Luck Chain Letter.  Ancient Prayer.  "Endless Prayer Chain"  "precious blood"  US, 1906.
Endless Prayer Chain

Oh, Lord Jesus we implore, oh Eternal God, to have mercy on all sin by thy precious blood and take us to be with thee
eternally.  Amen.
This prayer was sent by Bishop Lawrence recommending it to be rewritten and sent to nine other persons. He who will not send it will be effected by some misfortune. One person who paid no attention met with a terrible accident. He who rewrites this prayer for nine days and sends it to nine others commencing on the day it was received will on the ninth day experience some great joy. It is said at Jerusalem at the Holy Feast that he who writes this prayer will be delivered from every calamity.
Please do not break the chain.

Published: Evening Sentinel (Santa Cruz, California), 3 Dec. 1906, p. 5. Title: "Chain" Letters Going About.  "Prayer with a spiritual pistol held to the head is not real prayer." Entered by DWV, Dec. 5, 2013.


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