Advocacy chain letter. Proctor and Gamble boycott. Satanism libel. US, 1986.   Link to image below.

 OBJECT:                               SUPPORT OF THE CHURCH OF SATAN



The president of Proctor and Gamble Co. recently appeared on the Phil Donahue T.V. Show and the subject of which he spoke was his company's support of the Church of SATAN.

He stated that a large portion of Proctor and Gamble's profit goes to the Church of SATAN also known as the Devil's Church.

When asked by Phil Donahue if he felt that stating this on television might hurt his business, the President replied: THERE ARE NOT ENOUGH CHRISTIANS IN THE U.S. TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

After being contacted by the president of the Church of Satan, Proctor and Gamble's President was notified that if he was going to support the Church of SATAN, the company would have to place the emblem/symbol of the church organization on the labels of each Proctor and Gamble product. It is noted that since that time, the symbol of the Church of SATAN has been placed on all their labels.

ALSO . . . recently on the Merv Griffin show, a group of cultists were featured, among them the OWNER of Proctor and Gamble Corporation. He said that as long as the gays and other cults were coming out of the closet, he was doing the same. He said that he had told SATAN that if he (SATAN) would help him to prosper, then he would give his heart and soul to him when he dies. He gave SATAN all the credit for his riches.


CAKE Mix: Duncan Hines products     Do NOT buy any of the items
Cleaning: Biz, Bold, Bounce, Cascade, Cheer, Comet, Dash, Dawn, Downey, Era,
                 Gain, Joy, Mr. Clean, Owydol, Spic n Span, Tide, Top job, and Ivory Snow.
Coffee:     Folgers, High Point
Cooking oil:  Crisco, Fluffo, Puritan       Mouthwash: Scope
Deodorants:  Secret Sure                        Peanut butter: Jiffy
Diapers:        Pampers, Luvs                   Lotion: Wondra
Hair Care:    Lilt                                      Shampoos:  Head and shoulders, Pert, Prell
Soaps:           Camay, Coast, Ivory, Safeguard, Test    Toilet Paper: Charmin
Tooth Paste: Crest, Gleam                     Cold Remedies: Head and chest, Pepto-bismo
Napkins:       Always

                               Do NOT buy ANY  of THE ITEMS
When in doubt, watch for the SATANIC SYMBOL to be found on the front and/or back [^ top or bottom] of all their products. The actual size is shown at right with enlarged drawing below. It is a tiny rams horn with three sets of stars placed in such way that if the stars of each set are joined together they form the number 666, the Devils number.

Christians should always remember that if they buy any products with this symbol, they are unknowingly supporting the Church of SATAN., and DEVIL worship. We suggest that you use what you have on hand, but do not buy any more.

Please feel free to make copies of this and pass them out to
anyone you feel should be informed, so that as little
business as possible will go to Proctor and Gamble. Then
this will easily prove that there are more than enough
Christians and others who believe in GOD to put a very
large dent into his profits.

              ENTERED             [Proctor & Gamble logo
              FEB 30 1986          drawn here, stars
                                                                                             connected to form "666"]
Note: If number can not be found                SYMBOL OF
                 [? text truncated]                                 [?]

Photocopy (late gen., some text lost at margins) of typed original . Some reformatting here. Italics were hand printed. Sic "amoung". Collected by VanArsdale on Sept. 10, 1986 in Oxnard, CA.


Image page at:  /photo-archive/pe1986-09_proctor_image_info

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