Luck Chain Letter.  Death-Lottery type. Copy quota five modification. Purchased on eBay 3/2020.  US, 1984

With Love All Things Are Possible.

This paper has been sent to you for Good Luck.
The orginal
copy is in N. England. It has been
around the world 9 times. The Luck now has been
sent to you. You will receive Good Luck within
4 days of receiving this letter, providing you
in turn send it on. This is no joke. You will
receive it in the mail. Send it to people you
think needs Good Luck. Don't send money for
fate has no price. Do not keep the letter. It
must leave your hands within 96 hours. An RAF
officer Rec. $70,000.00. Joe Elliot received
$40,000.00 and lost it because he broke the chain.
While in the Phillipines Gene Welch lost his wife
6 days after receiving the letter. He failed
to circulate the letter. However, before she
died, he received $7,755,000.00. Please send
5 copes of this letter and sees what happens to you
in 4 days. The chain comes from Venezulla and was
written by Saul Anthony DeChomp, a S. American
missionary, wince the copy must make a tour of
the world you must make 5 copies and send to
friends and associates. After a few days you will get
a suprise. This will be true even if you are not

Do note the following:
Constantine Dias received the chain in 1957. He asked
his secretary to make 5  copies and mail them out.
A few days later he won the lottery for $2,000,000.00.
Carlo  Dabbitt, an office employee received the
letter and forgot that it had to leave has hands
in 96 hours. He lost his job. Later after finding
the letter and mailing 5  copies he found a better
job. A Fairchild received the letter amd not
believing, threw it away. Nine days later he died.
Remember, send no money. Please do not ignore this.

                       IT WORKS!!!!!!

 Photocopy of typed original. Postmarked in "Northern Virginia. VA" on 12 Aug. 1984. Right justified, 15/8" margin. Addressed to Mr. C. ****. 7*** Ashview Dr. Springfield, VA 22153.  Keystrokes preserved. Sic "Saul Anthony DeChomp", "wince" for since, "Rec" for rec, "orginal" for original, "needs" for need, "amd" for and, "Venezulla", "suprise" for surprise, "has" for his. Purchased on eBay, 3/2020 - the first dl or ld letter offered on eBay.


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