Luck chain letter. "An Ancient Prayer."  "... and take me to dwell with thee."  "Sign no name and see what it will bring to you."  US, 1912.
An Ancient Prayer
O Lord Jesus, I implore thee to deliver all mankind from all evil, and take me to dwell with thee eternally.
This prayer was sent to me, and it is to be sent all over the world. Copy it and send it to nine friends. Sign no name and see what it will bring to you. It was said in Jesus' time that all who wrote this prayer would be delivered from all calamity, but that those who fail to send it would suffer misfortune. Begin the day you receive this, and for nine days copy it and send it to some one. In nine days you will receive some great joy. Do not break the Chain.

Published: The Colfax Chronicle (Colfax, Louisiana), April 20, 1912, p. 5.

"A lady correspondent asks us to express our opinion concerning the following chain letter, which she says has been sent to her several times within recent years:"  [text]  " ... This letter is a palpable fraud. It states what there is every reason to believe is not true, namely: that it existed while our Lord was on earth. ... In commenting upon this prayer a couple of years ago, Dr. J. M. Buckley, the distinguished Editor of the New York Christian Advocate, affirmed that he believed it was composed by an insane person."    Entered by DWV, Sept.  19, 2014.


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