Quota 7.
le1917-09_ap_good-cheer_1.htm  PC  Leads with "Be of good cheer at all times."   "Sign and date when you receive it."
le1917-09_ap_good-cheer_2.htm  PC   Same text as above, different view card. Prepared by same person, to send out.
le1917-09-27p1_ap-_q7.htm  Publ.  No title on transcription. "It was said in olden times ..."  Copy quota and wait seven days.
le1917-10-05Hero_ap_victory.htm  PC - to Miss H. "...we implore thee to give victory to the allies."  "... from Russia and Scotland."
le1917_10-12_ap__RedCross.htm PC  
"Red Cross Chain."  "... we implore Thee to bless all mankind and bring Victory to our allies."
le1917-10-12Hero_ap_victory.htm  PC "Lord Jesus we implore thee to give victory to the Allies."  "... from Russia via Scotland ..."
le1917-11-13p1_ap_victory_RCC.htm  Publ.  " merciful to all mankind, and bring victory to all our allies." "...Russia..."
le1917-11_ap_victory.htm  Publ.  "Red Cross Chain."  "Do not forget this day for the next nine days."
le1917-11-21p1_ap_RedCross_Russia.htm  Publ. "Red Cross Chain" (Only in title). "... it was sent from Russia via Scotland"
le1917-11-21p2_ap_RedCross_q9w9.htm  Publ.  Russia - Scotland - San Francisco - Seattle
le1917-12-03_ap_victory_e.htm  PC > transcribed.  From England. "Love. Grace, we implore the victory of the Allies."
le1918-09-24p1_ap_RedCross_q9w9.htm  Publ. "Lord Jesus, we implore thee to bring victory to the allies."
le1919-02-04p1_ap'_q7.htm  Publ.  Titled "Endless Chain of Prayer" "... blessing on all nations, soldiers and sailors." Quota seven.
le1919-04-19p1_woman-in-black_q6.htm  Publ.  Outlier - "woman in black" informs all to say "Blessed be Mary, Blessed be Jesus"
 Typed. "The cradel chain of Flanders." Asks for full signature. Quota seven.
le1920-08-19p1_ap_Masonic_dq9w10.htm  Publ.  "This prayer was said by Masons in ancient times."
le1920-11-22_ap_q7w7.htm  Lt.  "The endless chain of God"  "Send this to 7 married women ..." "Copy and sign your name."
le1920-11-30p1_ap_ToCouples_q7d7w7_.htm  Publ. Fragment.  "... if you will write a letter to seven married couples ..."
le1921-03-03p1_ap'-gl_Flanders!_q7.htm  Publ.  No prayer. Linkage. "  Send to seven married women ..."  "... started in Flanders Field."
le1921-03-14_ap_whoismarried_d7q7w7.htm  Lt. handwritten. "The endless chain of prayer."  "...who is married." q7
le1921-04-06_ap_cradle_Paris_q7w7.htm  Lt. handwritten. "The English Chain of Paris". "...written on the field of Flanders" "..sign your name."
le1921-04-25p1_ap_ToMarried_q7d7w7.htm  Publ. Found with   "Send it to seven married ladies ..."  Quota seven.
le1921-06-09p1_ap_married_q7w7.htm  Publ. From a Missouri newspaper. "Send it to seven married people..." "Flanders Field"
le1922up1_gl_original_q9d24w9.htm  Publ.  Prototype for Good Luck letter. "This  chain was started by an American"
le1922-04p_gl!_pc_q9d24w9_e.htm  Publ. Earliest Good Luck type. No list - postcard  "A deluge of postcards has fallen on England."
le1922-05-29p2_gl_Jamaica_q9d24w9.htm  Publ. "...started by an American officer 'Buddie' ..."  Original on a postcard.  From Jamaica.
le1922-05p_gl_e.htm  Publ.  Names present but none given - "mostly women."  As above but started by "Buddie".
le1922-06-05p1_gl_n20_q9d24.htm  Publ.  List of 20 names - not given. No "smilin". "...have some great good fortune."
le1922-06-06p1_gl_smiling!_q9.htm  Publ.  Early "smiling". Standard text. May have had list of prior senders.
le1922-06-08gs_gl_n30.htm  Lt. - blue typing. Leads with 30 name pairs. This from: Birmingham, Ala. June 8, 1922. See next.
le1922-06-13gs_gl_n30.htm  Lt. - blue typing. From recipient of above. This from: Felix, Ala. June 13. Separate: 9 addresses to send it to.
le1922-06-17p1_gl_smiling.htm  Publ.  "Good Luck"  " will have some great good fortune."  "Let's all go smiling though 1922."
le1922-06-20p1_gl_q9d24w9.htm  Publ.  Standard 1922 Good Luck chain letter.
le1922-07-01p1_gl_q9d24w9.htm  Publ. Standard 1922 Good Luck chain letter.
le1922-07-06p_gl_lardner_q9d24w9.htm  Publ.  In August, Ring Lardner has already received 12 Good Luck CLs since summer.
le1922-07-10p1_gl_q9d24n35.htm  Publ. Typical 1922 Good Luck letter. Had list of 35 names (none given). 
le1922-07-13p1_gl_postsript_q9.htm  Publ.  Standard - redundancy. Transient postscript.
le1922-07-20p1_ap_married-w_q7_.htm  Publ.  Ancient Prayer variation. To 7 married women. Likely partial. Date questionable.
le1922-07-22_gl_pc_linkage.htm  PC. Early Good Luck - no list. Incorporated postscript: "The above letter was received by me ..."
le1922-07-29p_gl_q9n50_e_.htm  Publ.  Fragments from the Spectator. Quota 9 letter w. 50 names. Already circulating "a few" years.
le1922-08-04p1_gl_postscript_q9.htm  Publ. Typical except postscript (which will be placed first later).  Signed "A Friend"
le1922-08-16_gl_q9d24n0w9.htm  Lt.  Good Luck type on 2 pages. Started by an "American Officer."   "Let's all go 'Smilin' thru 1922."
le1922-09-13p2_gl_France_q9d24w9.htm  Publ. "started by an American officer in France"  "...bad luck will follow."
le1922-09-25p1_gl_France_q9.htm  Publ.  Standard Good Luck but exactly as le1922-09-13 above.
le1922-10-02_gl_pc_q9d24w9_neth.htm  PC  In English but mailed from the Netherlands, 10/2/22. No bad luck.
le1923p_gl_q9d24w9.htm  Publ.  Lucas gives "instructions" (Good Luck CL) below long list (A to B) of names.
le1923-02-23_gl_pc_e.htm  PC  Title: Good Luck.  "... wait 9 days & you will have Great Good Luck."                    
le1923-02up1_gl_typical.htm  Publ. Letter received by actress Viola Dana "some months ago" (from April, 1923). Typical.
le1923-05-12_ap_Flanders_q7w7_au.htm  Lt. > PhC.  Post WWI ap - Australia. "God bless our Sailors & Soldiers ..." Flanders.
le1923-07-21p1_ap_q9d9w10.htm  Publ.  Nonstandard & late Ancient Prayer. "Lord teach us to praise thy blessings ..."
le1923-12-03_ap'_A-friend_NO-QUOTA.htm  Lt.  "O Lord be merciful to us ..."  "all Nations"  No copy quota.
le1923-12-27p2_gl_ColonelCole_q9n52.htm  Publ. Colonel Cole, US Army, "started" the chain - to go 3 times around the world.
le1924-01-19p2_+gl_n9_smart_china.htm  Publ. "Some smart fellow has started this plan ..."  From Shanghai.
le1924-02-07p2_ap_q10d24w11.htm  Publ.  AN ANCIENT PRAYER.  "O Lord, be merciful to me."  "Received January 29, 1924."
le1924-02-28p1_ap_p-at-end_q10.htm  Pub.  Ancient Prayer type - q10.  Prayer at end. "Don't sign your name."
le1924-02-28_ap_q10w11.htm  PC - Ellis Island.  Post WW1 changes to ap: prayer, quota, wait. "Oh Lord be merciful unto us ..."
le1924-03-04p1_ap_q10d10w10.htm  Publ.  "Oh Lord be merciful to us." Short, nonstandard Ancient Prayer CL. Quota ten.
le1924-03-11_ap_q10w11.htm  Lt. Post WWI ancient prayer.  "... let blessings be among nations." Similar to le1924-02.
le1924-03-18p2_ap_q10d24w11.htm  Publ.  Ancient Prayer, quota ten. Post Office swamped in Davenport, Iowa.
le1924-03-28p2_gl_list-comments_q9d24w9.htm  Pub. Standard Good Luck type - late. Article has senders comments.
le1924-04-18_ap_calgc_q10w10.htm  Lt. Written in fancy style. Quota 10, wait 10. Prayer also changed after WWI. Links to image.
le1924-05-10p1_gl_GeneralGale_q9n44_.htm  Publ. Partial? List of 44 names. "General Gale" Standard gl body. A few other officers.
le1925-02-08_ap_hap_q7_e.htm  PC > Scan  "The endless chain of Prayer"  From England.
le1925-08-14p1_+gl_smart_q9n60.htm  Publ.  "Some smart fellow started this plan ..." 60 names on list, 13 given. X to Y.
le1925-11-19p2_ap-gl_q9d24w10.htm  Publ. Ancient Prayer combined with Good Luck. Rewrites. Original was a carbon copy.
le1925-11-25p1_+gl+_list_q9.htm  Publ.  Good luck encased in Linkage and Affirmation & closing. List implied. Signed.
le1925-12-04p1_+gl+_q9n214w9.htm  Publ. Good Luck type w. linkage, affirmation and closing statements. LIST WITH 214 NAMES!
le1925_+gl_n57_smart_Japan-India.htm  Mimeograph (?). List of 57 names pairs. Circulated. in Japan & India. "Some smart fellow ..."
le1926-01-15p1_gl+_affirm_q9.htm  Publ.  Good luck type with typical affirmation and 1926 closing based on 1922 film title.
le1926-01-30p2_+gl+_q9w9_China.htm  Publ. Good Luck type letter w. linkage & affirmation statements.  "Let us go smiling through."
le1926-02-24p1_gl_nine-dogs_q9.htm  Publ. Good Luck with extended Linkage and intro. "Count nine dogs and you will have ..."
le1926-02-25p2_+gl+_q9w9.htm  Publ.  Good Luck type with linkage and affirmation statements. "Keep it Going"
le1926-02_+gl+_q9n113_1.htm  Mimeograph (?). List of 113 name pairs! International - incl. Japanese admirals. From Vicente Finizio.
le1926-02_+gl+_q9n113_2.htm  As above. From Marie Gras-y-Fort, Barcelona. Who knew whom, 1922 - 1926 - incl. Hollywood moguls.
le1926-04-01p1_+gl_DearFriend_Brit_q9.htm  Publ. "Dear Friend" "...started by a British army officer ..." Linkage, no Affirmation.
le1926-08-31p1_+gl+_q9n1w9.htm  Publ.  Nested Good Luck. Expanded linkage. Affirmation. Incipient lists. Closing.
  Publ.  "Cross Crossings Cautiously" Safety letter put at top of Good Luck letter w. list.
le1927-04-08p2_Fl_safety_q4d24w4.htm  Publ. "The Flanders Chain of Good Luck."  "Do not lose it ..."  "Safety chain."
le1927-04-09p1_Fl_q4w4.htm  Publ. "The Flanders Charm" "It is positively remarkable how the prediction has been fulfilled."
le1927-04-21p2_Fl_q4d21w4.htm  Publ.  Lead: "DO NOT KEEP THIS"  "The Flanders Chain of Good Luck"
le1927-05-04p2_Fl_xhouse_q4d24w4.htm  Publ. "The Flanders Chain of Luck"  It is positively remarkable how this prediction has been ..."
le1927-05-04p2_Fl_benediction_q4.htm  Publ. Flanders type chain with linkage, affirmation and remail statements.  A "benediction".
le1927-05-14p1_Fl_q4d24w4.htm   Publ.  Flanders chain of luck.  "Don't lose it or you will have bad luck."  "Is is positively remarkable ..."
le1927-06-04p1_Fl_q4d-w4.htm   Publ.  The Flanders Chain of Good Luck. "...sent by an American officer in France."
le1927-06-16p1_Fl'_friend_q4_ca.htm   Publ.  From "A Friend" "The chain was started by a British officer in Flanders." Canada (?).
le1927-07-16p1_gl-_q9d-.htm  Publ.  Good Luck type. No deadline statement. Late circulation date for type. Note Flanders origin.
le1927u_gl_e_.htm  Publ.  Fragments from England. "chains of luck" ... worried nervous women. "Started on a Flanders battlefield."
le1928-03-22_Fl_q4d20w4.htm  Lt. The Flanders Chain of Good Luck. Signed and dated. Copy and send to 4 others.
  Publ.  The Flanders Chain of Good Luck.  "This letter of good luck was sent to me ..."
le1928-07-04p2_Fl_-field_q3d24w4.htm  Publ. "Flanders field chain of good luck."  "Do not stop it or you will have bad luck."
le1929-02-19p1_Fl'_Hindu_q5d1w10.htm  Publ.  Said to be "Hindu". "It is positively remarkable how this prediction has been fulfilled ..."
le1929-04-29p1_Fl_girdle_q5.htm  Publ.  "The chain was started in Flanders Field."  Linkage, Affirmation, Anticipation, Recycle, closing.
le1929-05-02p1_Fl_Germany_q5d24w4.htm  Publ.  "This was sent to me as I am sending it to you."  "Flanders, Germany"
le1929-05-02p1_FL noLuck_q5d24w4.htm  Publ.  "...will have no luck."  "The fourth day should bring good luck."
le1929-05-16p1_FL_q5d24w4.htm  Publ.  Starts: "The good luck chain of Flanders was sent to me ...."  "It is  wonderful how ..."
le1929-06-17p1_Fl_no24hrs_q5d4w4.htm  Publ. "The Flanders Chain of Good Luck"  "Do not keep this."
le1929-06-28_Fl_q5d24w4.htm  Lt.>PhC. "Good Luck Chain of Flanders". "Send this one and 4 others." No testimonials.
le1929-09-13p1_Fl_8circum_q4.htm  Publ.  "The Flanders Field of Luck" "Send this with three others."
le1929-10-26p1_Fl_remarkable_q5d-w4.htm  Publ. "The Flanders' Chain of Luck" No list mentioned. "It is positively remarkable ..."
le1929-10-28p1_Fl_Holland.htm  Publ.  "The Flanders Chain of Luck."  "...started in Holland ..."  "Do not keep this. From me to you."
le1929-11-19p1_Fl_q6d24w4.htm    Publ. "Flanders Chain of Good Luck"  "Send this and five more."
le1930-01-11p1_ccc-gl_q9n14+w9.htm    Publ. "Cross Crossing Cautiously" above a Good Luck Letter.  Celebrity names.  See 1926.
le1930-01-31p1_Fr-E_tWWWL_q9d24w8.htm   Publ. Four testimonials. Quota nine. "It is  translated in all languages."
le1930-02-25p1_Fr-E_masonic-ap_tWWL_q9d24w8.htm  Publ. Ancient prayer for Masons. Had list of names. Odd names on testimonials.
le1930-03-03p1_Fl_PassItAlong.htm  Publ.  "The Good Luck Chain of Flanders"  "Pass it along."
le1930-03-03p1_Fl_soldier_q5  Publ.  Standard text. Hard to read. "The Good Luck of Flanders."
le1930-03-14p1_Fl_goodluck_q5d24w4.htm  Publ. "The goodluck chain was sent to me by someone."  "It's wonderful how the chain ..."
le1930-04-14p1_Fl_goodluck_q5d1w4.htm  Pub. "Send this and four others." "... will bring you four goodlucks."
le1930-06-17p1_Fl'_reduced_q4d24w4.htm  Publ.  "Flanders Chair of Good Luck" Reduced version - quota 3 + 1. Verified kill?  England.
  Lt. Many pencil notations. No title. Quota 9. Win-win-lose testimonials. Undated.
le1931-08-24p1_Fl_toHouse_q5d2w4.htm  Publ. The Flanders chain of good luck.  Deadline 2 hours! "... around the world sixty times."
le1931-09-09p1_Fortune_Barres_q9n43.htm  Publ. "The Fortune Card"  List: X to Y, 43 names. "Mr. Barres of Victoria ..."  
le1931-10-15_fortune_q9n13d24w9.htm  Lt. "The Fortune Chain". Likely translation of a French chain. Many testimonials, some negative.
le1932-03-11p1_pr9_drake_q9d29n9w9.htm  Publ.  Quota nine - like Prosperity. Different names in testimonials. Drake estate.
le1932-07-17p1_pr9_list_q9d24w9.htm   Publ. No title, "prosper", copy quota 9, modified affirmation, testimonials, list (undescribed).
le1932-12-10p1_pr!_ProsperityCircle_q5d24w9.htm  Publ. "Have trust in God, who supplies all our needs." - First quota 5 ( pr standard)
le1932u_Fl'+_humor_q5d24w4.htm   Lt.  Possibly a parody of the Flanders chain. "This Messenger of good luck ..."
le1933-04-01_pr9_q9w9n10.htm  PC  "We truly trust in God to supply all our needs." "Mrs. Barnes ... lost her possessions."
le1933-04-02p2_pr_q5d24n4w9.htm  Pub. Early Prosperity type (q5). "We trust in God who ..." Testimonials. Leading list of 4 names.
le1933-04-02p1_pr_meals_q5.htm  Publ.  "We trust in God; the Father, who supplies all our meals."  Early Prosperity type.
le1933-05-03p1_fortune_q9d24.htm  Publ.  Title: Fortune Chain.  Many testimonials, Pola Negri. Quota nine.
le1933-06-13p1_pr_.htm  Publ. - partial. Prosperity type. Circulated in Manitowoc, Canada.  "The story definite and positive ..."
le1933-08-04p1_pr_affirmation_q5_.htm  Publ. List omitted. "The Prosperity Chain"  "... the power of those repeated words ..."
le1933-11up_pr_Hyatt_q5d24n6w9.htm  Publ.  The Hyatt letter. "We trust in God. He supplies our needs."  "Mrs. Sanford won $3,000."
le1934-04-12p1_pr_force_HWorth.htm  Publ.  Advice from Helen Worth. List not given, other edits?. "This chain has a definite force..."
le1934-04-20p2_fortune_q9d24n8+w9_.htm  Publ. The Fortune Chain. "If you take this as a joke, bad luck will befall you." Testimonials.
le1934-12-18p1_pr_PrClub!_ca_.htm  Publ. - partial. Prosperity type. Canada (pounds). Earliest title: "Prosperity Club"
le1935-03-13p1_pr_SixOthers_HWorth_q6.htm  Publ. Advice from Helen Worth. List not given. "Six others have kept it."
le1936-02-06p1_blind13!_q13_.htm  Publ.  Earliest "Blind13" chain postcard. Blindness for making fun of letter. Partial.
_q13.htm  Publ.  Early Blind13 type. "Chain of St. Anthony"  "Pay good attention to this ..."  
le1937-03-08_pr(pc)_q10w9.htm  PC. Govt. issue PC. "We trust god for to supply our needs." Reduced Prosperity type.
le1937-10-13p1_ap'_shine_q10.htm  Publ.  Probably a postcard. "Shine over all the nation!"  "God bless the sender."  q10
le1938-01-28p1_ap'_happiness_q11.htm   Publ.  Ancient Prayer. On postcard. Copy quota 11. "Don't let this letter die in your home."
le1938-02-04p1_ap'_happiness_q10.htm   Publ.  Ancient Prayer. On postcard. Copy quota ten. "Don't let this prayer die in your home."
le1939-03-01_Fl-pr_no-m!_q5n11.htm   Lt. Good Luck type. Eleven names & cities at bottom. Earliest no money.  Has  "defel pasm".
le1939-07-12p1_Fl-pr_no-m_Carnegie.htm Published in Dale Carnegie column. List omitted. Earliest "Do not send money."
le1939-08u_Fl-pr_no-m_q5n6.htm  Lt. Trailing processed list w. 8 names & towns - 2 crossed out. "Do not send money" Notes on back.
le1939-09-01p1_Fl-pr_q5n16w4_.htm  Publ.  Edited. May have had recycle, etc. "The good luck of Flanders was sent to me."
le1939-11-01p1_Fl-pr_q5d24n7+w4.htm  Publ. "Gay Field received $5,000 after mailing."  "Do not send money." Internal Prosperity title.
le1939-12-22_Fl-pr_GLofFl_q518nw4.htm  Lt. "Mrs. Fields received $5,000.00 ..." "Do not send any money." Names & towns: 18. Muldoon, Tx.
le1940-01-31_Fl-Pr_GLofFl_q5d24n23w4.htm  Typed letter. Centered title: "Good Luck to You" 23 names and towns.
le1940-03-14p1_Fl-pr_q5w4n21.htm  Publ. "Good Luck to You"  "Mr. Mayfield received $4000 four hours after mailing."
le1940-03-29p2_blind13_laughed_q13_.htm  Pub. fragment. "... woman laughed when she got the letter and her daughter went blind."
le1940-05-06p2_Fl-pr_GLofFl_q5d24n18w4.htm  Publ. "Good Luck of Flanders"  Three testimonials. Controlled list, 18 names & towns.
le1940-05-23p2_Fl-pr_q5d24n6+w4.htm  Publ.  Latest Prosperity type (if excluding Luck of London). Controlled list.
le1940-06-06p1_blind13_made-fun_.htm  Publ.  "One woman made fun of this and her daughter went blind."
le1940-10-01p2_blind13_Psalm18_q13.htm  Publ.  "One woman made fun of this and her daughter went blind."
le1941-03-03_blind13_q13.htm  PC  "This Prayer: Prayer of Safety must go all over the world by card."  "So Pray attention to this card."
le1941-03-13p1_blind13_q13d13w13.htm  Publ.  Title: "This Prayer of Safety"  "So pay attention to this card and 'God will bless you'"
le1941-03-31p2_blind13_satisfy_q13.htm  Pub.  "This prayer to satisfy ..."  "So you pay attention, and you will be blessed."
le1941-04-23p2_blind13_167_q13.htm  Publ.  "O Lord, Be merciful to us and all Nations. Make peace among all nations."
le1941-06-23p2_blind13_10thDay_q13.htm  Publ.  "Oh, Lord be merciful unto us. Grace be unto all nations."
le1941-06-28p1_blind13_Psalm16.htm  Publ. "Oh Lord be merciful unto us and all Nations."  "You will receive $49.60"
le1941-08-05p1_blind13_Psalm56.htm  Publ.  "Lord be merciful to us" " ...a great misfortune came to her family."
le1941-12-17p1_Fl-pr_luck_q5.htm  Publ.  "This letter is only for good luck." "Grace Fields won $400 after posting it."  
le1942-03-16p1_London_q5d24w4.htm  Publ.  Luck of London.  "Grace Fields received $40.00 after posting it."
le1942-12-10p1_London_q5d24w4.htm  Publ.  Title: "Good Luck of London" "Grace Field won $4,000..."
le1942-12-19_blind13_q13.htm  PC  "A prayer for our nation"  "A woman made fun of this in 13 days her daughter went blind."
le1943-02-27p1_London_q5d24w4.htm  Publ.  "...around the world 24 times". "... sent by an American soldier named Amos."
le1943-03-02p1_London_q5d24w4.htm  Publ. "Good Luck from London"  "Dr. Emmons lost $12,000 ..."
le1943-03-17p2_blind13_relative_q13.htm  Publ. PC.  "...they said a relative went blind."  "Oh God be merciful to us and all nations."
le1943-04-09p1_London.htm  Publ.  "The Luck of London."  "Send no money." Concludes: "Good luck"
le1944-01-13_London_q5d24w4.htm  Lt. > PhC. "The luck of London." Grace Field won $45,000 after sending it."
le1944-07-10_London_q4d24w4.htm  Lt. - V-Mail.  APO letter from Sgt. Albert J. Bull. "It must be mailed 24 hours after ..."
le1944-11-09_blind13_BoyLaughed_q13w13.htm  PC. "God bless our boys in service." "boy laughed at this and on the 13th day ..."
le1945-02-22p2_blind13_peace_q13.htm  Publ.  PC.  "Oh, Lord, be merciful to us all, And let this terrible war end soon."
le1945-08-08p1_blind13_service.htm  Publ. PC.  "... mercy on our boy in service & bless our mother." "Do not let the prayer die"
le1945-08-21p1_blind13_13postcards.htm  Publ.  PC. "... have mercy on this nation." End: "Thirteen penny postcards."
le1945-09-29_London_q5d24.htm  Lt. "Good luck from London."  "Francis Field won $4,000 ... T/4 Carr lost $2,000 ..."
le1948-03-13p1_London_AV-hdrs!_q5.htm  Publ.  Flanders-prosperity type - Luck of London. Aviation headers. "Its not a joke"
le1948-03-24p1_bym!_cards_q5.htm  Publ. Early Luck By Mail. "The luck of the cards has been sent to you."
le1948-05-09p1_bym-_cards_q5.htm  Publ. "The luck of cards has been around the world four times by army officers." X mail..
le1949-04-28p1_StThomas_q5d24w4.htm  Publ.  "The luck of St. Thomas has been sent to you."  Quota five.
le1949-06-02p1_cogl_viaUD_q12.htm  Publ. "via United Dispatch"  "...started in Africa by a French officer of General de Gaulle..."
le1949-06-17_cogl_q12d72_burma.htm  Lt.  Philippine testimonials - "... of Baguio who laugh at ... met instantaneous death ..."
le1949-08-11p2_cogl_Villanova_q12.htm  Publ.  Sent "via United S. Press dispatch". ",,, met instantaneous death on June 11, 1948."  
le1949-11-10p1_cogl_rnd-world_q12  Publ. Starts with circumnavigation. DELETED:  Linkage and origin statements. Transcription error?
le1949-11-21p1_bym!_ByMail_q5d24w5.htm  Publ. Earliest bym type (12/9/2013).  "United Western Airlines Treasure"
le1949-12-20_bym_TreasureTel_q5.htm  Lt. - card. Early bym type. "You will receive it in the mail in 4 days."
le1949u_cogl_q0_japan.htm  Lt. COGL type. No copy quota. "It was started in Africa by a French officer ..."  20 names, most Japanese.
le1950-01-16p1_bym_treasure.htm  Publ.  Lead: "United Air Lines Treasure"  "The luck of cards has been sent to you."  
le1950-01-27p1_cogl_viaUPD_q12.htm  Publ. "via United Press Dispatch"  "... laughed at this chain ..., met instantaneous death."
le1950-02-25p1_bym-_q5d24w4.htm  Publ.  "United Western Lines" "by mail" is not present - missing, or too early?  
le1950-03-06p1_bym_Treasure_q5d24w4.htm Publ. "The United Nations Airlines Treasure"  "The luck of the cards ..."
le1950-12-30p1_bym_cards_plist_q5d24.htm Publ. "The luck of the cards ..." Processed list (not given). "General Watson"
le1951-09-19p1_-bym_friends_q5.htm  Publ.  "The Luck of friends has been sent to you."  "Mrs. Allen won $300 and lost it ..."
le1952-02-07p1_cogl_Note_q12.htm  Publ. "...sent to me by Ronald Service."  Special Note: "What will happen after mailing?"
   Publ. by Herbert Halpert. Early "Luck by Mail". Postal date given. Early Proverbs 3: 5-6.
le1952-04-25p1_cogl_q12d_.htm  Publ.  Partial text. "...started in Africa by a French officer ..."  Controlled list (not given).
le1953-03-07_bym_list-deleted_mt18_q5.htm  Lt. > PhC. "Read Saint Matthew 18, Verse 20 ..."  From the Billy Graham Archives.
le1953-04-01p1_peace_q4w4.htm  Publ.  Pray for World Peace by reciting Lord's Prayer and 23rd Psalm 9 days.  Outlier.
le1954-03-30p1_bym_GeneAlden_q5d24w4.htm  Publ.  "Gene Alden received $78,000 three days  after ..."  
le1954-04-16_bym_masons_mt7_q5n14.htm  Lt. "Read Matthew, Chapter 7. verses 1 to 20." "Limited to Masons." "General Dean ..."
le1954-08-16_bym'_prvrbs.htm  Lt. > PhC. Quotes Proverbs 3:5-6. "Its a known fact ... one man received $7800 ..."
le1954u_bym_n8_mt17-20.htm  Lt. > mimeograph  "Read Matthew 17:20..." "General Austen got $6600.00 only to lose it ..."
le1955-03-04_bym_n16_Mt17-20_q5.htm   Lt. "Read Matthew 17:20..." "Gene Austin received $6,000 only to lose it after breaking ..."
le1955-04-10p1_bym_LuckyPrayer_q5.htm  Publ.  Title: "The Lucky Prayer"  "You will receive it by mail" - a postscript?
le1955-11-04p1_bym_q5d24w4.htm  Publ.  Title; "Good Luck" "The luck of it has been sent to you."
le1955-11-06p1_bym_xByMail_q5d24w4.htm  Publ. Proverb 3:5-6, "...brought around the world."  No "by mail".  Favorable comment.
le1955u_bym_n17_prvrbs.htm  Lt. "Good Luck Prayer"  "Gen Atten received $12,000 ..." "Gen. Patton received $18,000, but ..."
le1956-04-13p1x_bym'_BigMoney.htm  Publ. Newspaper is dated July 16, 1956. Holland. "big money" replaces "by mail".
le1958-05-03p1_bym-_c-list_htm  Publ. Partial text. Title: Good Luck Prayer. "Trust in the Lord ..."  Controlled list  (not given). 
le1958p_bym_n15_prvrbs.htm  Publ.  "Good Luck Faith"  "U.S. Officer General Atkins received $17.000 in days after receiving it."
le1959-03-13p_bym_.htm  Publ.  NY Times, 4/11/59. Fragment. "Good Luck Prayer"  Sent to Boris Pasternak.
le1959-04-02p1_bym_q5d24w4.htm  Publ.  Starts: "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart." Processed list (not given).
le1959-05-21p2_bym_xkeep_q4d24_.htm  Publ.  Good Luck Prayer.  Some text omitted. Not known if list present.
le1959-10-13_d20!_n26_thpr!.htm  PhC  "THINK A PRAYER"  "The luck has been sent to you." "Send 20 copies ..."  Early Death20.
le1960-03-026p_bym_n28_.htm  Publ.  America, Fragments. "General Bratton received $8,000 but lost it after breaking the chain."
le1960-10-31p1_d20_q21d97w4.htm  Publ.  Title: "This is a prayer" "In the Philippines General Learn and the late president, Magsaysay..."
le1961-05-13p2_bym_Patton_q5d24n-w4.htm  Publ. "Good Luck Prayer"  Generals Atkens and Patton. Quota 4+1. Processed list (not given).
le1963-08-05p2_bym-_xtestmnls_q5n33.htm  Publ.  By Mail type, but missing that. No testimonials. Title: Good Luck Prayer.
le1964-02-24p2_bym_q5d24n-w4.htm  Publ.  "It has been around the world four times by United States Officers."  Cf. Colonel Cole 1923.
le1965-09-03p1_d20_seam_q20d96w4.htm  Publ. "This is a Prayer" "In the Philippines, General Yoram, former  president of Newcave..."
le1965-09-08p1_d20-_xnegative_q20d24w4.htm  Publ.  Like d20 but all negativity removed (threats, testimonials).
le1967_bym_heston_q5n10.htm  PhC  "The copy of this letter came from the Netherlands."  "Charlton Heston received $60,000 ..."
le1967-09_d20_thpr.htm  Publ.  Saturday Review, 9/30/69. "While in the Philippines a general lost his life six days after receiving his copy."
PhC  "The luck of it has been around the world four times (sent by U.S. Officers)."
le1968-02-16p1_d20_n27_q20d96w4.htm  Publ. Think a Prayer.  "Send 20 copies of this letter to friends you think need good luck."
le1968-03-01p1_d20_n20x_q20_.htm  Publ. Think a Prayer.  "While in the Philippines, General Hapak lost his life ..."  Partial.
le1968-07-02p_d20_q20w4.htm  Publ.  Perceptive commentary by Marilyn Bender.  "General Wapah lost his life in the Philippines ..."
le1969-05-31p1_death20_.htm  Publ.  Very likely partial (no testimonials or list).  Trust title.
le1969-11-05p1_pgplus!_q4+1.htm  Publ. Early example: chain letter attached to office humor combination. Most described.
le1969_d20_n25_thpr_euro.htm  PhC. Collected by Prof. Wm. Hansen in Copenhagen. "THINK A PRAYER"  25 names, many Danish.
le1970-01-21p1_miracles_NoSt_q7_ca.htm   Publ.  From Canada. Sick girl "performs miracles." "6CFC" instead of a stamp. Quota seven.
le1970-07-25p_d20n60_.htm  Publ.  Fragments of a Death20 type letter with 60 names. Col. Napak variations.
le1970-09-09p1_d20_q20d96w4.htm  Publ.  "This prayer has been sent to you for good luck."  List (24) not given.
le1972-02_pgplus_q5_euro.htm  PhC  Office humor item ("... go play golf") with Good Luck CL added plus instructions & names.
le1973-01-08p1_d20-q4_Holy-Land.htm  Publ. Death20 with quota four. "One man in Hawaii broke the chain ..." Trust title.

ABBREVIATIONS for Death-Lottery (dl) type letters:  n21 = a list of 21 names, b = Belief Title,  t = Trust Title, k = Kiss Title,
l = Love Title, w = It Works postscript, w0 = truncated It Works postscript, j = Saint Jude mention, c  = Car testimonial

le1973-01-26p1_d20-q5_Holyland.htm  Publ.  Death20 type but quota 5.  "...original came from the Holyland."  
le1973-03-13p1_bym_names&nos_q5n21.htm   Publ.  "Send four copies plus this one."  Name & number processed list.
le1973-05-07_d20_thpr_q20n21.htm  PhC - received by DWV. "(THING A PRAYER)" List of 21 names despite processing instruction.
le1973-11p_dl!_prvrbs_q20n21.htm  Publ. Earliest DL type. Colombo. "Not believing it, he threw it away. Nine days later he died ..."
le1973up_d20_thpr_q20.htm  Publ: Urban Folklore from the Paperwork Empire, Dundes & Pagter. "THINK PRAYER" Name variants.
le1974-06-04_ld!_fere_YokoOno_q20.htm  PhC of hand printing. Earliest example of LD type. Quotas 24 & 20. "Yoko Ono" appears on list.
le1974-06-29_ld_sece_q20n18.htm  PhC. "Dear Friend"  "...written by St. Antoine de Cadi."  Internal title: THINK A PRAYER
le1974-08_ld_e_.htm  Publ.  Fragmentary quotes. Letter asks for good or bad luck accounts.
le1974-10_dl_n27.htm  PhC  from the American Folklife Center. "...written by St. Aptine de Cade."   "A  B.S. Officer received $70,000."
le1974-10_ld_e_.htm  Pub. Fragments including testimonials.  Mailed from Spain, received in England.
le1974-10_ld_n20_2pp.htm  PhC  Lottery block testimonials expanded & incorporate Death20 block testimonials - in response to request.
le1975-02-06_ld+_StAntonia_n23.htm  PhC  Close: le1974-10_n20. "Let our heads not make fools of us into thinking in terms of duality."
le1975-03_ld_n28.htm  PhC  Like
.  "You may add information about what happened to you if you ever received this chain before."
le1975-04_ld_n16_1.htm PhC  Like  Parent of  le1975-04_ld_n16_2.
le1975-04_ld_n16_2.htm Mimeograph?  Like.   Retyped from above & mimeographed by Charles Meadows.  Format changes.
le1975-12_jennings_xmas.htm  PhC  Non-traditional composition by Timothy Jennings. Mentions 8 X 10 exp 35 copies.
le1975_d20_n23_preston.htm  PhC & Publ.  Published by Preston - this based on original photocopy. Preston's #1.
le1975p_dl_n_sherman.htm  Publ.  Fate, 8/1975. "Senator Walsh lost his wife six days after he received this letter ..."
le1975_dl_n23_a1.htm  Publ. & PhC.  This from degenerate PhC. Internal list of 23 names. Zarin Barrachilli dies. Preston's A1.
le1975_dl_n26(17cpls)_wife!_a2.htm  Publ & PhC. 26 names - 17 couples. Zarin Borracbilt dies. "You will get your surprise."  Preston's A2.
le1975_ld_n27_2pp_b1.htm   Publ & PhC.  " must make 20 copies*"   Footnote: "* may xerox"   Preston's B1.
le1975_ld_n27_b2.htm  Publ & PhC. 
Like  Senders list includes: "Lord Ashcombe  Lord Wilson  Lady Jane Rayne"  Preston B2.
le1975_ld_n28_b3.htm  Publ & PhC.  
Like - reformatted. First 14 names same as B2. Source has variable width characters.  Preston B3.
le1975_ld_n30_b4.htm  Publ & PhC.  Like.  All different names on list. Zerem Berreball died.  "Ned Freidspm, an artist, ..."  Preston B4.
le1976-07-26p_dl_fege_xlist_q20.htm  Publ: Primo Times, Bloomington. "Write F.E.G.E on upper corner of the envelope next to stamp."
le1977_pgplus_.htm  Publ. in Esquire, 8/1977. A shortened form of 1972-02. Published version omits chain letter at end.
le1977-05-21p1_d20_q20n_.htm  Publ.  Short Death & Money testimonial. "Send 20 copies and after you do, ..."  Controlled list. 
le1977-06-08_dl_fgge_q20.htm  PhC   "Think a Prayer"  "Write F.G.G.E on the upper corner ... next to stamp" Envelope so marked.
le1977-09-22p1_dl_TrustLast_q20.htm  Publ.  Proverbs moved to end of letter.  Carela Cradvit lost job - no better job.
le1978-04_dl_q20n0.htm  Mimeographed handwriting. "The luck has been brought to you."  Caren Wichile died.
le1978u_dl-_n19_pratt.htm  Original handwriting.  Response to a solicitation. Degraded lottery block. "General Wglak lost his life ..."
le1979-01_dl_xmoney(2)_q20.htm  PhC  "It must leave your hands ..." : "For no reason whatsoever ..."  "DO NOT SEND MONEY!" 
le1979-05_dl_tw!.htm  PhC  Concludes: "Remember no money.  Please don't ignore this. It does work." and "Mahalo (Thank you)"
le1979-06-21_dl_t_q20n0.htm  PhC  No "It Works" postscripts. "Darinn Meirchild  received the chain."
PhC  With good luck note. "Delon Fairchild ... died."  "Please do not ignor this.  It works." - Early postscript.
le1979-07-30p_dl_w't.htm  PhC  Has postscripts, concludes: "It does work."  Collected in Colorado by Cathy Preston.
le1979-09-17_brill_n66_retypeDate.htm  PhC  Entertainment industry parody of the DL type. "Trust in yourself with all your heart."
le1979-12_brill_n79.htm  PhC Brill type. Some names: Roberta Flack, Van Morrison, Herb Alpert, Lonnie Donegan, Eric Clapton.
le1979u_brill_n38.htm  PhC  Another Brill letter with different and fewer names. Collected by Wm. Hansen in Bloomington, IN.
le1980-12-23_dl_wt_dates.htm  PhC  "Trust in the Lord with all good faith". Has list of dates. Added: Analysis of date disordering by DWV.
le1980_dl_wt.htm PhC  "Trust" title. Postscript: "Remember:  No Money!!  Please don't ignore this. It does work!!"
le1980u_brill_n68.htm  PhC  Late generation copy. Few names I recognize - starts with "Tom Sholz, Shawn LaBarra, Herb Alpert".
le1980u_dl_B-L29_wb.htm  PhC of typed lt. Online image. Bennett's L29. Early Belief title (just last word). Unbeliever's death.
le1980_dl_wb!.htm  Typed. "Early Belief title (Mt. 21:22)"  Has Unbeliever's Death. Documents Bennett chain letters used here. This L4.
le1980u_dl_wt.htm  PhC  Trust title. "...luck has been brought..."  "...Welch lost wife..."  "Please do not change this."
le1980uup_dl_wt_gold.htm  Publ. DL with postscripts, Trust title. Could be connected with Circle of Gold. Date very uncertain.
le1981-01-28p1_dl_wb.htm  Publ.  Belief title. No list?  It Works postscripts. "General Aeles lost his wife ..."
le1981-04_dl_wt.htm  PhC  "It has been brought around the world nine times."  "...  the rite has no price on it."
le1981-09-03_dl-_wb.htm  PhC. "Belief" title. No unbeliever's death. "Constartin Xus" Signed "A Friend"
le1981u_dl-_wb.htm  PhC  "Belief" title. Placed on windshield.  "Twelve-Million dollars."  "Soul Anthony DeVoid"
le1982-01-28_dl_m_t.htm  PhC   Postscript: "Remember no money" (m).  Trust title (t).  "Written by Saul Anthony De Cadif"
le1982-02-28_dl_wt.htm  Transcribed on WWW - from PhC. Trust title. "before his death"  "It works" postscript.
le1982-09-20_dl_wt_dates.htm  PhC  List of 34 dates of receipt. Venezuelan author deleted. Retype and then 7 generations.
le1982_dl_wb.htm  PhC  Mt. 21:22 title ("Belief"). "Constantine Xus". "It works" postscript. No unbeliever's death.  Signed "A Friend"
le1983-02_dl_w(k).htm  PhC  Late generation. No title - may have been truncated. "w(k)" means no title but Kiss title riders present.
le1983-04_dl_w(k).htm  PhC  Late generation, spotty.
No title - Kiss riders. "It Works" postscript.  "Saul Anthony deCroof".
le1983-05_dl_w(k).htm  PhC - dark on left. No title - Kiss riders. "Saul Anthony de Cruof".
le1983-06-13_dl_wl!_e.htm  PhC  Earliest collected title "With love all things are possible" (l).   Mailed from Sweden to England.
le1983-06-30_dl_wt'.htm  PhC  Title (t'): "Love the Lord with all your heart and he will acknowledge and he will light the way."
le1983-09-22_dl-_wb.htm  PhC - late.
Matthew 21:22 title. "It works" postscript. "Constatin Yus".
le1983-10-04_dl_wk!.htm  PhC  Word processor original. Earliest Kiss title collected. "It Works" postscript deleted.  Notes.
le1983-11-09_dl-_wb.htm  PhC  
Matt 21:22 title. "__FATHER 21'-22". "It Works" postscript. "Constantation"
le1983_dl_wl.htm  PhC  Early Love title. "Constantine Know received ..."  Likely fall, 1983. Supplied by American Folklife Center.
le1983_dl_wt.htm  PhC - late generation, 2 pages handwritten. Trust title, It Works postscript. 
"Bolier Fairchild".  Supplied by AFC. 
le1984-05_dl_wk.htm  PhC  Kiss title, It Works postscript. Constatino Diaz.  Collected by Prof. William F. Hansen.
le1984-05_dl_wl.htm  PhC  Love title, It Works. Constantine Diaz. "Gene Helch" "Saul Anthony DeCroup". Collected by DWV.
le1984-05-05_mx_tagalog_q24.htm  PhC  "Saint Jude Thaddeus"  "Isabel Buena lost her copy and lost her life."  "Novena to our mother ..."
le1984-06_dl_wl.htm  PhC. Love title, It Works. "Saul Anthony De Croup" "Constantine Kias" Collected by Michael Preston.
le1984-07_dl_wl_1.htm  PhC  From Newark. Close to below. Differences: faith vs. fate, Constatine vs. Contatain, get a surprise, vs. receive ...
le1984-07_dl_wl_2.htm  PhC  From Newark. Close to above, especially in format. Keystrokes preserved.
le1984-07_dl_wl_handwr.htm  PhC of handprinted original. Two pages. Many errors - by a child (?). "Saul Anthony Decrap".
le1984-08_dl_w'l.htm  PhC - late.  "It Works" deleted (w').
"While in the Philippines" transferred to previous testimonial (Elliot).
le1984-08-12_dl_wl_q5.htm  PhC. Copy quota changed to five. "Saul Anthony DeChomp", First dl or ld letter offered on eBay, closed 3/23/2020.
le1984-12_dl-_wl.htm  PhC of handprinted original. One page. Lottery source of money and "lost job - better job" testimonial omitted.
le1984-12_dl_wl_1.htm  PhC  Close to ...2.  "Joe Ellit"  "DeGroup"  "aked" for "asked".
le1984-12_dl_wl_2.htm  PhC. Close to ...1.         "               "          "psper" for "paper".
le1984-12_dl_wl_dot.htm  Dot matrix printer > PhC.  Title and postscript in large font. Dated Dec. 31, 1984. Collected by Preston.
le1984u_dl-dl_wt-wk_comb.htm  PhC  Two DL letters combined on one page.  (i) "A Good Luck Prayer" & Proverbs. (ii) Kiss title.
le1985-03-17p_dl_w0_.htm  Pub. Denver Post - Woody Paige.  No unbeliever's death testimonial (edit?).
le1985-04_d'l_wl_e.htm  PhC  From England - collected by Paul Smith.  Philippine location shifted forward.
le1985-04_dl_wl_reduced.htm  PhC  
Original was typed, reduced, then photocopied in pairs. Love title offset to right.
le1985-06_dl_wk.htm  PhC  Very standard text. "Calo Dodos, an office empolyee"  Reduced and cut to 6.5" by 7".
le1985-12_dl_wl_h2pp.htm  PhC of handwritten 2 pages (h2pp). Lottery winner unnamed. "Send no money ... just good luck."
le1985_dl_wl.htm  PhC of handwritting.  "Saul Aminea De Coup"  " ... received The Letter nine days later he died."
 PhC (?)  Published: The Hidden Culture. Collected in Perth, Australia. Standard text. "Remember, no money."
le1985u_dl_w0_pounds_e.htm   PhC  Hand written from England. Dated by comparisons. Title may have been cut off.
le1986-04_dl_wk.htm  PhC  Kiss title. "Please send no money." Six dates of receipt at end: 3/18/86 to 4/14/86.
le1986-04_dl_wk-.htm  PhC  "Kiss someone you love when you receive this letter." "Noland Fairchild"
le1986-05_dl_wk_she!.htm  PhC  Original carefully typed.  "...before her death she had won $50,000.00 in a lottery." From Alan E. Mays.
le1986-05-08_dl_w-k'.htm  PhC  Spotty.  Title: "MISS SOMEONE YOU LOVE ..." Landscape format.  No final "It works" (deleted?)
le1986-12_dl_wk.htm  PhC  Annotated "12-86". "The original copy is in New England."  "She won $50,000 in a lottery."
le1986_dl_wk.htm  PhC. Charles H. Bennett's L6. Stuck under windshield wiper. "Carla Daddin ... she lost her job." Sunnyvale, CA.
le1987-02_dl_wk-.htm  PhC  Title: "Kiss someone you love when you get this letter"  "..before her death he received $7,755,000."
le1987-06_dl_wlj!.htm  PhC - all caps.
End: "St. Jude / It Works" - Earliest St. Jude! From American Folklife Center, Library of Congress.
le1987-09_dl_wk.htm PhC  Annotated "9-16-87 / Redwood City, CA / Parking Lot."  Only text caps: title, "This is no joke", "It Works".
le1987-12_dl-_wk.htm  PhC  No unbelievers death testimonial (l-). "Please do not ignore this it works."
le1987u_dl_wk_q10!.htm  PhC - late, reduced. Penciled clarifications, these also photocopied. Changes "20" (copies) to "10" in 4 places.
le1988_pgplus_q5w4.htm  PhC  Starts: "Are you stressed out?  Read on!"  May have circulated as office humor.  Memo: "\MH/LUCK"
le1988-03_dl_wk_e.htm  PhC - faded.  Postmarked in Sheffield, England.  Only caps: "This is no joke." Penultimate "Good Luck"
le1988-04u_dl_wk.htm  PhC  Collected by Alan E. Mays in Millersville, PA, spring of 1988. Standard text. "Good luck. It works."
le1988-07_dl_wlc!j.htm  PhC  Earliest Car testimonial (c!). Ends: "Remember me always. It works. ST. JUDE" in two lines.
le1988-11_dl_wk.htm  PhC  Bold script font. "This is true even though you are not superstitious."  "...after finding the letter again..."
le1988-11_dl_wk_retype.htm  PhC  Large font title. Unbeliever's Death testimonial omitted. Retype note.  Collected by Alan E. Mays.
le1988_dl_w(l)cj.htm  PhC  No title. Bennett L11. "...and lost that too ..." (& his wife)  "she, too, put it aside" (& Carlo Dadditt).
le1988_dl_wl.htm  PhC  Charles H. Bennett's L9 from web page. "... providing you in turn ..."  "Constantine" has only that name.
le1989_dl_w-k.htm  PhC  "This is true even if you may not think so right now."  Truncated postscript: "It Works" Dated just to year.
le1989_dl_wk_rewr_notes.htm  PhC > Publ.  Major rewrites & omissions. Asks that messages be added. "May you be blessed with love ..."
le1989_dl_wlcj.htm  PhC  Dated to year only. "South Africa"
le1989-03_dl_wlcj.htm  PhC  Placed on windshields in parking lot. Starts: "Dear Friend," Lottery block testimonials indented.
le1989-04_dl_wk.htm  PhC  Both mentions of 96 hours have "(4 days)". Gene Welch loses his wife but gets no money.
le1989-07_dl_wlcj_rec-fate.htm  PhC  "Do not accuse people of sending 
have received this letter by fate!"
le1989-12_dl_wk.htm  PhC Distr. in Oxnard College staff mail boxes, 12/8/89. "A few days after the mailing he go a better job."
le1989p_dl_wk.htm  PhC  Published but have original Standard text. From England (?) "Please don't ignore this. Good luck. / It works."
le1990-01_dl_w'lcj.htm  PhC  "Saul Anthone Be Coup"  "Send 20 letters" within postscript. Script font.  From Klemme, Iowa.
le1990-03_dl_wlcj.htm  PhC  All caps. "John Hilliot did receive ..." "Reminder ... Send no money."   "It Works / St. Jude"
le1990-04_dl_wlcj.htm  PhC  Charles H. Bennett's L27. "This paper has been sent out to you for good luck."
le1990-05_dl_wlcj.htm  PhC Word processor font.  "...must tour the world, to friends ..." omission. "It is still true" duplication.
le1990-05_dl-india_q30.htm  PhC  Title: "SRI GANESHJI"  Ends: "With Prayer and Good Luck / SHIRDI SAI BABA KI JAI / OM"
le1990-05u_dl_wk-.htm  PhC  "Kiss someone you love and make magic". "She won ... in a letter."  From De Kalb, Ill.
le1990-06-14_media(37)_q5w4.htm  PhC  The Media Chain Letter. Memos start with Pierre Salinger and Art Buchwald. Not sequential.
le1990-06_media(48)_q5w4.htm  PhC >  The Media Chain Letter. Celebrity participants: Pierre Salinger - Jane Fonda - Goldie Hawn.
le1990-07_dl_wlcj.htm  PhC  "...fat has no pride."  "Constantly Dias"  "reusable" instead of "readable".  All one paragraph.
le1990-08_dl_wlcj.htm  PhC Tilted cut at lower left. "--provided you, in return"  "...he won lottery"  "Carlo-Dadditt, an office employee ..."
le1990-10_d-l'_wjlcj_rewr.htm  PhC - cut on right. Major rewriting. No testimonials of death. Begins and ends: "St. Jude!"

le1990-10_media(21)_q5w4.htm Typed or WP > PhC. Luck chain letter - the "Media chain letter". With 21 attached memos.
le1990-10_media(34)_q5w4.htm  Same ^  "Just have a wonderful efficient secretary make four additional copies and send it to five ..."
le1990-11_media(17)_q5w4.htm  Same ^  "Feb. 15, 1991: If Tip O'Neill and Pierre Salinger need luck, who am I to toss this dumb letter!"
le1990-12_dl_w+lcj.htm  PhC  Well written. Near end: "So please think abot this. / Good luck!!!"  Image of dog.
le1990-12_dl_wjlcj.htm  PhC  Starts: "TO: ST. JUDE"  Ends: "THANK YOU ST. JUDE / IT WORKS"  Gene Welch gets $7,775,000.00
le1990-12_dl_wlcj.htm  PhC  "The chain came from Venetian"  "Constantine did receive" (did for Dias).
le1990u_dl_she-died_wlcj_B-L28.htm  PhC - typed. From web page - Bennett's L28. Female unbeliever's death. Date estimated.
le1991-02_dl_wjlcj.htm  PhC. Starts: "TO ST. JUDE" "The luck has now been sent to you."  No RAF officer testimonial.
PhC - 16th gen. "Send no money and do not sign this. / St. Jude / It does Work"  63 dates from 28/2/91.
le1991-03_dl_w'lj_rewr.htm  PhC  Rewrites. At start: "Peace be with you. And Peace ..." "You will receive GOOD." No unbeliever's death.
le1991-03u_dl_wjlcj.htm  PhC  Starts: "TO:  SAINT JUDE"  Ends:  "THANK YOU ST. JUDE / IT WORKS"  Welch gets $7,755,000.00
le1991-03u_dl_wlcj.htm  PhC  Omits: "Send copies to people you think need good luck."
le1991-04_dl_wlcj_au.htm  PhC - posted on USENET. "Original in England" "Fate has no pride." "Carole Dadditt" "St. Jude / It Works."
le1991-05_dl_wlcj.htm  PhC  Reported on alt.folklore.urban  No unbelievers death. Ends with: "St. Jude / It works, / Pray for us."
le1991-11_dl_w0cj.htm  PhC  No title (Love omitted). " has no price."  From Middletown, PA.
le1991-11u_dl_wk.htm  PhC  Standard text. "Saul Anthoney Detroit"  "Aria Daccit"
le1991-11u_dl_wlcj.htm  PhC  Standard  text. All caps. "WITH LOVE ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!!!"  "ST. JUDE / IT WORKS!!!!!!!
le1991u_dl_w-(kc)!.htm  PhC. Date estimated from text. Early KC transfer of Kiss title (?). Andy Dodd gets better job.
"It works" deleted.
No date - estimated from text. Close to le1991u_dl_w-(kc)! .
le1992_rg_q4d4.htm  Lt. > Email. Romance Game. "On the 4th day drink a glass of milk and say his name 5 times (the guy you like.)"
le1992-02_dl_w0c.htm  PhC  Vertical streaks. "It has been around the world nine times and the luck has been sent to you."
le1992-02_dl_wk.htm  PhC  Charles H. Bennett's L23. Italic font.  "Fate has no price."  "Andy Babbit" does not get a better job.
le1992-02_dl+_wlcj_j-devot.htm  PhC  "May the sacred heart of J. be loved adored glorified and preserved throughout the world ... "

le1992-04_dl_wlcj.htm  PhC  All caps.  "A.R.A.D. officer"  "Carol Daditt ... her ..." "Remember ir really works."
le1992-05_dl_wlcj.htm  PhC. "Saul De Grou"  Standard text. From Reading, PA. Collected by Alan E. Mays.
le1992-05-27_dl_w-lcj_dates.htm  PhC - gen. 15+.  
"He asked his secretary ... A few days later she won a lottery ..." 15 dates of receipt.
le1992-06_dl_w'lcj.htm  PhC fully justified by spacing. "...must tour the world, you will get a surprise."  " not sign this" in postscript.
le1992-07_dl_wlcj.htm  PhC  Charles H. Bennett's L16.  Some phrases in bold. Standard text.
le1992-10_dl_w'lcj_e.htm  PhC from England. All caps. Original in "New Zealand"  "Send no money and do not sign this" in postscript.
le1993-04_dl_w-(kcl)!.htm  PhC. Early KCL transfer. Like KC trans. but Love retained. South Africa. Andy Dodd. "It works" deleted.
le1993-05_dl_wlcj.htm  PhC  Landscape format. Body of letter in script font. "Saul Anthony DeGivu".  Penultimate "GOOD LUCK"
le1993-06u_dl_wlcj_retyp2.htm  PhC. "...fate has no peace."  "... in Sydney who re-typed it again as it was to be clearly readable."
le1993-12_dl_wlc_j3-16.htm  PhC  Keystrokes preserved. "John: 3:16" in extreme lower right corner. Collected by Theresa Preston.
le1993u_dl_wjklc(!).htm PhC  Earliest JKLC transfer. Titled "SAINT JUDE"  This one has no proviso and no doubled money ban.
le1994-03p_dl_wlcj_nature.htm  Publ.  Goodenough & Dawkins.
"This is love even if you are not superstitious."
le1994-03_dl_wlcj+.htm  PhC  "David Fairchild"  St. Jude expansion: "Patron Saint of the Impossible" "Pray for Us ..."  "Amen"
le1994-05_dl_wk'.htm  PhC  UCLA campus mail. "Kiss ... and make music"  "Samuel Anthony Pierce"  "Mr. Fairchild ... died ..."
le1994-06_dl_w-kcl.htm  PhC  KCL transfer. South America. Don't send money - doubled. Andy Dodd. "It Works" deleted as on all KCL.
le1994-10_dl_wlc_mhdies.htm  PhC   "
Melissa Horton received the letter and not believing, she threw it away. Nine days later she died."
le1994-11_dl_wlcj.htm  PhC  " has no price." "Daian Fairchild" Provided by Anna Guigne.
le1994-12_dl_w(klc)!.htm  PhC  Earliest KLC transfer. Kiss to Love letter. "he received ..." - H$ as on Love. "Pan American" officer.
le1994_rg_q4d4.htm  Handprinted, this a copy. Romance Game classroom note. "copy this letter (by hand)" 4 copies in 4 days/
le1995-01_dl_w-kcl.htm  PhC  KCL transfer.  "provided you in turn send it on."  South Africa. Andy Dodd. "It works" deleted.
le1995-01_dl_wk+.htm  PhC  Pre-title "MAGIC" then standard Kiss. "...fate has no control." " Samuel Adams Pierce" UCLA
le1995-03_dl_wk.htm  PhC  "Gene Wolfe"  "...even though you are not ..." No unbeliever's death. From American Folklife Center.
le1995-06_dl-_wk.htm  PhC  "Gene Wolfe" Very close to le1995-03 & others. "Constantine Dens"
le1995-07_dl_wl+cj_retype-dates.htm  PhC.  
"It works"  "St. Jude"  Love-Car.  Fourteen dates when retyped. US, 1995.
le1995-08_dl-_wk.htm  PhC of handprinting. "Gene Wolfe" "South Venezuela"  "So note the following:"  No unbelievers death.
le1995-08_dl_wklc.htm  PhC  Standard KLC transfer. "Pan American officer"  "Carlo Baddit" - no belated copying, no better job.

le1995-08_dl_wlcj.htm  PhC  "Darlene Fairchild" - she died nine days later. . "I have retyped it again today in 1995."
le1995-09_dl_wk_rewrite.htm  PhC  "MAGIC" - usual kiss title is first sentence. Rewriting. "Mr. Fairchild ...  Nine years later, he died."
le1995-09_dl_wklcj.htm  PhC  KLCJ transfer (first of 2). "Saint Jude" added at end of a KCL letter.  "Pan Am officer"   "Cairo Badain"
le1995-09_dl_wlcj.htm  PhC  Elliot and Philippine testimonials transposed. "Dont ignore this letter."
le1995-09_mex_s5c_q24.htm  PhC  "
Before anything, I would like to tell you that St. Jude Thaddaeus will help you in everything ... "
le1995-10_dl_w+lcj.htm  PhC  "...since passing it on, he has received $7,750,000." "Three days later ..." "Send love instead."
le1995-10_rg_q7d5.htm  Note (?) > Email.  
" ... say the first and last name of a boy or girl and ... he or she will ask you out or say ... "
le1995-12-01_dl_w-kcl_Africa.htm  PhC.  Kiss-Car-Love transfer.  De Groff from South Africa. No "It Works".  from Jean Reherman.
le1995-12_rg_q8d4.htm  Printed in pencil.  Classroom note from 12 year old girl. Drink a glass of milk, say his name 5 times.
le1996-01_dl_wlcj.htm  PhC  Received 1/15/96 in PA. No death-money testimonial. "an ARF officer."
le1996-01_dl+_wlcj.htm  PhC  All caps. "Joe Elliot" gets $7,775,000. No Philippines. "Expect a miracle. God bless you."
le1996-01_dl-india_q30_e.htm  PhC  
Cognate to DL type. Late images (3). " ... send them after worshipping Shri Saibaba in your house."
le1996-02_dl_wjklc.htm   PhC  JKLC transfer. "...provided you send it out." Love titled letter text features.
le1996-02_dl-_wk.htm  PhC  Kiss title. "he broke that chain." "from South Venezuela."  No unbeliever's death testimonial.
le1996-02_dle_degroda.htm  Email > PhC. Circulated as email, then as a photocopied letter. Concludes: "You must not sign this message."
le1996-03_dl_wklc.htm  PhC  KLC transfer. "Pan Am" officer. "Saul Manthong Degroug"  "Delan Fairchild"
le1996-03_dl-_wl'c'j.htm  PhC.  "If we love, all things are possible." "So note the following ..."
le1996-04_dl-_wk.htm  PhC. "...from South Venezuela."  No unbelievers death. "It does work." Ornate font & border.  
le1996-04_dl_wl'cj.htm  PhC.  "Do not do the following:" "She finally typed the letters promised ..."
PhC  Kiss title incorporated into body of letter. Some additions. "This is the universal law of energy exchange."
le1996-05_dl_w+lc.htm  PhC  KLC transfer. Added: "This is a universal law of energy - exchange. ... "  Ends: "Good Luck" after IWP.
le1996-07_dl_w-kcl.htm  PhC  KCL transfer.  No proviso to receiving good luck. South Africa. "It works" deleted.
le1996-08_dl_wjklc.htm  PhC  JKLC transfer. "...provided in turn you send it out"  "an R. A. H. officer"  "St. Anthony Degroup"
le1996-08_dl_wklc.htm  PhC  KLC transfer. "Pan Am" officer. "Sal Manthony Degroug" "It really works" No "better job"
le1996-08_dl_wlcj.htm  PhC  Very standard text. "A United States Air Force officer .... whereas John A. Elliot ..."
le1996-09_dl_wklc.htm  PhC  KLC transfer. "Pan American" officer. "Saul Mahoney Degroup" "Carlo Baddit" - no better job.
le1996-09_dl-_wlcj.htm  PhC  "Carlos Daddits" testimonial combined into unbelievers death. "Do not send money, do not sign this."
le1996-10_dl-_wklc.htm  PhC  KLC transfer. Deleted: "Since the copy must tour ..." "Carl Baddit" only loses.
le1996-11_dl_wjklc.htm  PhC  JKLC transfer. "Saint Anthony DeGroup"  "Constatidens received ..."  "Carl Dadil"
le1996-11_dl_w-lcj_miracle.htm  PhC - reduced. "It Works" dropped. Ends: "God Bless you.   Expect a Miracle.   St. Jude"
le1997-01_dl_wklc_h2pp.htm  PhC  KLC transfer. "While in the Phillippines, Cane Walsh ..."
PhC  JKLC transfer (last) - all have "Gene Walls lost his wife ten days ..."
le1997-02_dl+_w'(lkc)!.htm  PhC  Outlier LKC transfer (only 1). "A.R.F officer"  "Cairo Daddo" loses job - no better job.  Pep talk at end.
le1997-03_dl_wlcj.htm  PhC  Handed to a teacher (Maggie Wells). "95 hours" "This is true" shifted. Car won in a "raffle".
le1997-07_dl_wk+c_gift.htm  PhC  Title: "A Gift From Above"  KC transfer (like KLC - her L deleted). Note "faxed" for "faded" in Car.
le1997-07_dl_wk'cl.htm  PhC  Outlier KCL transfer - Love onto Kiss letter. Extra title: "Magic".  No proviso. Lost wife 6 days after (not 51).
le1997-09p_dl_w+lc_au.htm  Pub. Letters to Ambrose Merton. Death & Money test. rewritten. "For some strange reason it works."
le1997-10_dl_wklcj.htm  PhC  KLCJ transfer (#2 of 2).  "Saint Jude" at end. "Pam Am" officer - as KLC letters. This: money ban doubled.
le1997u_dl_wlcj_rewr.htm  PhC  Extensive rewriting. "Royal Mounted Police" He/she switch in Philippines. "It really works. / Saint Jude."
le1998-02p_rg_q7d5.htm   Publ. Romance Game.  "
You touched this letter so you have to keep it! Send this to 7 people, no boys."
 Email>PhC>...  Email to paper! "This Totem actually exists ... in Refuge (near Kona), Puuhomua o Homaunau."
le1998-07_dl_wlcj.htm  USENET Post (alt.christnet).   From paper. "Gaul Anthony DeGrou ... from South Africa". "It Works. / St. Jude"
le1999-03_dl_w'lcl_fr.htm  PhC  Love title repeated at end. Much non-standard text. Amounts in pounds. Collected by Jean Bruno Renard.
le2003-02_dl_w-lcj.htm  PhC  "Do not ignore this. / St. Jude". "This is true" & "not superstitious" misplaced.
le2004_dl_wlc_eritrea.htm  PhC - word processor. "St. Anthony Decron". Lost job truncated. Provided by Alexander Okbai.
le2004-04u_mary_tagalog_q24.htm   PhC of handwr.  Half is untranslated Tagalog. Title: "A True Child of Mary Can Never be Lost"
le2004-07_dl_xsign_w-lc.htm  PhC  Like 2005-08. "Do not sign this. / It works."  "Saul De Crop"  "... she .... won lottery"
le2004-10_dl_wklc.htm  PhC  Late KLC transfer. "Carl Baffi" loses job. No better job. Titled "Untitled" - probably incorporated file name.
le2005-08_dl_xsign_w-lc.htm  PhC. Sent to DWV. "Genio Welsh". "Sal Dee Croop a missionary from South Africa."  Wins car in raffle.
le2008-09_dlf!_wcj_xsign  PhC  "The Financial Blessings Letter. Based on the dl type. "God is asking you to help by blessings others too."
 Publ. in French.  English transl. "Chain of happiness, Good health, Good luck." Close to Flanders type. Testimonials.
lf1928b_glf_q9.htm  Publ. in Fr. Engl. transl. Close to Flanders.
lf1955u_algeria_q13.htm   Publ. "Saint Anthony of Padua, I have confidence in you." Cognate to Blind13 type.

lf1979_dl_n6t_q20.htm  PhC  Death-Lottery type. "Trust in God with all your heart and everything will come to pass and reveal your path."
lf1979u_lottery_q24.htm  Publ.  "written by a leper"  
"... his children find death in a fire ... is in a hospital for the mentally deranged ..."
lf1987_lottery_q24.htm  Publ. "... chain comes from Venezuela where it had been found by a legionnaire ... make the circuit of the world."
lf1991-03_lottery_q25.htm  PhC  "This letter was written by a Missionary. She comes from Venezuela."  " ... put it aside and lost his job."
lf1995-01_dl_wlt_q20.htm  PhC  Close to a standard US dl letter, incl. Car testimonial.
lf1995-03_lottery_q28.htm  PhC  "Be kind, continue this chain, Saint Anthony grants luck."
lf1997-12_dl_wlc_q20.htm  PhC  Close to standard US. "Thanks to someone you love good luck is going to be sent to you."
lf1998-01_lottery_q29.htm  PhC  Lottery type - only combined in US.  "Even if you are not a believer, pay attention to what follows."
lf1999-09_rf_q(8+1)w4.htm  Publ.  "This letter is coming from a little boy who is cancerous..."  "This little boy accomplishes miracles, ..."
lg1913-04-23_ap_austria.htm  PC - German language with English translation. "We Germans fear God and nothing else on this world."
lg1994-08_dl-german_wlc.htm  PhC - German dl type, no translation.  Bennett collection, his L81.
lh1983-01_lot(3)_q10&20.htm  Publ.  Three related Hungarian chains. "A girl in East Germany won ... but destroyed the writing and died."
lpl1983_antony_q20d4.htm  Publ., Polish, trans. by Y. . Tishchenko "
St. Anthony, pray for us, ask for a benediction for our family and ..."
lpl1984_antony_q13d13.htm  Publ., transl by Tishchenko.  "A Pole from America tore this letter and his son vanished after 13 days."
lpl1986_dlp_q20.htm  Publ., Polish, transl by Yana Tishchenko.  "Send it to people who are unlucky, who do not know or follow God."
lpl1988_vanish_q13.htm  Publ., Polish, translated by Tishchenko  "Read an 'Our Father' and an 'Ave Maria" and pray to Saint Anthony ..."
lpl1992-04_dl_q20.htm  PhC. From Preston, Polish, translated by Natalie Kasprzak. "Read it as soon as possible, kiss some one you love."
lpr1994-10_brazil_q24w9.htm  PhC. Portuguese (Brazil). No translation.
lr1989_dlr_q20w4.htm  Publ. (Russian). English translation only. DL cognate - reduced.  "Don't tear the letter under any circumstances ..."
lr1990_holyl_q12-22w30.htm  Publ. (Russian). English translation only.
"God gave him the holy letter and said: 'Re-write it twelve times.'
lr1990_homily_q72d36.htm  Publ. (Russian). English only. "Only the kindness and beauty of our souls can save us and this world."
ls1936-06-29p1_blind13_StAnthony_q13.htm  Publ.  "Chain of St. Anthony" (blind13). English translation - mostly narrative. No blindness.
ls1980-11_mex_q24.htm  PhC.  Spanish - no translation.  The original copy had a dime taped with Scotch tape on the letter below the text.
ls1996-05_dl_wklc.htm  Email (< paper).  Spanish v. of KLC - no transl. "Besa a alguien que ames cuando recibas esta carta y haras magia."


Money chain letters urge the recipient to send money to one or more prior senders, claiming that one can likewise benefit in the future if sufficient copies are distributed.
This category also contains pyramid schemes, which by definition do not use the mails for recruitment.
m = money,  e = English,  sd = Send-a-Dime, D = Dollar, q = copy quota,  nx = list with x names, d = deadline in days

me1935-04-19p_sd!_q5n6d3.htm  Publ. Denver Post, 4/19/1935. "This charm was started in the hope of bringing prosperity to you."
me1935-04-20p_sd_trgt!.htm  Publ. Denver Rocky Mountain News. "PS. Be sure to send this to people who will not break the chain."
me1935-05-04_sd_ill-ny.htm  Lt.  Standard text - handwritten. "Note: Is this worth a dime to you?" Scan available.
me1935-05-07_sd_angel_kans.htm  Prtd. With angel logo.  "... send the person ten cents ... as a charity donation."
me1935-05-07_sd_prtd_AlJolson.htm  Prtd. Ad for Al Jolson at Knickerbocker theatre. 2,000 printed for $7.00. Printer's invoice.
me1935-05-07_sd_texas.htm  Lt. All hand written. Standard language. Circulated in Texas, then to Indiana.  
me1935-05-08_sd_texas.htm  Prtd. by Talley Printing Co.  Wrap dime in paper. Used as illustration in Clevo (TIF). JPG scan available.
me1935-05-08_sd_Waterloo.htm  Lt. Waterloo, Iowa. "as a prosperity prize", "be broken.....". Entered 9/23/2020.   
me1935-05-09_hifdlty_kc.htm  Lt.  High Fidelity Pyramid. No common names with other KC. Correct spelling of "carrying".
me1935-05-09IA_sd_prtd_5Tips.htm  Lt.  Part of the "Iowa" Send-a-Dime hoard. Printed letter including five tips at bottom.
me1935-05-09IA_sd_I-did.htm  Lt. #2 in "Iowa" hoard. Handwritten in pencil. Postscripts.
me1935-05-09IA_sd_xbreak.htm  Lt. #3 in "Iowa" Send-a-Dime hoard. Handwritten in ink.  Postscripts. Ends asking not to break chain. 
me1935-05-15p2_HighFidelity_q2n10s1.htm  Publ. "This guaranteed chain letter ..." Ante $1, ten names, sell two copies.
me1935-05_hifidlty_kc.htm  Lt. Early Pyramid Scheme. "High Fidelity / Guaranteed Prosperity Fraternity". Kansas City.
me1935-05u_hifidlty_nj.htm  Lt. Like Kansas City above - this New Jersey. Note common sp. error "carring". "Don't mail this letter ..."
me1935-05-10p_cert_denver.htm  Pub.  Denver Post, 5/10/35. The "certified" letter. No notarization. "The party who gave me this letter ..."
me1935-05-10_guaranteed_s$1n6.htm Lt. "The Guaranteed Prosperity Club"  "In God We Trust  But Not Each Other"  With insider letter.
me1935-05-10_sd_blanks_n5.htm  Lt. Typeset with spaces to fill in names, no. of copies to send, ante to send, etc. Filled in typically.
me1935-05-10br!_sd_note.htm  Lt.  Handwritten. "Prosperity Club"  "Please hand this to another friend if you do not wish ... "  "br" note.
me1935-05-10br_sd_n7.htm  Lt. - handwritten. From Bergrud hoard. "This club was organized in the hope of bringing prosperity to you."
me1935-05-11_sd-$1_col.htm  Lt. -typed. $1 ante. "...hand to five of your friends." Edgewater, Co. and Denver, Co.
me1935-05-12br_sd_ndak.htm  Lt. Standard SD poorly typed. All names is N. Dakota. "Within three days make five copies of this letter ..."
me1935-05-13_sd_msncity.htm  Prtd.  Standard SD. 5 addresses in Mason City, Ia. Original to James. H. Patterson "Unmailable" Collection.
me1935-05-15p2_HighFidelity_q2n10s1.htm   Publ. "This guaranteed chain letter was started ..."  "... you must personally witness..."
me1935-05-15_s25c_q5_+rec!.htm  Lt.>PhC. "Women's Friendly Exchange"  25c ante. Includes "secret recipe" for "Gift of God's Cake".
me1935-05-15_sd_printed-title.htm  Lt. - image.  Large printed title. Names handwritten at bottom. No "In God we Trust"
me1935-05-16_sd_charm_pick-friend.htm Lt. Neatly typed. "This charm was started..."  "Pick friends who understand..."
me1935-05-17_sd-25c-10c_ct.htm  Lt. -typed, landscape format. Send dime - cost 25c. 10% to charity. Complete rewrite. Added postscript.
me1935-05-17_sd_wNote-Dime.htm  Lt. - handwritten. With note and dime for recipient to use for chain.
me1935-05-17p1_telegram_WashDC_s5Dq5.htm  Publ.  Chain telegram circ. in Washington DC. Five dollar ante, quote five. No list given.
me1935-05-19rr!_sd-$1_ret.htm Carbon copy.  $1 ante. Florida. Part of the ACL hoard (rr). Note on back to Captain Hall.
me1935-05-20br_sd_club.htm  Lt.  
"We are sending you a membership to the prosperity club ..."
me1935-05-22_sd_AlabamaTx.htm  Lt. "This chain was started with the hope of bringing prosperity to you within three days."
me1935-05-22br_sd+_ndak.htm  Lt. - handwritten . Ends 2 pp. with: "Read carefully, and take a chance I did."
me1935-05-23_sd_ret+.htm  Lt. - handwritten. Long note - return if not complying. Concludes: "Let's go America.  Increase employment."
me1935-05-29A_SD_Detroit-Canada.htm Lt. - handwritten. Title: "Prosperity Chain." With next letter. Detroit - Canada.
me1935-05-29B_SD_card-board_Canada.htm Lt. handwritten. "...bringing back prosperity for you." 10c "in cardboard or paper."
me1935-05br_sd_trgt+.htm  Lt. - handwritten. "Read this carefully and enjoy prosperity."  "...pick out Five friends that will continue ..."
me1935-05p_sd_give_newrep.htm   Publ.  New Republic, May 22. Standard. No wrapping instructions.
me1935-05rr_sd_ret_+copies.htm  Prtd. text, typed names. "Speed it up by enclosing five of these printed copies with each letter."
me1935-05rr_sd_ret_hap_sav.htm  Carbon copy.  Standard SD with return instr. Concludes: "Follow instructions and see what happens."
me1935-05rr_sd_ret_n5_wayc.htm  Column of prtd. text. Five names at bottom by hand. All Waycross, GA. Return instructions.
me1935-05rr_sd_ret_nc.htm  Carbon copy. All North Carolina. Concludes: "Follow these instructions and watch the dimes roll in."
me1935-05rr_sd_ret_sav.htm  Carbon copy of typing. All , Savannah GA. Return instructions. Like wayc above.
me1935-05rr_sd_ret_wayc.htm  Prtd. form. All Waycross, GA. Return instructions. Like
wayc above.
me1935-05rr_sd+_ret_hap.htm  Lt. - typed. Columbia S.C. (5). Return instructions.
me1935-05rr_sd-25c_ovrprnt.htm  Printed form - overprint in 3 places changes $1 ante to 25c ante. Return instr. Orlando & Waycross.
me1935-05rr_sd-25c_ret.htm  Lt. - typed.  25c ante. Return instructions. Concludes: "Follow instructions and watch the quarters roll in."
me1935-05u_sd_denver.htm  Lt. (3).  Early? One form with one name at top, two forms with no names. A restarter!
me1935-05up_sd_postmag.htm  Publ.  Postage and the Mailbag, 6/35. Standard SD.
me1935-05u_sd_return_ny.htm  Carbon copy. Standard SD. Received anonymously in response to an ad for chain letters.
me1935-05up_sd_wickets.htm  Publ. Liberty, 6/20/35, "Chain Letter Madness" by Donald Wickets. Much rewriting.
me1935-06_telegr_s$2n6q2.htm  Publ. New York Times, 6/21/35. Text : Western Union chain telegraph. Lawsuit for 1/2 of fines - old law.
me1935-07_s6d_n5q5_e.htm  Lt. - England. Only five names on list. "P.S. If you've been had, well I've been to but I've great hopes."
me1935-07_s6d_n5q5_publ_e.htm  Publ. Clipping with above. Another 6d chain from England, probably edited.
me1935-07-09_s6d!_n5q5_e.htm  Lt. From England. "Send ... SIXPENCE"  Ends: "There is no further assessment or catch ... in this ..."
me1935-10-07gd_sd_charm.htm  Lt. All hand written. "Prosperity Club"  "... send that person ... a prosperity donation."

 Publ. by Esther Norman. "Be careful! Choose friends who can be trusted."  Other nonstandard language.
me1936uup_sd-badluck  Publ. by Norman. "One Woman was in a car accident when she broke the chain." Pos. & neg. testimonials!

me1936_pyr_sqdeal!_s$5n8.htm Prtd.  "The 1936 Square Deal Automobile Club".  "A new car for $5.00".  Images.
me1937-03-07p1_LakeSC-membership_q5.htm  Publ.  Chain memberships in Lake San Cristobal Club Resort, Inc.  Descr. only.
me1937u_Pyramid-India_Q4S3x1R_India.htm  Prtd.  Pyramid scheme from India. Printed form: The Money Circulating Company.
me1937uu_GasolineClub_a38c-n5-q2.htm  Original document. Hoadley's Cities Services gasoline club. No date, 1937 estimated.
me1938-07-05p1_vacation_s25n5q4.htm   Publ.  "Act quickly and get your vacation money." Implies 5 names. Quota 4. Send 25 cents.
me1940-07_warst_s1n4q4_can.htm  Lt. - typed. Canadian war stamp scheme. Send a 25c War Saving Stamp  to top name on list of four.
me1941-01_defend_s25c'n5q4.htm  Typed lt. & 4 carbons. "The Defend America Drive." With dated note.
me1941-10-28p1_warst!_s25n5q5.htm  Publ.  Pre-Dec. 7, 1941. Promises "approximately $781.25 in Savings Stamps ..."
me1941u_warstamp_s25c'n4q5.htm  Lt. - handwritten. "Let's Buy Stamps" Debatably pre-war.
me1942-11-09_warst_n5s2_s10forward.htm  Lt. - typed. Ten copies each w. war stamp. Two stamps to top name.
me1942u_warstamp_s25cn5q5.htm  Lt. > PhC  Handwritten. "War Stamp Plan"  "The chain has been approved by the  U.S. Postal ..."
me1943-01-14_warst_s2n5q10_+s.htm  Lt. > PhC. W. 25c stamp.  "Select ten of your friends and send them each a 25c War Saving Stamp."
me1943-03-12_warst_s1n5q5.htm  Lt. Sent from a private at Ford Ord, Calif., 1943. Send stamp to top name. Five names, five copies.
me1944-03-28_warstamp_s1n5q5_pc.htm  PC.  " ... receive $781 in 25c War stamps."  "Lets Help The Boys"
me1944_warst_s2n5q10_rv.htm  Carbon copy, war stamp affixed. Send a war stamp with each of 10 copies. Two to top name. Rudy Vallee.
me1944u_warstamp_s1n5q5.htm  PhC of typed letter. "War Stamp Plan" "Approximately $781.25 will be sent you if this chain is not broken."
me1945-03-17_warstamp_ s1n3q5.htm  Handwritten. "War Stamp Plan" Send on 25 cent war stamp. Three names, five copies.
me1947-08-09p1_pyr_s2n10q2.htm  Publ.  Descr. of an abundant Springfield type pyramid scheme. 10 names, $2 ante, 2 copies.
me1949-02-28p1_pyr_doughnut_s1n11.htm  Publ.  Description only of "Doughnut-Dollar" pyramid scheme. $1 ante, 11 names.
me1953-10-10p1_pyr_PyramidClub_q2n10.htm  Publ.  Pyramid - house parties. Couples: $2 ante, ten names. Description.
me1954-12-06_pyr_WealthC_s5n11q2.htm  Typed lt. Pyramid scheme - Wealth Campaign. Ante $5, 11 names, 2 copies.  W. article.
me1956-08-30p1_auto-referral_q6.htm  Publ (2). Descriptions of an auto referral plan. $100 and $50 commissions.
me1966-05-17_MoneyOrder_q2n10s5Dx2.htm  PhC of typing. Springfield type pyramid scheme. With $5 postal money order.
me1968-5-13_vacation_s$6n6q3.htm  Lt. "Executive Vacation Quickie"  Mailed pyramid scheme, like 1975, but 3 letters sold instead of 2.
me1975-03_pyr_s$3n10q2.htm  Lt.  Buy (Lt. and $3 MO) for $6; send MO to top; sell 2(Lt & MO) for $6 each.
me1975-11_nelson_s$1n4q20.htm  Lt. "Do you need $8,000?"  Conventional MCL. "... initiated by William Neham from Nashville ..."
me1975_nelson_s$1n4q20.htm PhC - spotty. "Do you need $8,000?" "Let Bill Nelson tell you how I have run one of these ... letters ..."
me1975_pyr_s$5n5.htm  Lt. Pyramid scheme. Buy letter for d; ante 5d to top; make 25 escalated copies; sell for d each, by hand.
me1978-07p_cgold_s$50n12_.htm  Publ.  Parts of the "Circle of Gold" plan. Like the Springfield process, but no downline supervision?
me1978-09-06_robards_s$1n3.htm PhC  WOULD YOU TRADE $1.00 FOR $125,000?     DO IT . . . . IT REALLY DOES WORK
me1980-02-17_newage_s$1n4.htm  PhC  "A New Age Promotional Letter"  "Jill Nelson tells how she has run three promotional letters ..."  
me1980-08_eagle_s$5n4.htm  Prtd. on blue paper. Eagle graphic on top right. "initiated by Nelson Robbards of Boston." Uses "reports".
me1982u_CircleOfGold_sP20n12_e.htm  PhC. Complete English version of "The Circle of Gold" pyramid scheme. Ante £20 x 2.
me1984_women_s$1n4q10.htm  PhC - late gen. "To the women in my life who know how to dream and create their own reality."
me1986-04_rhodes_s$1x5n5.htm  Mimeograph. David Rhodes. "In September, 1983 my car was repossessed ..."  "Today I am rich."
me1988-02-29_rhoda_s$1n5_ring.htm  PhC. "My name is Rhoda Miles."   "In November, 1984 my car was repossessed ..."  "Mercedes".
me1991-01_attorney_s$1x5n5.htm  PhC-3pp. "Philip A. Brown, Attorney at Law" Testimonial: "My name is David Rose." Plugs a book.
me1993-01_women_s$1n4q10.htm  PhC  "To the Women Friends ..." One page only - no names or uses.
me1994-02_women_s$1n4q10.htm  PhC  "Jill Nelson ran these prompt letters ..."  W. handwritten names, addresses, uses of money.
me1996-09_puzzles_s$5n2.htm  Lt.  
Two hard puzzles - link to image. "You must pay for the solutions before ..."  Stochastic factor.
me1999-05_rhode_se_s5x$5.htm  Lt. "My name is David Rhode." "Immediately mail a five dollar bill to each of the five names below." see PS.
me2002-11_loan_s$10n2q50+.htm  Prtd. A $10 ante is called a "loan". P.R.I. mailing list.
me2005-08_retired_s6usd-n6q200.htm  Lt. "Greetings! I am a retired attorney. "  "... a man came to me with a letter ...". Analysis - DWV.
me2009-02_oprah_s1x6q200_5pp.htm  Lt. Popular money chain letter. "As seen on Oprah". Analysis proves main testimonial is fictional.

me2014-04-30_RetAttorney_n6sDx6q200.htm  PhC  Oprah, 20/20 headers. From "retired attorney". Buy list online. My comments.
me2014-08-07_RetAttorney_n6sDx6q200.htm  PhC  Oprah 20/20 headers. From "retired attorney". Quota 200. My comments.

Religious chain letters promote religious beliefs, causes or practices, but do not ask for money. If they do they are classified as Charity chain letters. 
See also Himmelsbrief.

re1898-05-06_st-joseph_q5w9.htm  Lt. "A Prayer to St. Joseph". Send five copies, pray for 9 days.
re1899-01-13p1_Milwaukee_q5.htm  "Endless chain of prayer for a revival of religion in Milwaukee, Wis.  Quota five.
re1899-03-28p1_st-joseph_q5.htm  Publ. "Prayer to St. Joseph". Said to have been composed by school girls but like above. Pray for 5 days.
re1905-07-30_prayers_q5.htm  Lt. Prayer request for missionaries. No. 152.
re1906-03-01_prayers_q10.htm  PC. Prayer request for missionary work and for new missionaries. No. 679/1000.
re1937-03-04 FlowerOfJesus_q3n1w4.htm   Lt. "Say three Our Father's and three Hail Mary's" "...approved by the Sisters of St. Francis."
re1945-02-11_novena_q4d4w4.htm  Lt. "... a prayer for peace."  "... say Hail Mary or Our Father once a day for nine days."
re1951-03-17p1_Novena_q9d4.htm  Publ.  "... a novena to Our Lady of Fatima."  "for peace." Judged communist in 1951 article.
re1953-04-01p1_peace_q4w4.htm  Publ. " ...join me in a Prayer for World Peace by repeating ... for nine days."  No threat, mild promise.
re1985-10-13p_px_s5q5.htm  Publ. Like an exchange letter but w. prayers. "WARNING: Disaster is likely to strike if you break the chain."
re2000-12-23_novena_q4d2_ca.htm  Lt. (text emailed). "... a NOVENA from Mother Theresa." "Say 4 Our Fathers and 4 Hail Marys."
re2010-06-28_anon-christian.htm  PhC  Book page on windshield. "The Bible contains the mind of God, the state of man, the way of ..."


The world record chain letters motivate replication exclusively by claiming distribution of copies will likely set a world record and that participants will be acknowledged. They circulated primarily
among children after the new millennium, having developed from a lineage of postcard exchange letters.

The list below contains both the earlier exchange letters (x-) and the subsequent world record letters (w-).

                                   ABBREVIATIONS FOR THE "kids" TYPE CHAIN LETTERS.

From the file names:
x = exchange, w = world record, e = English, pc = postcard, kids = a type of postcard exchange and world record chain letter
that explicitly declares its intent to circulate among children
, nost = no stamp required for delivery, s = send, nx = a list with x names and addresses is present, n0 = list is absent, q = copy quota.

Abbreviations used in the annotations.
Germany = The letter originated in Germany.  Also Australia,  Record Breakers = The letter was mentioned on this TV program.
PO-apr = The Post Office has approved the letter. Often the US Post Office. Usually approved for children, or as a "game" for children.
NevBr = The chain (letter) has never been "broken".  
DelBr = Delay Breaks. To delay, that is, exceed a stated time limit to send copies, constitutes breaking the chain.
SendPC = Send a post card to the top name on the list.
GBWR = If the chain is not broken by a certain date, the letter will appear in the Guinness Book of World Records.
GBWR-N = The names of all the participants will also appear in Guinness, often that the recipient's own name will appear.
KidsOnly = Send the copies of the letter exclusively to kids, or to friends 16 and under, or 18 and under.
9Yrs = If you break the chain, all the participants will have to wait 9 years before they get another chance for a world record.
Decl = Declaration. Sender must write on the envelope: "Guinness Book of World Records for Children", often where stamp goes.
PO-track = The post office is tracking the chain letter, as by determining if it is broken, or who broke it, or whose name should go in Guinness.
NamesVis = Names Visible. The list of names is to be written on the envelope, usually on its back, often to facilitate PO-track.
RecLet = You will receive a letter documenting your participation, or a thank you, or verification that your name will be in the record book.
"!" (after an abbreviation) =  this is the earliest example of the corresponding statement among the kids type chain letters.

The abbreviations in the annotations following each letter file are in the same order as the corresponding statements in the letter.

xe1976-06_pc_kids! s1n6q6.htm   PO-apr!, SendPC, NevBr!, DelBr!    "... approved by the USPS as an educational game for children."
  Germany!, GBWR!, NevBr, SendPC, DelBr, PO-apr. "Do this within 4 days or the chain will be broken."
xe1987-05_pc_kids_s1n6qf.htm    Record Breakers!, SendPC, DelBr, GBWR.    "This is an international  chain children's letter ..."
xe1991-02_pc_kids_s1n5q6.htm   Germany, GBWR, NevBr, SendPC, PO-apr.    "Please do not spoil it for the rest of us."  
xe1996-02_pc_kids_s1n4q6.htm   SendPC.   "Within a few weeks you will receive 36 postcard from all over the world."
xe1996-08_pc_kids_s1n4q6.htm   Germany, GBWR-N!, SendPC, DelBr, 9Yrs!  "... we would have to wait another nine years ..."
  Germany, GBWR-N, NevBr, SendPC, DelBr,  9Yrs, PO-apr. "... started by 6 kids in Germany in 1996."
xe1996-10_pc_kids_s1n8q6.htm   Germany, GBWR-N, NevBr, SendPC, 9Yrs, PO-apr.    "If it can keep going though 1996, it will be in ..."
xe1999-01_kids_s1n-q6.htm   Germany, GBWR-N, NevBr, KidsOnly!, SendPC, DelBr, PO-apr.  "Copy this word for word and ... to six kids."

 nost!, GBWR-N, NevBr, PO-track!, DelBr, NamesVis!.  "... no stamp is needed ..."

 Australia!, GBWR, NevBr, KidsOnly, PO-track, NamesVis, Decl!, DelBr.  Says it is not a "stupid chain letter".
we2001-05-21_kids_(n5)d4q1+.htm  Austr., GBWR, NevBr, PO-track, Decl, NameVis, DelBr, KidsOnly.  "... post offices are keeping track..."
 Austr., GBWR, NevBr, KidsOnly, PO-track, Decl, NamesVis, DelBr.  "... kids will do the longest chain lt."
we2001-08-17_kids_n4q6.htm   Austr., GBWR, NevBr, KidsOnly, PO-track, Decl, NameVis, DelBr. "We are trying to break a world record!"
GBWR, NevBr, Decl, PO-track, KidsOnly, RecLet!.  "Please do not be the first one to break it!"
we2005-07-19_kids_stamp_n6q6.htm  GBWR-N, NevBr, Decl, PO-track, NamesVis, KidsOnly. "P.S. Lots of kids are counting on you!!!"
we2005-09-06_kids_nost_n0q7.htm  GBWR-N, NevBr, PO-track, KidsOnly, RecLet.  "... to help kids who started this letter in 1996?"
we2006-01-24_kids_nost_n6q6_auu.htm  GBWR-N, NevBr, PO-track, Decl, DelBr, NamesVis, RecLet. "In a month ... receive notification ..."
we2006-03-08_kids_nost_n0q7.htm  GBWR-N, NevBr, Decl, PO-track, KidsOnly, RecLet. " ... the post office knows who broke the chain."
we2006-10-28_kids_nost_n0q7.htm  GBWR-N, NevBr, Decl, PO-track, KidsOnly, RecLet. "... 4 days to send it to 7 people under ... 16."
we2007-02-06_kids_nost_n6q7_de.htm  GBWR-N, NevBr, Decl, PO-track, KidsOnly, RecLet. "... receive a thank you letter." Note: mother.
GBWR-N, NevBr, Decl, PO-track, ,KidsOnly RecLet. "... be cool to see your name in the Guinness ..."
we2007-05-04_kids_nost_n0q7.htm  GBWR-N, NevBr, Decl, PO-track, KidsOnly, RecLet.  "DON'T THROW THIS AWAY!!!!!"

The exchange chain letters ask that an item of small value be sent to one or more prior senders, promising that if a specified number of copies are distributed the sender will in turn receive many
such items.
x = Exchange,  quiltp = quilt patch,  handk = handkerchief,  pc = postcard,  wrag = wash rag,  turktwl = Turkish towel,  rec = recipe,  
pbbook = paper back book,  ch-book = children's book

xe1935-05-15p1_GolfBalls_sgb-q3.htm  Publ.  Joking exchange of a 75c golf ball. List not provided, nor number of names in list.
 Lt.  "Happy Day Quilt Block".  With 3 annotated polygonal paper patterns.  "Happy Days for You!!"
 Lt. "World Friend Quilt Chain"   "Do you want your fortune told?  I enclose a coupon."
xe1935-10-07gd_handk_s1n4q4.htm  Lt. Small format. "In turn, as your name comes to the top of the list, you will receive 256 hankies."
xe1935-11-08_quiltp_s1n3q5.htm Lt. "Happy Day quilt block chain"  With three annotated polygonal paper patterns.
  Lt. "If you have the faith your friends have, this chain will not be broken." Found in a book.
xe1935u-gd_handk_s1n4q4_long.htm Lt. Send-a-Dime text! e.g. "Isn't that worth a hankie?" Intermediate example.
xe1935u-gd_handk_s1n4q4_quick.htm  Lt. Some Send-a-Dime influence. "Do as quickly as possible."
 Typed Lt. "How to increase your stamp collektion" (sic). With German version in Swiss cover.  Typed Lt. From same as above. With German version (not transcribed). Swiss cover.
 Publ. (Pittsburgh Press) fragment. "...just for the fun of it."
xe1937-05-07_handk_s1n3q3.htm  PC "Pin your name and address to the handkerchief you send."
xe1938-03-17p1_hankie_n3s3q5.htm  Publ.  Deadline 3 also. "You should get 135 ...."  (or 155). Postmistress compares to Send-a-Dime.
xe1938-04-19_handk_n3s1x3q5  PhC > PC. Copy of eBay lot. 3 names, one to each, quota 5. Kentucky.
xe1938-08-24_pc_s1nn5q5.htm  PC > Copy. Taken from eBay auction photos. "This chain was started to help U see more view cards."
 PC   =CARD CHAIN=   "You may send one or more card to the above name."
  PC (Indianapolis). Exchange postcards. "Mail four copies to friends."
 PC  Exchanges Postcards. "Card shower." Send 4, 4 names, 4 copies.
"To add new and interesting cards to you collection send a view card to each name below."
 PC  Send one view card and five copies. Four names. US, 1939?
xe1939u_pc_s4n4q5.htm  PC  "4. Mrs. E. H. Morton, Box 103, Blue Rapids, Ks.  (Capitals + Churches only)".
xe1940-04sb!_hanky_s 1n3q4.htm
 PC  sb=Sebacher horde (9). Photocopied pc's from James Patterson. "Would you join my hanky club?

xe1940-05_dishtowel_s1n2q6.htm  Lt. > PhC  "Get ... 36 dish towels at the price of one within three days." Mailman's note on legality.
PC>PhC-sb  "Send a handkerchief to the above names (3). You should receive yours  at once - 155 in all."
 PC  "P.S. Please write. Haven't heard from you for a long time."

 PC-USPS  Apron Club.
"From the James H. Patterson "Unmailable" collection."
PC>PhC-sb  "You will have fun when your aprons begin to come in."
PC>PhC  "... I thought you & Doris said she had enough wash rags in her cedar chest?"
PC>PhC "... you will receive 30 wash rags immediately instead of waiting till your name reaches the top."
PC>PhC  "This club is to increase your apron supply."
PC>PhC  "Do not break this chain for it is fun to see where they come from."
PC>PhC  "Omit top name and send her an apron.  Add your name to the bottom."
xe1941-04sb_towel_s1n2q6.htm  PC>PhC  "You should receive 36 towels."
xe1941-05_pc_s1n3q5.htm  PC  All text: "Send a Card to top name. Omit and add Your name then make 5 copies and send to 5 friends."

xe1941-07_pc_s3n4q4.htm  PC Rodeo Card: Alice Sisty, Mexico City Cowgirl, in Roman Jumps.
xe1942-06-11_pc_s1n5q5.htm PC Greenfield Lake, Wilmington, N. C. with short note.
xe1942-08_pc_s3n3q5.htm  PC - "Negro - 'heben' - a watermelon feast in Dixie."
 "Make 5 copies of this card to send to 5 pals ..."
 PC  "Future Card Club"  "Send a card to all names on this card. And receive over 100 cards."

xe1943-03_pc_s1n6q5.htm  PC  "Send card to top name discard their name add yours to bottom. You will receive 160 cards."
xe1944-03_hanky_s3n3q5.htm  PC > PhC. James H. Patterson "Unmailable" Collection. Stamped: "Received For / Trial / From K. C. Kans"
xe1944-11_pc_s5n5q5.htm  PC  "View Card Club"  
xe1945-04_pc_s5n5q5.htm  PC  "
Mail one view card to each of the following."
xe1945-06_pc_s1n5q5.htm  PC - PB2-Y-2 Navy Plane in Flight, over San Diego.  Town address: "Rowe Miller / Nikep, Md."
xe1945-11_pc_s5n5q5.htm  PC > Transcribed from an auction photo. "Postcard Club"
xe1946-08_pc_s5n5q5.htm  PC  
"Send each name a scenic card." Town address, sent to: "James Bartels Revere, Mo"/chain-letter/archive/information.htm
xe1946-10_pc_girls_s5n5q5.htm   PC  Gender specific: "Send a post card to each of these girls. then make 5 copies and send to 5 girls."  
xe1947-01_pc_s5n5q5.htm  PC>PhC (copy lost).  "Send to each a card below." Provided by Rev. Michael M. Strong.
xe1947-03-02_pc_s5n5q5.htm  PC> Transcribed from auction photo. Sender used blue address stamp - from Brooklyn.
xe1947-03_pc_s4n4q5.htm  PC  No predicted amount. Town address: "Mrs. Mae Frey / Stewartstown  PA"
xe1947-08-18_pc_s5n5q5.htm  PC> Transcribed from auction photo. List & address has seven different states.
xe1947-09-02_pc_s6n6q5.htm  PC  View card exchange. Erie, Pa. beach. Six names, send six, quota five.
xe1948-02_teatowel_s1n2q6.htm  PC  "The Tea Towel Club"
xe1948-03-13p1_TeaTowel_q6d3n2.htm  Publ.  Denounced by local Postmaster.
xe1948-04_turktwl_s'1n2q6.htm  PC - USPS.  Instructions could mean to send Turkish towel to top name on list after revised for sending.
xe1948-05_hanky_s3n3q5.htm  Lt. Send to 5 of your friends in 3 days."  Letter: "Did Jo send you a 'Hankie Club' letter?"
xe1950-04_hanky_s3n3q5.htm  Lt. "
This club is different because you start receiving hankies at once ..."
xe1950-05_teatowel_s1n2q6.htm  Lt. "If you do not want to do this, send to the last name on the list.  Thank you, Towel Club."
xe1951-02-13_hankies_s1n4q4_e.htm  Lt. England. Have a response to same person, same chain letter.
xe1951-03-28_TeaTowel_s1n2q6.htm  Lt. "Dear Friend" "Our club has started a tea towel Chain."
xe1951-07-17p1_panties_q6n2_.htm  Publ.  Pantie Club. Partial. Quota six, two names. Article describes high volume mailing.
xe1953-06_earrings_s1n2q6.htm  Lt. - handwritten in green ink.   "This is legal as no money is involved."
xe1954-02-18p1_Fish-plugs_q6n2d3.htm  Publ. Exchanges fishing "plugs" (lures). 6 c., 2 names, deadline 3 days. Abundant.
 PC  "International Friendship Game"  " ... and send them to 4 of your friends (especially young people)."
xe1959-09_rec_s1n2q4.htm  Lt.
"This is not illegal as no money is involved - - just good cooking."
xe1959-09u_rec_s1n2q4.htm  Lt.  "Please mail one of your favorite recipes to the top names."
xe1961-02_stamps_s25n5q5.htm  Lt. - typed. Kenya, Tanganyika & Uganda cover.  "We are all stamp collectors ..."
xe1965-07_qslcard_s6n6q6.htm Lt. QSL = confirms reception of signal. List works in reverse - drop bottom name. QSL card enclosed.
xe1968u_qslcard_s9n10q10.htm  Lt. List of 10 names works in usual way.  "In twenty days you should receive 250 cards."
xe1972-04u_rec_s1n3q6.htm  Lt. "This is a recipe club!"
xe1972-08_pc_s1n4q6_jap.htm  Lt. from Japan to US.  Innovations.
"Please send a picture post card to the first person on the list."
xe1974-10_pc_s1n2q6.htm  PC - typed & writing.  Spokane World's Fair.  "We will trade one for one with you if you like."
xe1975_rec_s2n2q6.htm  Lt. > PhC  Preston.  " ... please send a copy of this letter to six friends and a recipe to the two names above."
xe1975-03_rec_s1n2q6.htm  Lt.  Two names left & right.  "Please don't spoil the fun for those who have joined."
Lt. "This is a recipe club ..."  Note (part): "I sent one to Trice too, so don't put her on your list."
xe1976-06_pc_kids! s1n6q6.htm  Lt.  "This is a chain letter approved by the US. Postal Service as an educational game for children." Kids!
xe1979_rec_s1n3q6.htm  Lt. - red.  "This is a recipe club; no money is involved."
xe1979-07_rec s1n2q4.htm  Lt. Blank slots for 2 names, but may have been more. "You should receive 124 recipes."
xe1981-03_pc_s1n5q8_discr.htm  PhC  For "discriminating collector".
Freud, whales, cemeteries, pre-1948 Palestine, retro-futuro aesthetics.
xe1981-03_pc_s1n6q8_folkl.htm  PhC  For folklorists as below. Interests: anything involving visual humor, anything obscene, jokes, graffiti.
xe1983u_pc_s1n5q8_folkl.htm  PhC  Said to be for folklorists. Preferences: Old cars & trucks, people eating, architecture, animals, women.
xe1983u_rec_s1n2q4.htm  Lt. Two names left & right. "My apologies for the .imposition"
xe1985-09_pc_kids_s1n6q6.htm  PhC - late, handwr. Kid's PC exchange.  "... if it goes on till 1985 it will be in the guiness book of records."
xe1987-05_pc_kids_s1n6qf.htm  PhC of typing.  
"This letter was started in Switzerland and even Prince William is on the list."
xe1988-03_potholder_s1n2q6.htm  Lt.  "This is not a chain letter, but a pot holder club."
xe1988-06_rec_s1n2q6.htm  Lt. > PhC  "Please send a copy of your favorite recipe to the person listed as #1."
xe1989-03_rec_s1n2q6.htm  Lt. > PhC  From note: "This is what married people do for fun."
xe1989-07_dishtowel_s1n2q6.htm  Lt. > PhC.  "This is not a chain letter, but a dishtowel club."
xe1989u_troutfly_s1n5q6_uk.htm  PhC  "The Trout-fly Fun Club."  "It's a real surprise to see the assortment you receive."
xe1991-02_pc_kids_s1n5q6.htm  Lt - Word Processor.
" ... started by children in Germany as an educational experience, began in 1985."
xe1992-04_dishtowel_s1n2q6.htm  Lt. - WP.  "This is a dish towel club, not a chain letter, although it may look suspiciously like a one."
xe1992-12_panty_s1n2q6.htm  PhC  "This is a Panty Parade"  "You should receive 36 paris of NEW (let's make that clear), NEW, NEW ..."
xe1993-08_panty_s1n2q6.htm  Lt. "This is a pretty panties exchange"  "Remember to include your size ..."  Collected by Paul Smith.
xe1995_pbbook_s1n2q6.htm  PhC  "Used Paperback Book Club"  "There should be only 2 names on the list at all times."
xe1995-08_dogtoy_s1n2q6.htm  PhC  "Believe it or not, this is a DOGGIE TOY EXCHANGE."
xe1995-08_tshirt_s1n2q10.htm  Lt. - formal headings from a Dean at UC Boulder. Note from Vice Chancellor. Two names side by side.
xe1996-01_rec_s1n2q6.htm  Lt. > PhC  Names deleted. Described in 3 numbered steps.  "It is fun and legal."!content.html
xe1996-02_pc_kids_s1n4q9.htm  PhC  "This game has been organized by young persons all over the world." No mention of world record.
xe1996-02_stamps_s30n8q5+.htm  Prtd. (table) > PhC  "The Forever Stamp Exchanger"  " ... one to the person you are sending stamps to."
xe1996-08_pc_kids_s1n4q6.htm  PhC of handwr. from spiral binder.  "
This is a chain letter from Sil in Germany."
xe1996-08_pc_kids_s1n5q6.htm  Lt. - handwr in blue ink. "I sure hope you don't break the chain."
xe1996-09_collctbl_s1n13.htm PhC. "Super Exchange" 12 addr., 10 Xed, all women. For: phone cards, stickers, postcards w. rabbits or clouds.
xe1996-10_coupon_s1n2.htm  PhC. Exchanges grocery coupons.  
"Make lots of copies and send a copy along with all your trades."
xe1996-10_pc_kids_s1n8q6.htm  PhC of Word Pr.  "This game has been approved by the Postal Service as an education game for children."
xe1996-10_stamps_s50n4.htm  PhC - smudged.  "The Forever Stamp Exchange"  "Send as many copies as possible to others ..."
xe1996-10_stamps_s50n4q20+.htm  PhC  "The Forever Stamp Exchange" (above).
"Feel free to include collecting interests under your name."
 PhC  "
This is a Button Tree. There is no money involved, so it can be fun"
xe1996-12_lottery_s1n2q6.htm  Lt. Came with one scratcher - note said send back for cashing if a winner. You send 1+6. Said to get 36.
xe1999-01_kids_s1n-q6.htm  PhC - names cut off.  "We want to break the record." "Copy this word for word and send it to six kids."
xe2006-07_ch-book_s1n2q6.htm  PhC.  Two level exchange of children's books. Claims "cleared by the US Post Office."
xg1936-11z1_stamps_s10n6q5.htm  Typed Lt. German version of xe1936-11z1_stamps_s10n6q5. Accompanied same.

xpr1995-08_pc_s1n4q6.htm  PhC  Portuguese (Brazil) - no translation.  "
Esta  corrente  foi  iniciada  por  crianças  alemas."


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