Luck chain letter.  Good Luck type.  Had list - some local names given. Their comments (cf. Media CL).  US, 1924.
Copy this and send it to nine people to whom you wish good luck. The chain was started by an American officer and should go around the world three times. Do it within twenty-four hours, and after nine days good luck will come. Do not break the chain, for whoever does will have bad luck.

[ list of names]

Published: Hamilton Journal (Hamilton, Ohio), March 28, 1924, p. 8.  Subtitle: "Business Men Decline To Defy Fate" Byline: Chicago. "Among its recipients were several of the successful business men, to wit: Harry B. Hurd, Attorney; H. J. Lorber, insurance broker; Thomas Byrne, wealthy contractor; W. R. Dawes, vice-president of the Central Trust company. Mr. Falon, who of course, is not superstitious sent the copy of the letter to Walter Cahil, of the Great Lakes Dredge & Dock company. "I think it's all damphool!" opined Mr. Hurd, "but still - and he started his nine copies. Mr. Lorber, in the insurance business, which does not permit superstition, turned the letter over to his stenographer for the copies. Perhaps after all - but then you never can tell."  Entered by DWV, Jan. 2, 2014.


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