Luck chain letter (published). "Luck by mail" type. Proverbs title. US, 1958.

Good Luck Faith

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, always love him and he will guide thy faith." This prayer has been around the world four times and the one that breaks it has bad luck. It was believed that the original came from the Netherlands and the luck has been sent to you. This is no joke. You will receive it by mail. Please copy this and see what happens in four days after you have received it. Do not keep this copy. Just send this copy and four others to people you wish Good Luck. It must leave you in 24 hours after you receive it. The Good Luck Charm has been around the world four times. U.S. Officer General Atkins received $17,000 in days after receiving it. General Patton received $18,000, but lost it, because he broke the chain. Insert your name at the bottom of list and remove the top name. Don't send money.

[list of 15 names omitted]

Hand, Wayland;  Casetta, K. & Thiederman, S (Eds.) 1981. Popular Beliefs and Superstitions: A Compendium of American Folklore From the Ohio Collection of Newbell Niles Puckett, Vol. 2. Boston: G.K. Hall & Co, p. 907. "The enclosed chain letter is from the last name on the list, Mrs. G., an American born German, age about fifty. Fifteen names are listed below the chain letter in a column. Cleveland, 1958."


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