Exchange chain letter. Trout flies.  Send 1, 3 names, 6 copies. US, 1989?

                                        THE TROUT-FLY 'FUN CLUB'

If you want to have some fun, put a copy of this letter in the
mail to six of your fishing friends within one week.  Omit the
top name and add your name to the bottom of the list (right
under my name). Send one (1) of your favourite trout flies to
the name at the top of the list (the name you have now
omitted), and in three weeks you should receive 216 flies!!!!!

It's a real surprise to see the assortment you receive.  Seldom
does anyone drop out because every good fisherman can use 216
flies for the price of one.

This is not a chain letter.  However, if you wish to drop out
of the club and not send off your letters or the one fly,
please return this letter to me.  Otherwise, it will be no fun
for those who have participated.


Colin Laurie McKelvie
Tundergarth House,
Scotland DG11 2PU

Roderick Wilkinson
61 Norwood Park
Beisder [?]
Glascow G61 2RZ

William Miller
7 Brooklands Avenue

Photocopy of typed original.  First name obliterated with a felt tipped pen.  Subsequent names in different fonts, the second partly illegible.  Keystrokes preserved. Collected by Paul Smith around 1989.


The Paper Chain Letter Archive-content.     Chain Letter Evolution.