Luck chain letter. The Fortune chain.  "If you take this as a joke, bad luck will befall you."  Incomplete text & list.  US, 1934.
[It's one of those chain letters I've been asked to copy and send to nine of "the most intelligent" among my friends. If I do that, "good luck and good cheer will continue to follow this chain."]
The chain ws started in Flanders by an American general in the artillery and must go around the world three times. Forward, if possible, before 24 hours. During the nine days to follow, count the days, a happy event will take place and fill you with joy.
If you take this as a joke, bad luck will befall you. Mr. Brown of Fictoria won $250 on the ninth day. The Wilcox home burned down because they failed to take this seriously. Pola Negri attributes all her good luck to having carried out instructions.
 [Names on list:] Mrs. Alfred DuPont,  Baron Alney, Judge Holme, Pauline Lord, Joan Bennett, Spencer Tracy, Ann Pennington, Vivian Segal

Published: Berkeley Daily Gazette, Berkeley, California, April 20, 1934, p. 4.  Marshall Maslin commenting. Derived from a French letter, see 1931. Sic "Fictoria". Entered by DWV, Jan. 2, 2014.


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