Luck chain letter (published). Death-Lottery type. "For some strange reason it works." Love title. Retyper Gets Car. Australia, 1997.

This letter has been sent to for good luck. The original letter is now in England, it has been round the world 9 times. The luck has now been sent to you. You will receive luck within 4 days of it provided you in turn send it out.

This is no joke. You will receive luck in the mail. Send no money, send copies to people you think need good luck. DO NOT SEND MONEY as fate has no price. Do not keep this letter, it must leave your hands within 96 hours.

An RAF officer received $70,000. John Ellton received $40,000 then lost it again because he broke the chain. In the Philippines, Per Welch lost his wife after receiving the letter. He failed to circulate it, however, his son circulated it then received $7,773,000 the day of the funeral.

Please send out 20 copies and see what happens within 4 days. This letter originated in Venezuela and was written by Samuel Arthur De Croup, a missionary there. Since this must make a tour of the world, you must mail 20 copies to friends and associates. After a few days you will get a surprise. This is true even if you are not superstitious.

Constantine Okler received this letter and ignored it. His secretary decided to make 20 copies and send them out. A few day later she won a lottery - £2,000,000. Carl Deddin, an office employee, received this letter forgot that it had to be mailed within 96 hours and lost his job. In 1987 the letter was received by a young woman in California. It arrived in bad condition so she decided to retype it and send it out, but she put it aside to do later. She was suddenly plagued by automobile problems and expensive repair bills. She finally retyped the letter and sent it out. She won a new car within days.

Remember, send no money, wish your friends good luck. Do not ignore this.


From Letters to Ambrose Merton (Quarterly), No. 11, Sept. 1997. "Recently received" - by Bill Scott in Queensland, Australia. Provided to DWV by J. B. Renard. Was le1997-08_dl_w+lc_au. 


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