Luck Chain Letter. Early "Luck by Mail" type. Found using "The luck of the cards ..." US, 1950
The luck of the cards has been sent to you. It has gone around the world four times by A. F. officers. The one who breaks the chain will have bad luck. Please copy this note and see what happens four days after receiving it.
Send this note and four copies to those to whom you wish good luck. Insert your name at the bottom of the list and remove the top names. Do not send money and do not keep this copy. It must leave you twenty-four hours after receiving it.
General Watson received thirteen hundred dollars and lost it after breaking the chain. You are sure to have good luck four days after receiving this letter. This is no joke. You will receive it in the mail.


Published: The Hutchinson News (Hutchinson, Kansas), 30 Dec. 1950, p.3. "It had a new angle or two." List omitted. Entered by DWV, Dec. 1, 2013.


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