Luck chain letter. The "Media chain letter." With 21 attached memos. US / UK, 1990.


This letter originated in the Netherlands, and has been passed around the world at least 20 times, bringing good luck to everyone who passed it on. The one who breaks the chain will have bad luck. DO NOT KEEP THIS LETTER. Do not send money. Just have a wonderful efficient secretary make four additional copies and send it to five of your friends to whom you wish good luck. You will see that something good happens to you four days from now if the chain is not broken. This is not a joke. You will receive good luck in four days.

[................................................. subsequent pages ..........................................]
[Attached to the above were 21 letters, all but three with firm logos. Older ones came first in the stack, some older ones partly illegible. The following comments appeared on them.]

10/18/90: From someone in the junk bond market who needs all the "luck" he can get! [name and firm illegible, New York]

11/9/90: This no doubt seems stupid but the other names are fun to read. As to the Good Luck, I don't know. As to the seeking of Good Luck - Seek on! For he who seeks good luck can not far wander from the path of the noble. Besides how else can we have a North American reunion via the mail. / Steve Williamson

11/16/90: A little luck right now might even be better than a great strategy. . . / Jim Ozanne (USWEST Capital, [city illegible])

11/21/90: Why fight the tape? With sponsors like this - pass it on.  / Robert A. Nau (Salomon Brothers Inc., NY)

11/27/90: Luck goes a long way, and we've all got a long way to go! Keep the letter going - for all of our sakes. / Henry R. Kravis ( Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co., NY)

11/30/90: Instead of passing the Buck, we're passing the Luck. Carry On. / Thomas W. Strauss (Salomon Brothers Inc., NY)

12/12/90: With good friends, who needs luck!! We do, Hope this brings better luck in '91.  / Richard S. Fuld Jr. (Lehman Brothers)

12/21/90: Some of us in the securities and real estate businesses forgot that it's better to be lucky than smart. Now that we're humble and generous of spirit may be we can get lucky again. / Richard Frary (Tallwood Associates, Inc., NY)

1/7/91: This may be better than waiting for the markets to improve to see if our current strategy is working. At least some interesting guys have taken the time to keep the letter going. / Paul Hinch (Property Corp. of America, Tulsa, OK)

1/11/91: I know this is senseless, but I can't take the chance that if I break the chain, I'll have bad luck. I can't afford any. / Mack Pogue (Lincoln Property Co.)

1/21/91: This seem to be working for others! It's the right time to cover your bet. / Benjamin V. Lambert  (Eastdil Realty, Inc., NY)

1/29/91: Mine is not to question why. / Howard P. Marguleas (Sun World, Coachella, Calif.)

2/7/91: In the true spirit of investment banking selfishness, I have retained two units for my partners. The remaining three have been focused on the property sector in the hope that multiplier theory extends even into the realms of good luck. / John Campbell (Campbell Luryens Hudson & Co., London)

2/15/91: I am told one makes one's own good luck, and we certainly need it. What one doesn't want is bad luck. Best of luck! / Ian Pierce (London & General Property Ltd., London)

2/20/91: Can you afford not to send this on? No, neither could we! Good luck!/ Graham Cartledge  (Fitch Benoy, Newark, UK)

3/1/91: You may think it worthless sending this on but in this market surely we must try everything!! / Hohn Coles (Fisher Hargreaves Coles Proctor, Newark, UK)

3/4/91: I am not superstitious but we all need good luck!! / Robert Dickens (Dickens Watts & Dade, Peterborough UK)

3/11/91: I think we could all do with some luck in this market! /  Trevor M. Peake (Dixons Commercial Properties, London)

3/19/91: I cannot say that I agree with these wretched letters but I am unwilling to tempt fate!! / Jerome Smith (Buckley Smith & Porter, Chartered Surveyors, London)

3/21/91: Think of it this way, there could be a good new business contact amongst this lot! / Jonathan Ball  (The Jonathan Ball Practice, Chartered Architects, Cornwall)

3/21/91: The enclosed makes a change from Craig Shergold chains..! A wonderful insight into what people really believe about superstitions. Note my senior partner didn't choose to wish me good luck!! (and I stopped him from throwing it in the waste bin). / Robert Harris (Croydon, Surrey)

Photocopies of word processor & typed originals. Lead page with chain letter and 21 attached memos dating from Oct. 18, 1990 to March 21, 1991. Supplied by Anna Guigne.


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