Luck chain letter with note. Variation of Flanders type - probably a parody. No list. Five copies in 24 hours. US, 1932?

                               The Flanders Chain of Good Luck
    This Messenger of good luck has been sent to me and I am forwarding it to you for reasons which will be revealed as you journey farther down the line.  Do not under any circumstances, excepting perhaps the end of the world break this chain but copy this manuscript and inside of 24 hours transmit it into the hands of five friends to whom you wish good Luck spelt with two capital letters.  This started in Flanders field it was written by the Unknown soldier the evening preceding the Battle of Bunker Hill in Italy.  Four days later as, doubtless you already know he lost his life in the marshes which border Devils Lake, but we are glad to inform you that we have recovered this work of a master  mind.  It was found in a pop bottle on the bottom of Lake Nepessing in the year 1932.  This should encircle the globe three times do not stop or delay it as you will have bad luck.  The fourth day after it has left your hands you will have good luck.

[The following was on separate sheet of paper]

It is positively remarkable how this prognostication has been carried out so send it on and on the fourth day good luck will surely come your way.  Send this copy and four others do not keep this one under any conditions.  Wishing you the fulfillment of your hearts desires on the Fatal Fourth I remain

                                                 The Unknown Soldier's Son

Handwritten in pencil, on two pages as documented above. No envelope, possibly handed out as instructed in the text. Paragraphs preserved. No way to date other than the internal "1932." With papers associated with a 1928 Flint, Michigan Central High School year book. Provided by Dave Petersen. Originally part of ebay lot 3553462740 (unsold). Entered by DWV on 10/6/2003.


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