Luck Chain Letter. Prosperity type. Published (partial). "...  the power of words can not be denied."  US, 1933

Prosperity.  We trust in God our Father, who supplies all our needs.

[There follows a list of names.]

The chain was started by an American colonel and must be copied within 24 hours after you receive it.  This will bring you prosperity within nine days.

[One woman received $1,500.]
[Another $3,000.]
[Mrs. So and So, who broke the chain, "lost all her possessions."]

The story definite and positive, the power of the words cannot be denied.  Copy all names, omitting the first and adding yours to the list.

From the Manitowoc Herald-Times, 13 June 1933, p. 2.  Found using  Title of article: Chain Letter is Circulated. Circulated in Manitowoc. Copy quota not given but probably five. Entered by DWV, 11-26-2013.


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