Money chain letter (published). Send sixpence. Five names, five copies. England, 1935.

   John J.   X---------,   40,  What St., Sheffield.
   Alicia Y--------,   16. That  St., Doncaster.
   F.M.Z.-------,  2, This St., Sheffield.
   Martha X.X-----, 1, Which St., Mansfield.
   James YY----,  3, Why St., Sheffield.
   Within three days make five copies of this
letter, leaving off the top name and address
and adding your own to the bottom of the
list. Send the five copies to five friends. In
omitting the top name, send that person six-
pence. When your name comes to the top
of the list here will be 3,125 distributed.
There is no further assessment or catch in

Above text from an undated and unidentified newspaper clipping which was in an envelope postmarked 9 July, 1935 in Lancaster, England. The envelope also contained two money chain letters much like the text above (see me1935-07-09_s6d!_n5q5_e and me1935-07_s6d_n5q5_e). Both these letters had Sheffield addresses as in the fictitious addresses above. It seems one or more lines may have been edited from the above text.  In the article the author says he will not grumble about spending 81/2d postage and 6d in coin if he will in turn receive £78 2s. 6d. But this amount, correct if everyone fully complies, is not present in the text above but is in the other two actual chain letters that were in the envelope. The article also stated that such letters were "running like wild-fire" through the United States. A follow up anonymous letter claimed that compliance to a very similar chain letter had resulted in nine returns of 6d, in less than a month. Entered by DWV, 8/17/2008.


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