Luck Chain Letter (Postcard).  Ancient Prayer.  Preliminary Linkage statements.  "Hoping you will realize its promise."  US, 1916.
West Salem O.  6-22-1916
Dear Friend:- I have received the following prayer from my friend with the request I send it to nine of my friends in nine days. I am complying with said  request am sending to you as one of my friends. Hoping you will realize its promise.
Ancient Prayer.
O Lord I enplor thee to bless all mankind. Bring us to thee & keep us to dwell in thee.
This prayer is to be sent all over the world. It was said in ancient all who wrote it would be free calamity and all who passed it by will meet with calamity & misfortune.
Copy it and send to nine friends in nine days & on the tenth day you will meet with great joy.
Please do not break the Chain.

Picture postcard (untitled, five soldiers at water tap in campground). Postmarked in West Salem, Ohio ("Ohio" not legible on postmark), June 22, 1916. Addressed to Miss Leeola Kamp, West Salem, R.D. #1,  Ohio.  No return address. Text written in pencil, 21 lines. Above format mine. Sic: "enplor".  Purchased on eBay, Oct., 2014. Entered by DWV, Oct. 20, 2014.


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