Luck chain letter. ccc-gl variation. "I will practice 'safety first'" List of names. Combined with Good Luck.  US, 1926
Cross Crossings Cautiously: Don't Break the Chain.

I have resolved that from now I will practice "safety first", preach "safety first" and do all in my power to save life or prevent any injury to my fellow men. Every man who receives one of these letters must write nine more and send them to his friends. The friends in turn must write nine and send them to their friends.

Here's the idea. Copy this and send to nine persons whom you wish good luck. The chain was started by an American officer and should go around the world three times. Do not break the chain, for whoever does will have bad luck. Do it within 24 hours and count nine days and you will have good luck.

Let's all go sailing through 1926.

Published: The Bridgeport Telegram (Bridgeport, Connecticut), 14 December 1926. Title: "Endless Chain of Letters Asks for Increased Safety".  Names given in article that appeared on the chain letter: Samuel P. Senior, president of the Bridgeport Hydraulic company; W. Ellery Allyn of Hartford; Robert DeFore; William W. Chapman; and ten others. Found using Entered by DWV, Nov. 29, 2013.


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