Luck chain letter (postcard). Ancient Prayer type. "...stating day received..." US, 1910.

An Ancient Prayer.
Oh Lord Jesus I implore Thee to bless
all mankind and keep us from all
evil and take us to dwell with Thee eternally.
This prayer was sent to me, It is being
sent all over the world.  It was said in
Jesus time that all who would write this
prayer would be delivered from all calamities
and those who would not, would with misfortune,
and those who write in before nine days, stating
day received and mail it to nine of their friends
will on the ninth day received a great joy

[address side]

so do not break the chain
            Name Unsigned.
Received Dec 14, 1910.

Transcription of a postal card collected by Patrick Feaster at an antique mall in Indiana. The card was postmarked Dec. 17, 1910 in Arrowsmith, Ill. Addressed to Miss Velma Bierbower in ArrowSmith. Sic "meet" omitted, "write in" instead of "write it". Repeats "stating" and "Jesus' time" - both probably copying errors for "starting" and "Jerusalem". Entered by DWV, 3/9/2007.


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