Exchange chain letter (postcard). Handkerchief exchange. Send one, three names, three copies. US, 1937.

Miss M. M. McClain - 601 W. Daffen-
        baugh St., Kokomo, Indiana

Miss Ola Walden, Gosport, Ind.
Mrs. Bert Hiland - 2605 S. Shelby St.
 Indianapolis, Indiana.
Within 3 days, write 3 copies of this
card and mail to 3 friends, leaving
off the top name and adding
yours to the bottom. Send the
person whose name you
have left off the top, a 5¢
handkerchief. Please do
not break the chain. If
you send this, you will
receive 27 handkerchiefs.
  Pin your name and
address to the handkerchief
you send.


Handwritten text in blue ink on back of picture postcard (Fountains in Sunken Gardens, Garfield Park, Indianapolis, Ind.). Postmarked in Indianapolis, Ind. on May 7, 1937. Addressed to Mrs. Goldie Galloway, W. 3rd Street, Bloomington, Indiana. Lines preserved. Ebay lot 300029476027 closing 9/25/2006. Provided by Julie Bandy. Entered by DWV, 10/1/06.


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