Luck chain letter. Death-Lottery type. "It Works." "Love" title. US, 1984.


     This paper has been sent to you for good luck.  The original
copy is in New England.  It has been around the world nine times.
The luck has now been sent to you.  You will receive good luck
within four days of receiving this letter, providing you, in turn,
send it on.  This is no joke.  You will receive it in the mail.
Send copies to people you think need good luck.  Don't send money
as fate has no price.  Do not keep this letter.  It must leave
your hands within 96 hours.  An RAF officer received $70,000.00.
Joe Elliott received $40,000.00 and lost it because he broke the
chain.  While in the Phillipines Gene Welch lost his wife six days
after receiving this letter.  He failed to circulate the letter,
however, before her death he received $7,355,000.00.  Please send
20 copies of the letter and see what happens in four days.  The
chain comes from Venezuela and was written by Saul Anthony De Croup;
a missionary from South America.  Since the copy must make a tour
of the world you must have 20 copies and send them to friends and
associates.  After a few days you will get a surprise.  This is
true even if you are not superstitious.  Do note the following:
Constantine Kias received thechain in 1953.  He asked his secretary
to make 20 copies and send them out.  A few days later he won a
lottery of TWO MILLION DOLLARS.  Carlo Dadditt, an office employee,
received the letter and forgot it had to leave his hands within 96
hours   He lost his job.  Later after finding the letter again, he
mailed out the 20 copies,  A few days later he got a better job.
Dalan Fairchild received the letter and not believing, threw the
letter away.  Nine days later he died. Remember, send no money.
Please don't ignore this.

                            IT WORKS

Photocopy (vertical streaks) of typed original. Mailed from St Louis, June 11, 1984 to Preston. Keystrokes preserved except for a couple half spaced letters. Sic "thechain in 1953." 


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