Luck chain letter ( published fragment). Ancient prayer (Lawrence). US, 1907

O Lord Jesus Christ, we implore Thee, O Eternal God, to have mercy on all mankind. Keep us from all sin by thy precious blood, and take us to be with thee eternally. Amen.

OUTLOOK. 1907. "Superstitious and Profane." May 11, V. 86, p. 48-9.
Two prayer chain letters "recently received." Prayer quoted and remaining text described. 

"This was accompanied by the statement that this prayer was sent out by Bishop Lawrence of Massachusetts, each person who receives it being asked to send it to nine other persons who in turn forward it to as many more, the prayer to be accompanied with the statement that he who will write this prayer for nine days and send it to nine persons, commencing on the day it is received and writing one a day, will, on and after the tenth day, experience some great joy; while those who will not comply with this request will be afflicted by misfortune. One person who, according to one of these letters, paid no attention met with a terrible accident, and a letter accompanying the prayer explains that its writer hastens to send it because she is afraid of more calamities." 


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