Fairy chess problem - solution (Diag. 8).
Linked to from Chess with Chinese Pieces by Daniel W. VanArsdale


Daniel VanArsdale, 10/20/2005 and

Helpmate in two. Two solutions.
Pao b2, e5, f2. Vao g7.  (4+5)
Black moves first.

1. Cf2-f1   Cb2-h2
2. f2       Ch2-h1 #

1. Sc3-d1   Cb2-e2 +
2. Ce5-e3   Ce2-e1 #

[1. C-B1  C-KR2 2. P-B2  C-R1#]
[1. N-Q8, C-K2  2. C-K3 C-K1#]


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