Parody chain letter. Husband exchange. Originally a commercial promotion. US, 1985.


Dear Friend,

     This is a chain letter started by a woman like yourself in hope of bringing relief to other tired and discontented women.  Unlike most chain letters, this does not cost anything.  Just send a copy of this letter to five of your female friends who are equally tired and discontented.  Then bundle up your husband and send him to the woman whose name is at the top of the list and add your name to the bottom of it.
     When your name comes to the top of the list, you will receive 16,740 men; and some of them will be dandies, I assure you.  Have faith and don't break the chain.  At the time of this writing, a friend of mine had received 183 men.  They buried her yesterday, but it took three undertakers 36 hours to get the smile off her face.  Again, don't break the chain.  One woman broke it and got her own back.

Les Unger's

Sir Speedy Printing

4434 West Kennedy Boulevard, Tampa, Florida 33609

(813) 879-4843

Photocopy of word processor original. Apparently copied several generations, so probably circulated as office humor. Collected on June 10, 1985 in Florida.


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