Parody chain letter (published). Commercial postcard. Wife exchange. UK, 1954?


     Unlike most chains, this doesn't cost you a penny and was devised to bring joy and happiness to all men.  Just send copies of this card to 10 married men - then gift-wrap your wife and send her to the guy at the top of the list.

     When your name gets to the top, you'll receive 1,276 women - some of them ought to be SMASHERS!  Have fun - and don't break the chain.  One guy who did got his own wife back!

[Cartoon image at right of text: seated scantily clad red head wrapped in a large bow.]

Unused commercial picture postcard by Natural Color Series, The Photographic Greeting Card Co. LTD., London. Exactly the same as je1954u_wifex_pc_1276 except that this replaces "cent" with "penny" and "dillies" with "smashers." Ebay lot 6171337574 closing 4/25/05. Provided by Linda Hagoes. Entered by DWV, 5/3/05.


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