Luck chain letter (published). Prosperity type. The Hyatt letter. Leading controlled list of 6 names & towns. Testimonials. US, 1933.

  We trust in God. He supplies our needs.
     Copy the above names, omitting the first. Add your name last. Mail it to five persons who you wish prosperity to.
     The chain was started by an American Colonel and must be mailed 24 hours after receiving it. This will bring prosperity within 9 days after mailing it.

     Mrs. Sanford won $3,000.
     Mrs. Andres won $1,000.
     Mrs. Howe who broke the chain lost everything she possessed. The chain grows a definite power over the expected word,
  See what happens on the 9th day.
     Hoping it brings you luck.

Quoting Folk-Lore from Adams County, Illinois, by Harry M. Hyatt (p. 420): "During the latter part of 1933 a 'chain letter' fad appeared. The following specimen is self explanatory, and is given exactly as written, but the names of two cities and of two persons have been omitted to prevent identification." Some reformatting here. I have set the month in the file name to November (uncertain).

The "Hyatt variation" is a chain letter likely deliberately altered to produce donations without directly asking for them. It is a Prosperity type with: (1) a title that suggests a charitable purpose or requirement of the signers, (2) a controlled list of several names & towns, (or possibly names and addresses but this has never been collected), and the instructions to update this list, (3) testimonials about money, (4) likely the omission of any circumnavigation statement.     Entered by DWV, 1999. 


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