Exchange chain letter (postcard). Send one view card to each of five names. Five copies. US, 1945.

Mail one view card to each
of the following. Make 5
copies & mail to 5 friends.
Leave off top name, and
add yours at the bottom.

1- Patsy Johnson. Rt. 4.
 Kaufman Texas.
2- Wynell DeMasters
 Rt. #1. Scurry. Tex.
3- Mrs. Caney Johnston
 Rt. 4. Kaufman Tex.
4. Vera Mae Buckner.
 Purmela. Tex.
5. Mrs Sigrid Bordir
1424 Nevada Ave.
Davenport. Ia.

Linen postcard ("Davenport" in large letters). Chain letter text written in black ink on left side of divided back. Lines preserved. Postmarked in Davenport, Iowa, April 17, 1945. Addressed to Gladys Bishop, Rt. 2., Urbana, Ohio. Ebay lot 2171693405 closing 4/30/03. Supplied by Larry Kellogg. Entered by DWV on 5/8/03.


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