Luck chain letter.  Ancient Prayer.  " ... make a wish each day when writing to a friend ..."  US. 1913.
Oh, Lord Jesus, I implore thee to bless all mankind and keep us from evil by thy precious blood and take us to dwell with thee in eternity.
This was sent me by a friend to copy and pass it on and see what will happen. It is said that those who will not comply and write this will meet with some great misfortune and those who write nine times, beginning with the day of receiving this one sent to you, will meet with some great joy on the ninth day. It is said in Jerusalem that those who will recite this prayer will be delivered from all calamities. If complying don't break the chain, but make a wish each day when writing to a friend  and on the ninth day you will receive your wish.  Send anonymously.

Published: Fort Scott Daily Tribune and Fort Scott Daily Monitor (Fort Scott, Kansas), Feb. 10, 1913, p. 4.
One Has Been Started in this City and is going the Rounds - Came From Out of City.
"The letter is as follows:"  [text]  ¶  "Congress recently passed a law which makes the offense of starting a chain punishable by as high as one year in jail. The prayers are usually started by some religious fanatic and taken up by other people as a means to wreak revenge on friends."
Entered by DWV, Sept. 12, 2014.  Slight editing of possible transcription errors.


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