Luck chain letter.  Flanders type. "...benediction..."  "...started by an American officer hurt on Flanders field."   US, 1927.
Good Luck
The Flanders Chain of Good Luck.
This was sent to me and I am sending it to you. Don't break the chain. Copy this and send it to four other persons whose home you wish good luck. The chain was started by an American officer hurt on Flanders field. Don't keep this or you will have bad luck. It is remarkable how this benediction has come true since the chain was started.
Send this and three other copies and see what will happen on the fourth day. Don't keep this 24 hours.

Published: Linton Daily Citizen, (Linton, Indiana), May 4, 1927, p. 4.
"Postal clerks generally can tell when chain letters are being mailed for the letters come four in a bunch, in the same kind of envelopes, and addressed in the same hand
. ...The chain letters that have been making the rounds recently have at the top, written by hand 'Good Luck'. There is no salutation, ending, or signature, just the body of the letter, which says:"  [text]
Entered by DWV, Jan. 2, 2014.


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