Luck chain letter. By Mail type. "Read Matthew 17:20..."  General Austin ..."  Controlled list.  US, 1964.
The original of this copy comes from the Netherlands. Read Matthew 17:20 in your Bible. The luck of it has been sent to you. It has been around the world four times by United States Officers. The one who breaks this chain will have bad luck.
Do not send money and do not keep this copy.
Please copy this and see what happens to you for days after you receive it. Send this copy and four others to whom you wish good luck. It must leave your house 24 hours after you receive it. General Austin received $6,000 only to lose it, after breaking the chain. You are to have good luck four days after you receive it. This is not a joke. You will receive it by mail.
Insert your name at the bottom and leave off the top name.


Published: Albert Lea Evening Tribune (Albert Lea, Minnesota), Feb. 24, 1964, p. 4.  "An interesting little side light to this is the discovery of how many of our business leaders are not only superstitious but actually have the extra time, and the extra four 5 cent stamps to sit down and monkey with nonsense." Regarding "around the world four times by United States Officers" see the alleged project of Colonel Cole in 1923.  Entered by DWV, Jan. 10, 2014.


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