Charity chain letter.  McKinley Monument. "I know of no one whose patriotism better justifies or excuses this intrusion."  No. 36. US, 1902.
                        Honolulu May 26, 1902
My Dear Sir:
   I know of no one whose patriotism better justifies or excuses this intrusion. As you know it has been suggested that a subscription be started to accumulate a fund to build a monument to our late martyred President, William McKinley, at Canton, Ohio. Judge Day of that city has been mentioned as president of the movement. In no way is it possible to raise an amount of money for such purpose as by the chain system. Will you therefore kindly mail ten cents with this letter to Judge Day, Canton, Ohio, and write three letters exact copies of this, signing your name, numbering each letter just one higher than this on, which is 36, and send the copies to three of your friends whom you should like to interest in this movement (or your enemies, if any you have whose time you would like to impose upon). Be sure and give the next number to your three letters: do not break the chain,. If you have already received one of these letters, forward this to one of your friends who has not. Under any circumstances do not break this chain.

Published: The Hawaiian Gazette (Honolulu, Hawaii), 30 May 1902, p. 6. "Giving Dimes for M'Kinley Fund"  "The chain letter system is being utilized in Honolulu to raise funds for the national monument to President McKinley, which is to be erected in Canton, O. ... Judge Estee was one of the men to receive a letter from the executive committee and he has started the ball rolling in Honolulu. The following is the circular letter being sent to people in the city:"   Entered by DWV, July 8, 2014.


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