Charity chain letter.  Hamilton, Ohio flood relief.  " a check or dollar-bill to this letter ..."  Three copies.  US, 1913.
Hamilton, Ohio, suffered worse than any other city in the flood swept district. The havoc is appalling. Thousands of worthy persons are homeless and destitute.
In their behalf I earnestly beseech you to pin a check or dollar-bill to this letter and rush it to L. P. Clawson, Secretary Chamber of Commerce and of the Citizens' Relief Committee, Hamilton.
Then make three exact copies of this letter and mail them to three of your friends.
In the name of humanity, do not break this chain.

Published: The Cincinnati Enquirer (Cincinnati, Ohio), April 27, 1913, p. 2.
CHAIN LETTER SENT OUT. By City Solicitor, Who Wants Money to Help Hamilton Flood Sufferers.

"Indianapolis, Ind., April 26 - Merle Walker, City Attorney, has received the following chain letter from J. F. Neilan, City Solicitor of Hamilton, Ohio:  [text]
Entered by DWV, Sept. 9, 2014.


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