Luck chain letter. The Flanders chain of good luck.  "Do not keep this."  US, 1928.
The Flanders chain of good luck.
This letter of good luck was sent to me -- I am sending it to you so as not to break it.
Copy this and send it to four of your friends within twenty-four hours, to whom you wish good luck.
This chain was started by an American officer in Flanders. It should go three times around the world.
Do not stop it or you will have bad luck, and the fourth day after you send it you will have good luck. It is positively remarkable how this prediction has been fulfilled since this chain was started -- So send this and see what happens on the fourth day. Send this and three others --Do not keep this!

Published: San Antonio Light, 7 May 1928, p. 13. Column: "Listen, World! by Elsie Robinson.  Title: "Your Luck".  "It is a chain of fear, ignorance and superstition which will endlessly shackle anyone who believes in it and who helps to wield it."  Entered by DWV, Dec. 20, 2013.


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