Luck chain letter.  "The Prosperity Chain"  Editing.  "...the power of those repeated words cannot be denied." US, 1933.

The Prosperity Chain.
We Trust in God, the Father, Who Supplies All Our Needs.
[you are instructed to] "send to five names you wish to have prosper."
The chain was started by a colonel, and must be coped within 24 hours. This will bring prosperity wishes nine days after mailing.
Mrs. Andrews received $1,000 nine days after mailing.  [Someone else - I can't read the name] received $3,000 nine days after.  Mrs. House broke the chain and lost all her possessions.
The theory, that this get-up is definite and positive; the power of those repeated word cannot be denied.

Published: The Hutchinson News (Hutchinson, Kansas), p. 10. "How can people let themselves be so bullied? Talk about the superstition of the aborigines, we have little reason to laugh at them when we are intimidated by hoodoos like that." No list is mentioned but likely there was a leading controlled list of prior senders, perhaps with their towns. Entered by DWV, May 20, 2014.


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