Luck chain letter. "The Fortune Chain." Likely translation of French letter. Five testimonials. US, 1931. 

      The Fortune Chain.

 Jean Fulcher to Mrs Stewart Stanley
Mrs Stewart Stanley to Mrs Wm Conley
Mrs Wm Conley to Mrs E. F. Coverly
Mrs E. J. Coverly to Mrs L. W. Estes
Mrs L. W. Estes to Mrs R. W. Howell
Mrs R. W. Howell to Mrs J. H. Estlinger
Mrs J. H. Estlinger to Mrs C. B. Flanders
Mrs C. O. Flanders to Mrs J. S. Haddock
Mrs J. S. Haddock to Mrs J. L. Hall
Mrs J. L. Hall to Mrs H. L. Hazellies
Mrs H. L. Hazellies to Mrs C. A. Hilliard
Mrs C. A. Hilliard to Mrs E. N. Hilliard
Mrs E. N. Hilliard to Mrs Walter Brantley.

Good luck and good health. Continue this chain and send nine copies to nine of your intelligent friends to whom you wish happiness.  This chain was started in Flanders by a General in the American artillery and must go around the world 3 times.
Forward it if possible within twenty four hours of its acceptance.

Do not break this chain it might give you bad luck. During the nine following days after you have sent the copies a happy event will take place and fill you with joy. The predictions are always true. If you take this as a joke and do not send the copies correctly bad luck may befall you.

Mrs Barnes of Victoria won the big prize in lottery of 20,000 golden liars on the Ninth day.
Mr. Wilcox's home was destroyed on the eight day owing to not taking serious notice of the chain.
Mrs Hux lost her only son three days after receiving this chain without forwarding copies.
Mrs May and Sacha Genty won $250,000.
Pola Negri owes her fortune to having carried out instructions in a most conscientious way.

Handwritten in black ink on both sides of a 5" x 8" sheet of lined paper. Envelope postmarked in Okeechobe, Florida on Oct. 15, 1931. Envelope also stamped "Oct. 31, 1931" in violet ink . Addressed to Mrs Walter L. Brantley, Okeechobee, Florida. No return address. Some reformatting above for readability (e.g. some lines had a terminal "Mrs" to go with next name). Original written with no spacing or paragraphs. Sic "liars" for liras. Part of ebay lot 2183460715. Other envelopes in lot also addressed to Mrs. Walter Brantley, most containing Mother's Day cards. Probably a translation of a French "Good Luck" type, close to lf1928a_glf_q9. Supplied by Nita Choban. Entered by DWV on 7/25/03.


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