Luck chain letter. "Our Ancient Prayer"  Concludes: "Your joy will come on the ninth day."  US, 1912.
Our ancient prayer.
Oh, Lord Jesus, I implore Thee to bless all mankind and keep us from evil and bring us to dwell with Thee.
This prayer was sent to me and is to be sent all over the world. Copy it and see what will happen. It is said that in Jesus' time that all who wrote this prayer would be delivered from all calamity and those who passed it by would meet with some misfortune. Those who copy it within nine days and send it to nine friends will receive some great joy. Don't break this chain. Sign no name; only date received. Your joy will come on the ninth day.    February 15, 1912.

Published: The Scranton Republican (Scranton, Pennsylvania), March 5, 1912, p. 2.
Petersburg Presbyterian Minister Advises Congregation to pay no heed to "Threat"
"So many letters in a new 'endless chain of prayer' have been circulated recently in the East Scranton section, that Rev. O. H. Dietrich D.D., pastor of the German Presbyterian church, on Prescott avenue, Petersburg, noticed the matter in his Sunday night sermon and after exhibiting and reading one of the letters to his congregation, he advised them to pay no attention to such communications and then, in the presence of the congregation, he tore the letter into fragments. ... The letter, which is said to be identical with the one destroyed by Dr. Dietrich in his pulpit Sunday evening, has many misspelled words which have been corrected in the following copy:"  [text]  Entered by DWV, Sept. 19, 2014.

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