Charity chain letter. McKinley monument.  Late example, no. 212. "I am in receipt of a letter from a friend calling my attention to ..."  US, 1911.
No 212.
                                 St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 15, 1911.
Capt. T. S. Stover, Iola, Kan.

Dear Sir: - I am in receipt of a letter from a friend calling my attention to a chain letter for the purpose of erecting a monument to the martyred William McKinley. Justice Day of the United States Supreme Court is president of the movement. You will therefore send ten cents to the Hon. Justice Day, Dayton, Ohio, and write three distinct letters, copies of this, signing your name and number one higher than this one to a near friend, and others far away as possible. If you have already received one of these kindly return this one to me, but by no means break the chain.

Published: The Iola Register (Iola, Kansas), Aug. 17, 1911, p. 1.
"Capt. T. S. Stover was in receipt this morning of an endless chain letter from a friend of his in St. Louis, the object of the letter being to secure contributions to a monument to William McKinley.  ¶
Following is the letter received by Captain Stover"  [text]
Entered by DWV, Sept. 10, 2014.


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