Money chain letter (published). "Certified" pyramid scheme.  US, 1935.            (no "p")

The party who gave me this letter also gave me a properly addressed and stamped envelope and in his presence I mailed $1 to the top name on the list. I then placed my own name and address on the bottom of the list and made three copies, this being one. If you accept this letter you will do as I have done and make three copies, disposing of them in like manner.

You will promise to place your list of names on the bottom of the page in the proper order and not reveal the identity thereof except as these were revealed to you. You will furnish each person to whom you give a copy a stamped envelope addressed to the next person in line. In his presence you will place his dollar in the envelope and together you will mail it.

The party who gives you these letters will in turn personally guarantee that you will receive from him an amount equal to your initial investment; providing you will, in turn, guarantee those who accept the letters from you.

Denver Post. "Chain Letter Fad Adds $1,000 Daily to Postal Workers' Pay." May 10, 1935v, p. 1. Describes "certified" letter supplied by Denver printer. For 50c the firm furnished blanks, envelopes and stenographic service (not notarized). "The rush for the letters started Thursday, tho the firm has been selling them since Tuesday." Said not to guarantee returns but to assure against the juggling of the names on the list. Four names on list, not shown how placed.


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