Luck chain letter.  Ancient prayer type - post war. "Send it to seven married women ..." Likely omissions. Date could be wrong. US, 1922.
God bless our sailors and soldiers and keep them in the hollow of Thy hand.
This was sent to me, copy and see what happens on the seventh day. All who use it will meet with success but those who break it will meet with misfortune.
Send it to seven married women, one each day, and on the seventh day you will meet with great joy.
[possible omissions]

Published: El Paso Herald (El Paso, Texas), July 20, 1922, p. 5.
"Postmaster E. A. Shelton scoffs the warnings and prophecies contained in a chain letter said to be gaining large circulation in the United States, and advises the recipients ignore them." ... [text]  ... "The letters bearing the caption 'The Endless Prayer' are as a rule are anonymous."
Entered by DWV, Sept. 1, 2014.


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