Religion chain letter (postcard). Prayer request for missionaries. Ten copies. U.S., 1906.

679.                  Dallas Ia 3-11-06

Dear Bro:
I have been requested to
write to Christians to join
in prayer that God bless
the missionaries in the
field and will rais up young
men to go forth and tell the
glad tidings to those who know
it not, and form a link of 1000
Pray that the chain be not
broken untill the 1000 No has
been reached. Please write
ten (10) copies without delay
writing the no. following
the one on this card on
each copy and send to
friends who you can trust
to fulfill the conditions. Please
notify me so the chain
be not broken
                       J. D. Vernon

Written neatly in blank ink on a US postal card (Scott UX18). Postmarked in Dallas, Iowa on March 1, 1906. Addressed to N. N. Stubbs, Derby, Ia. Lines as written. The "7" in 679 overwrites a "4". Sic "rais", "untill". The numeral 10 is circled (parentheses used above). See re1905-07_prayers_q5 for a prior q5 example of this chain, # 152. Provided by Barb Huber. Entered by DWV, 1/31/08.


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