Luck chain letter. Flanders type. "The goodluck chain"  Quota five. Deadline 24 hours. US, 1930.
The goodluck chain was sent to me by someone. I am sending it to you so that the chain will not be broken. Copy this and send it to four others whom you wish good luck. The chain was started by an American officer in Flanders and is going around the world three times. The one who breaks this chain will have bad luck.
It is wonderful how this chain brings good luck to people. Copy this and notice what happens in four days. The day will bring you four goodlucks.
Send this and four others within 24 hours.

[list of names]

Published: The Edwardsville Intelligencer (Edwardsville, Illinois), 14 March 1930, p. 3. Article says it bore a list  of names from around the world. Found using Entered by DWV, Nov. 29, 2013.


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