Luck chain letter. "An Ancient Prayer"  "... bring  them to Thyself."  "This prayer was passed on to me on its way round the world."  Canada. 1915.
An Ancient Prayer
Oh, Lord, Jesus I implore Thee bless all mankind and bring them to Thyself.
This prayer was passed on to me on its way round the world, it was said in olden times all who wrote it would be free from calamity, and that all who passed it by would meet with some misfortune. Please send it to nine different people, one on each day, and it is said on the ninth day you will meet with a great joy.
Please do not break the chain.

Published: The Chilliwack Progress (Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada), Feb. 4, 1915. p. 1
"Chilliwack Valley is having experience again with an anonymous 'Prayer' that is being sent round by well-meaning people to people whom they think will perhaps follow the instructions.
The prayer reads:"  [text]   "Facts do not warrant belief in this statement, as many who have, in good faith, written the prayer, have met with calamity, and those who have not written it, have not met misfortune." Entered by DWV, Sept. 23, 2014.


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