Religion chain letter (published). Prayer exchange. "Say a little prayer for each . . ." US, 1985.

Say a little prayer for each of the five persons listed below. Then add your name at the bottom and strike the name at the top. Mail letter to any five persons.

Within a week, prayers will be bringing you health and happiness. WARNING: Disaster is likely to strike if you break the chain.

In Anniston, Ala., prayers brought a new mother a fine doctor who treated her without charge. But a Chattanooga auto mechanic who broke the chain stumbled over a tool, and ended up in the hospital with a cracked skull.

From: The Atlanta Journal Constitution. Sunday, Oct. 13, 1985, sec. H, p. 2, col. 4. Web Garrison, "Dixie Scrapbook." "Maybe you've recently received this letter or a variant of it." 


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