Luck chain letter. The Luck of London. "Send it to 4 other people." US, 1944.

                        The Luck of London

    The luck of London, was sent to me this
morning, and I am sending it on to you. The
chain was started by an American officer.
The one who breaks the chain will try not
to break it.
    Copy this letter, and send it to 4 other
people who you wish good luck.
    Grace Fields won 45 thousand dollars,
after sending it. You are sure to have good
luck after you send this letter.
    It must be mailed 24 hours after you
recieve it.

Contained within the handwritten text of a War & Navy V-Mail (4 1/4" x 5 1/2"). Postmarked July 10, 1944. Internal letter dated July 2, 1944. From Sgt. Albert J. Bull to Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Desker, Smith Mills, Butler, New Jersey. Letter begins: I just received your two letters yesterday. I was very glad to hear from you. I am sending you this letter of luck. I hope you dont mind as Louie Cairo send it to me. Above chain letter follows, then more of the personal letter. Sic "recieve". Lines preserved. Purchased on eBay by DWV. Entered 7/8/2009.


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