Exchange chain letter (postcard). Turkish towels. Send one to second name! US, 1948.

Turkish Towel Club

Mrs. N. Vidovic
7825 Burke Ave.
      City #5
Mrs. F. Jack
3300 Collucra Ave.
           City #9

In 3 days make 6 cards
out like this. Leave off the
top name and add yours
to the bottom. Send a
Turkish towel to the top
name & pin your name
to it. When your name
reaches the top you will
receive 36 towels. It is fun
if every one keeps this up.
All are honest. Sent it on.
Please try to keep this up.
Don't break this.

          Anne Jack

One cent government issue postal card mailed from Cleveland on April 6, 1948 to Mrs. Anne Ziegen also in Cleveland. Handwritten black ink, single hand, nearly fills back of card. Note that as written you do not send a towel to the top name on the received card - the sender has already done that. Could have arisen by reversing two instructions. Supplied by Linda Zinn to D. VanArsdale. Lines preserved.


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