Exchange chain letter. Hankies. Send three, three names, five copies. US, 1950.

Mrs George Marsh - Box 129, Marlette
Mrs Jack Marsh - Box 129, Marlette
Mrs Fred Swenson - R#2, Brown City, Mich

Within 5 days make 5 copies
of this letter leave off top name
and add your own name at the
bottom. Three hankies is all
you need to send one to each
name above.
This club is different because you
start receiving hankies at once
and do not have to wait until
your name reaches the top.
You will receive 155 Hankies
and it is fun to see where
they come from. If you are not
interested notify bottom name
within 3 days or the club will
be broken.
Just mail Hankies in
envelope do not neglect this
chain letter either. Join or
notify bottom name so it
can be sent on to someone else
who will continue it.

Thank You.

Handwritten letter on two pages of 5" x 8" paper. Contained in envelope dated April 18, 1950 in Brown City, Michigan. No return address on envelope. Mailed to Miss Florence Cargill of Marlette, Michigan. Lines preserved. Supplied by George M. Kutlenios of Holly, Michigan to DWV.


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